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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. He is only using one Pineapple. The other device is a Rasperry Pi.
  2. The Anker astro 3 works just fine. The 3e should work just fine over USB too (doesn't have the barrel I believe). If vito72 has a DC out then he should have the astro 3 and not 3e. Either way, there is no backfeeding as long as you correctly power the pineapple: USB to barrel - works DC out to barrel - works USB to USB - works but is backfeeding power / not a great idea and will probably fry at some point. If you give the Pineapple power over the DC out there will not be any power issues. If you give the Pineapple power over USB and want to attach a hub, power that over USB too. You have two USB power outs, use them. I have the astro 3 and it works great.
  3. Are you sure you are going to instead of ? That is what it sounds like.
  4. Will removing any infusion trigger this or just this one?
  5. Karma works. There is the possibility of a bug introduced to the driver running - not karma itself. Personally, I have been extremely busy and didn't have time to test our new fix yet. By this weekend we will know more.
  6. No, we can't collect the key like that - at least not in plain-text.
  7. If we know the key, we can technically make it happen.
  8. I should add that in general we are trying to make better use of the new website. What we have coming: The beta system - Once a beta is available, the system will be visible.Once a beta testing stage has begun it will be available. You will be able to take part in testing. You will be able to see results of testing stages. A proper pineapple blog. This will not only discuss new versions but explore individual features of the pineapple in more detail. Actual news. The current news is horrible and has never really been made use of. We are going to change that and bring you more exciting things that.. "Firmware X has been released".
  9. Oh god, beta started a month ago? Did I miss that? :D No, sarcasm aside, beta hasn't started yet and there is no ETA for it. Usually though, beta testing goes on for a couple of weeks and then we release. It may be a bit different with this version - we will see how the testing goes ;)
  10. Hey everyone, As some of you may have noticed we have introduced a bug / suggestion reporter to the WiFi Pineapple website. Currently you need to have an account to be able to view and write bug reports. In the near future the bug reports / comments will be made public. Commenting on and creating bug reports will still require an account. We would like you all to make use of this new feature instead of just using the forums as it will allow us to keep track of issues a lot better, assign developers and follow the bug progress. It would help us a lot. It also means you can stay more up to date on any bugs that you may find / that are relevant to you. While not visible just yet, we have the ability to email you every time a bug gets updated / commented on. This new system also means that we are retiring our Bug / Suggestions forum - at least for now, while we give this new system a go. So, do you know about a bug that we currently have? Is it not already in the bug reporter? Please submit it! It doesn't matter if it has been discussed on the forums or not, we will start to focus on what we have in the bug reporter. We hope that this will bring the community and the development a bit closer as you can see what specifics we are currently working on. The Pineapple Bug Reporter Of course, feel free to discuss / let us know what you think about this in the comments below! Best Regards, Sebkinne
  11. The upcoming 3.0 release will change the way upgrades work. No need to keep re-flashing the device completely.
  12. Well, I don't see an issue with anyone taking it and submitting it to us - as long as credit is given where credit is due. I spoke do DarkOperator a long time ago, he was very eager to port all code etc into Spanish - that project has ceased to exist afaik though. In terms of infusions, as they have never been submitted this doesn't necessarily apply but we say that if a developer abandons or doesn't continue updating his/her module to work with the newer firmware anyone is allowed to revive it - with credit to the original dev of course. As his code is released on Github under an open licence, I don't see there being an issue at all.
  13. The MK4 does have an AP121U inside but that is very different hardware to the 2202..
  14. You say you changed network settings. What did you change them to? Holding the reset button on the bottom of your device for 7s will reset it. Might want to give that a try.
  15. http://wifipineapple.com Create an account, log in, go to the infusion submission section and submit it there :) The link is under the "User Portal" dropdown once logged in.
  16. Odd - If the only thing attached is a USB stick, I have never had issues with powering it.
  17. Possibly. Try holding the reset button for 6s while the pineapple is turned on.
  18. Nice post! I really like the details you have gone into! Just one thing: You link to the source code of the web-ui. That is far outdated and just a clone of our old repository. You can find the new one here.
  19. If you bought the one from the Amazon link, you can indeed flash it with the Pineapple firmware. The only thing you will need is an appropriate serial cable (USB-UART 3.3v Adapter). Then you can follow these instructions - see the "Clean flash" section.
  20. The reset button resets configurations and passwords. It doesn't re-flash your device for you. Reboots can have something to do with how modules work - some (reportedly) do not play nice with an external card. Errors in configuration could cause this. Otherwise, it can be a power issue, a memory issue (add SWAP) and possibly some other issues. From what you say, it is most likely a power issue - you will need a powered USB hub for best results.
  21. Well, the answer is simple. You are out of space on the pineapple. I am guessing you have a few too many infusions installed to your local storage. You will need to free up some space for the device to operate properly - make use of your USB storage for infusions. There are plenty of USB modems that work out of the box (see 3G.sh for example). There are many more that people have gotten to work here and have posted guides or solutions for their issues. The rule is generally that if it works with linux, it will work on the pineapple.
  22. http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/25882-how-to-enable-usb-mass-storage-with-swap-partition/ Please use the search function and post into the correct forum next time.
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