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    hmmm.... 69.1.xxx.xx
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  1. When I was looking to buy a new router from Ubiquiti, I looked at the Unifi Router and the EdgeMax Router. I went with the EdgeMax Pro https://www.ubnt.com/edgemax/edgerouter-pro/ The Unifi Router is a bit more friendly for Home / Small Business users (Point and click user interface). The EdgeMax routers do give you the GUI option but you also have access to cisco like command line interface. I do know that you can upgrade to 8GB of RAM for the EdgeMax Pro. Data Sheets https://dl.ubnt.com/datasheets/unifi/UniFi_Security_Gateway_DS.pdf https://dl.ubnt.com/datasheets/edgemax/EdgeRouter_DS.pdf
  2. I use bitlocker on my USB drive that I have on my key chain. I don't have anything sensitive on it. You can also unencrypt bitlocker in Linux using dislocker (on GitHub)
  3. I also tried it on Tuesday. I sent in a Support ticket on Tuesday. Weird thing is it was still advertised on the front page of hak5.org
  4. Also if you are looking for a Free VPS, Google offers a free f1-micro (shared cpu with 0.6GB RAM) instance with 30GB HDD and 1GB of traffic out (inboud traffic is free). Link for Google Cloud here https://cloud.google.com/free/docs/always-free-usage-limits
  5. I know Darren uses dreamhost.com for hosting his personal domain and I think he uses VPS from them too. I personal use virtual machines from my own co-located server and also use VPS from Microsoft Azure (I have $150 credit per month from MSDN/Visual studio sub) (Sorta free virtual machine)
  6. I have also found a way to remove the dirty bit in windows. It requires some hex editing. https://www.raymond.cc/blog/manually-reset-or-clear-dirty-bit-in-windows-without-chkdsk/2/
  7. If your FiOS install was Ethernet then you can just swap routers. But if you use their TV boxes you need to connect the FiOS router in to your router, so you can get TV guide updates.
  8. Yes. Just make sure you have a static IP addresses, or you will have to keep telling everyone your new address.
  9. Well I have had the same issue with a Windows Server 2012 r2 64bit domain controller. My solution was to forget about folder redirecting (After turning off folder redirection I had to remove the registry setting for it on each pc) and use a network drive for user files.
  10. I know. I would rebuild that vm if some more people would play.
  11. I would recomend: dyndns.org good service zoneedit not free any more :-( domain.com would only recomend for basic zone entrys. dns.he.net, you get 50 zones for free. It is currently in beta. See below.
  12. Minecraft Server back up for an early Christmas present! Creative Server: bz1.org No sign up needed. Have fun build whatever you want.
  13. nope. no one was playing :-( May bring it back up soon (for xmas)....
  14. any windows install (xp and up) The instructions were the fist I found on google. Found better instructions 2003 http://www.intelliadmin.com/index.php/2006/05/how-to-setup-a-logon-script-on-your-windows-20002003-active-directory-network/ 2008 http://www.petri.co.il/setting-up-logon-script-through-active-directory-users-computers-windows-server-2008.htm
  15. Look here http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc722461.aspx Also logon script I use. @echo off net use x: \\server-name-here\users\%USERNAME% net use y: \\server-name-here\NetworkShare whoami /groups | find "domain-name-here\Domain Admins" if errorlevel 1 goto :not-found :found echo Admin net use z: \\server-name-here\d$ net use i: \\server-name-here\c$\Inetpub\wwwroot net use u: \\server-name-here\users goto :end :not-found echo Not Admin :end [/CODE]
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