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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. It could be a few things: 1. BT5r3 is acting up. 2. Ethernet cable is dodgy. 3. Ethernet Jack (laptop / pineapple) is dodgy 4. Combinations of the above So I would test the pineapple out with a different ethernet cable first. Make sure it sits tight. If that still fails, check your BT5 install. Re-install, run from usb / DVD / CD. Does it work now without dropping? If yes, faulty BT5. If even that fails, try a different computer. I know that isn't always easy to get your hands on a different computer but try. If it still doesn't work, report back, I am sure we can get this working. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  2. Dead for now. As far as I have heard: Though, I believe it to be very soon, until they fix their issues OPKG will be unavailable. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  3. Yeah, solution is simple, just needs to be built in. You will see it very soon. Seb
  4. But I am forgetful as hell: [12:38:54 AM] Mr-Protocol: can we make the top 2 navbars static? [12:39:00 AM] Mr-Protocol: so when you scroll, they stay put at top? Yes.
  5. Pff, Mr-Protocol, I would have thought better of you! A one line post about a new feature?!
  6. Why re-flash when you can hit the reset button. Button is on the bottom of the pineapple. Hold for around 8s (5-10). That should fix you back up. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  7. The upgrade over the webUI probably worked, as the url for the pineappleUI has changed. This also means it will get stuck on the upgrading logo for anything above 2.6.4. The new url is Best Regards, Sebkinne
  8. 1. This is not titled correctly to be a bug / suggestion. 2. This is not worded correctly to be a bug / suggestion. I suppose what you are experiencing is not having your internet connection shared to your pineapple. If you don't know how to do that for your OS, please see the wiki at cloud.wifipineapple.com or the pineapple booklet. I have moved this thread to the main Jasager forum. Please report back if you have any more issues - but please don't submit them as a bug unless it is a bug. I know for a fact that modules, language pack, checking for upgrades and getting your external IP works on 2.5.0. Sorry for being harsh, but I am hungover and it is early. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  9. This is odd. The factory images supplied on cloud.wifipineapple.com work fine on our 64mb devices. No need to compile anything. Flash those and then sysupgrade to the pineapple firmware. I have two devices here that were flashed exactly like that. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  10. So have you successfully flashed it now? If not, and you are saying that with ONLY power connected (no serial, usb, ethernet) you get not LEDs, I would say your hornet-ub board is broken. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  11. In regards to the Pineapple framework, well, that is coming soon with the next bartender release. Again, that has a lot more features but is not of the highest priority just yet. I would be happy to include any work you have / want to do in it though, as I don't have time to complete it in the near future. About the Wiki, you should just need to register on it, get approved and then you can create entries. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  12. I suggest you download it over opkg. opkg update opkg install webif [/CODE] Of course, you would have to give the MKII and internet connection first. Otherwise, depending on your hardware, you could upgrade to the MKIII firmware - though that won't help you install webif either, you will still need to execute the steps above. Just Internet Connection Sharing is made easier. Lastly, it would be possible to manually download webif and install it. You should download it from the OpenWRT servers though. Make sure to choose the correct version of OpenWRT. The OpenWRT version can be found by SSHing into the pineapple MKII and looking at the SSH banner. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  13. Hey Gazzdingo, Could you please give further details as to what your issue is? Is this just the PCB? Has it got OpenWRT on it? Are you trying to "clean flash" (serial) it? If so, what UART device are you using? Does the hornet-ub board power on at all? Do the lights come on when you just connect power to the board? Do they turn off once you plug in the serial connectors? If so, sounds like your wiring is wrong. As you can see, supplying further details is beneficial. Please do so in the future. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  14. First of all, redesigning the pineappleUI is pointless at this stage. Lots of cool stuff to come, the current UI won't be around that much longer. Though no ETA. Second of all, while cool that you provide a way to install your module without the pineapple bar, there is a reason why we have the pineapple bar. Now, I would say that I trust all our module developers to not put malicious code on the pineapple. However, one never knows. This is why we check the code of every submitted module for a few things. Of course, if users do not download from the bar, we cannot guarantee these modules to work / not be damaging. Please know though, that I am not saying Hackrylix or any other module developer is doing/would do this, it is just the standard warning I need to issue out ;) On a whole different note, great module! Best Regards, Sebkinne
  15. Let me quickly reply to this: 1. Wgetting content from servers that are not ours is not allowed. There may be exceptions but this is unlikely. This way we can make sure that infusions are not harmful to the pineapple. The same goes for obfuscated / encoded code. 2. I agree the module system needs a bit of work. It currently CAN time out - something that I will make sure to eliminate asap. This however is not the issue. That leads me to.. 3. The tar.gz the pineapple downloads from our servers is corrupted. It seems as if the file Petertfm uploaded was corrupted or got corrupted during the upload. That can happen. Peter, please re-submit the module but increment the version number. If you want to duplicate my findings, you can make your pineapple download the module, cd to /tmp/modules/ and download that tar.gz file. Run an md5 sum on it. If the download did not corrupt, you will find that the sum is 697a0fe386b0f2e26227854cccd54dd8. This is the sum we have on our servers too. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  16. Not to sound rude but http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+port+forward+with+iptables . A simple google for it yields a wide range of good answers. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  17. I think we may be on the right track of fixing this. However, it will not be int 2.5.0 or at least not likely. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  18. I don't think there is an issue. I do recommend that you mark them as explicit or similar in your module. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  19. Read the changelog ;) Best Regards, Sebkinne
  20. The firewall has not been part of the Pineapple for a long time now. It prevented some things we wanted to do. You shouldn't need a firewall on the device, in the end, it is penetration testing hardware. Your issue isn't with the firewall - although, we should remove the reference to the firewall from the 3g script. Rather, it is with the usb serial modle and the fact that "No carrier was sent" message etc. Re-flash your pineapple and see what you get. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  21. The 64mb hardware has already been discussed in another thread. Basically, ALFA does not ship it with a modified version of UBOOT to allow flash sizes over 8mb. That means that while you technically have 64mb of volatile+non volatile memory, it divides up as follows: The 64mb version will have 8mb flash (volatile) and 32mb ram (non volatile). The non 64mb version has 8mb flash and 16mb ram. As you can see, while you do get increased size, it's usefulness is not that great. I personally have never run out of temporary storage. As this is all the 64mb version gives you, I reccomend keeping away from it for now. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  22. I have to disagree. I am rocking a Galaxy nexus 4.1.1 and it still works. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  23. Yup. Or rather, it will only be released on 2.6.4+ devices. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  24. Running Karma on a different device is very simple. Just needs to be added to the UI. As I said, It will be in the upcoming network UI. Best Regards, Sebkinne
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