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Nerds vs Geeks


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What are the differences between Nerds and Geeks?

Is it better to be called a Nerd or a Geek?

I know Darren said that he would rather be called a geek than a nerd, so for the people that are like the crew of Hak.5 and enjoy hacking, modding, and any other things with computers (networking, building computers, etc.) what would you rather be called and what is your opinion on the differences?

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I personally would rather be called a geek. About a week ago there was a quiz on digg on how to tell if your a geek,nerd or dork. A geek is someone who has extensive knowledge of a specific field of study. A Nerd is someone who is very smart in all subjects. Thats what i think the difference is.

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Nerds have no social skills whatsoever,

Geeks have social skills (sometimes limited but enough to get by usually) but in general choose not to be social through dislike of people in general or the thought that they have better things to do with their lives...

Nerds are social outcasts by design,

Geeks are (often, not always) social outcasts by choice though many do participate in social events or gatherings occasionally.

Both are generally intelligent and well mannered, geeks tend be more associated with computers while nerds are generally viewed as being unusually good learners in all areas and often are insulted and isolated for this.

I suppose in a way you could say that geeks are more socially adept because they're nerds who've become advanced enough to tone down their intelligence while around company or who have learned to accept society is not going to go away so at least appearing to temporarily fit in can be advantagous.

I am a Geek. :)

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I would be considered a geek but my flatmate continues to call me a nerd. It's ok though, he can bearly pass his classes and looks to me for help with homework. If it wern't for me, he wouldn't be passing.

In all honestly, I take pride in being a geek/nerd. The interestingly part is the fact that no one would ever guess that of me. If you met me in person, you'd assume I'm some normal, popular kid. I wear the 'cool' clothes and party every once in a while with friends. But everyone who's met me for the first time is practically shocked when they noticed the nerd/geekish parts of me. Particulary when they walk into my room and notice the three computers, 2 lcds, network switch, ethernet cables running everywhere, etc. Girls are always quite suprised.

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Didn't anyone watch Happy Days? Or does that not apply anymore. :)

Sadly, I did watch Happy days when I was quite young (8 or so). My mom would let me stay up late (late back then was past 9pm) every once in a while and I remember that Happy Days was the first show to come on once nickelodeon went off the air.

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Well, there is the Nerdity Test. Its very comprehensive (I scored a 44.6%). Can you do better?

(Sorry, I have to challenge you it gives me an extra point on the test)

Fer chrissakes! There's 500 questions on that (and US-centric to unfortunately).

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Call me whatever the hell you want, I'm to damn old to give a crap. If it does bother me then kick you in the teeth, (or if you can whoop my ass I will walk away and then talk shit at a safe distance).

Well said that man! :lol:

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