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  1. https://www.dropbox.com/s/l0uzhf3uoapi886/uwui_052.tar.gz In this version Its fix the nmap error (problem with the pineapple paths). Also i rewrite the php that executes the actions.
  2. Thanks for your help with the pineapple moduke Whister Master :) !!!!!
  3. Try to do this: Changed the sym link from /www/ to /pineapple/ that way you cant access it without a password (thanks petertfm) In firefox:
  4. Last version (0.51) with some optimization for pineapple: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mz0v8dmhj97w95f/uwui_051.tar.gzv
  5. What its the next system do you want that UWUI can run on it? Raspberry Pi, Android chroot, etc ...
  6. https://www.dropbox..../uwui_05.tar.gz I present the first UWUI dual system version!!!! This version run in the PINEAPPLE and in Backtrack!!!!! Install: Pineapple Install: - You need have a USB working in the pineapple. - You need have installaled (nmap, tcpdump, sslstrip). You can install this modules in the pineapple or use opkg 1. In the computer decompress uwui_05.tar.gz 2. Copy to the Pineapple USB the uwui directory (you can put it were you want) 3. Make a link in the Pineapple /www directory (ln -s /usb/uwui /www/uwui) 4. Connect to the pineapple 5. In firefox go to Happy New Year!!!! If you want make some donation to me, I very pleasure to use this money in Hackers for Charity. You can use this link: http://www.hackersforcharity.org/donate
  7. New functionality in UWUI v05: MultiTerminal !!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZxDEdGwd2I
  8. Hi, it easy the UWUI colors customization, in the next release y give you for christmas :) I dont speak very well english (i'm spanish) I will be very thankful if somebody make a screencast in English ... The next release have a lot of news (dnsspoof, evil twing AP, SET ... ) In the next days i will make a step to step to install in the pinapple.
  9. I love the Mark IV for his versatility, I test the UWUI in it, and run cool, only a bit slow in the refresh time. His 28 hours of autonomy with 2 batteries (13A,3,7v) its make for me the perfect device for PenTesting. I want also test it in the G1TV Android MIni PC (http://hakshop.myshopify.com/products/g1tv-android-mini-pc) 1GHz Cortex A8 Allwinner A10 CPU 512 MB RAM 4GB Storage Wireless 802.11 b/g/n (Ralink 8188 Chipset) Android 4.0.3 (Ice Cream Sandwich) including Play Store Micro SD memory expansion slot USB OTG and USB Host Ports HDMI Output at 1080p 5v 2a Power Supply 60 x 60 x 13 mm Compatible with MK802 Linux Images The specs are very near that you looking for, and can be a very cool device for this kind of applications.
  10. UWUI Demo: MITM - CHOPCHOP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soEK02iVqy8
  11. New version with chopchop and fragment WEPs attacks, and more news functionalities: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9hk14946hpw6veq/uwui_04.tar.gz Some UWUI Screencast: UWUI Demo: WEP - ARP REQUEST http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQBBOZPzcps UWUI Demo: MITM - SSLSTRIP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsSitQeKM8o
  12. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xl2j7u01rs5jvgw/uwui_03.tar.gz New version with more new functionalities (mitm, sslstrip, live iwlist, mark ip or stations as targets ...)
  13. If someone want test this version in the pineapple only must remove all the "sudo" from the source code.
  14. This is my problem, i want have only one source code, with apache i must launch all exec with sudo and in the pineapple without.
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