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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. Just temporarily. A reboot will reset the MAC. If you want persistence you could add it to your /etc/rc.local file!
  2. Could I suggest you turning this into an infusion? I think it would work out pretty well! Best Regards, Sebkinne
  3. This isn't hak5's fault - shopify has specific criteria that they follow on who or whom not to make transactions with. I don't know the details but this is what I remember from previous cases like yours. It is usually some detail that doesn't match, a proxy wouldn't help you in that case.. I suggest you contact shop@hak5.org and see if they can do anything, but as I said, this isn't necessarily possible. I have also moved this thread to the "Everything Else" forum as this is not Pineapple related. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  4. Seems like you don't have internet connection sharing setup properly. Take a look at our wiki and quickstart guides.
  5. I suggest you download the urlsnarf infusion from the pineapple bar - we removed the log from view as the infusion takes care of much more!
  6. Currently there is no timestamp - I'll be adding this in one of the next versions, thanks for the suggestion!
  7. You somehow booted into recovery mode. It is possible that a failed boot kicked you into that or that a button was pressed during boot. Either way, glad it is working now.
  8. Supplying more detail helps us help you!
  9. On the pineapple, navigate to your pineapple bar.
  10. Reboots like this are usually power issues. How are you powering your pineapple?
  11. Hey Jman012, I haven't seen this behavior before, but let's see if we can help you out. First of all, can you time the time between booting and crashing? Is it always the same (if left alone)? How are you powering the Pineapple? Wall / USB / battery etc? If this happens over USB, have you tried the wall adapter? Does the Pineapple get hot? Best way to test this is by taking it out of the case and seeing if a specific spot overheats. That would seem like faulty hardware. Did you buy the pineapple through the hakshop or was it a DIY one? If DIY, have you attemted a new clean flash over serial? I doubt that would fix anything but worth a shot. Thanks for giving such a detailed report, I wish everyone did this. I hope we can get you back up and running. Oh, one last thing: Has this happened since a specific point in time or did you get it and it has been doing this since the beginning? Best Regards, Sebkinne
  12. Via WhistleMaster's phials script. It is included in the 2.8.1 firmware. Just execute "phials" over SSH. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  13. I'll take a look at this module in the future. For now the development has stopped.
  14. Pretty sure you followed the mk3 instructions. For the mk4 you'll want to use the randomroll module! You need to reset your device (press the reset button for 7 seconds while fully booted up)
  15. Welcome to the forums! You'll be pleased to hear that the upcoming 3.0 release is entirely different to the current UI! I am sure you'll like it.
  16. http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/25882-how-to-enable-usb-mass-storage-with-swap-partition/
  17. Not sure what you are talking about mate - the UI was developed using a linux machine running chromium. It was tested in firefox, chrome, chromium and safari. If you have having issues with browsers, I assume you have some script blocking plugins, javascript disabled or something else along those lines. The news page is not always up to date. We do have a download section, supplying you with downloads, MD5s and more. So as far as a manual upgrade goes, I think that is the place to check. We should update the news entries, but things change over time and those are old news items. We are actually changing the news system completely. Your issue is an ICS issue it seems - I can explain that in more detail if you want. Feel free to hop on irc.hak5.org #pineapple to discuss your issue with me personally. Finally, why aren't we flashing 2.8.1 to all the devices? Because we have an OTA upgrade feature and are usually staying back a couple of small revisions as we have more feedback on them and know that they will work - at least to upgrade to the latest stable version. Again, if you cannot upgrade OTA, there is no ICS setup / setup wrongly OR some script blocking is active.. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  18. Because you don't download them yourself but rather go through the Pineapple bar directly on your pineapple. Once there, you can see a list of available modules and download / install them. A full list of all available infusions can be found here.
  19. No, don't be sorry. It isn't great that the device is causing so many issues - but to keep it simple, we have moved to the NHA.
  20. We don't officially support the awus036h anymore. There are currently issues with it such as boot complications.
  21. Kind of. It fixes most issues but has to reset a lot of things. Glad you got it working!
  22. Just making sure: You do know is you. No need to ping or ssh into yourself ;) If you join the WiFi, what IP are you getting? What route etc? If you want, you can try pressing the reset button (at the bottom of the device) for 7 seconds. Anything between 5 and 10 will do, just don't keep pressing it thinking it didn't work. Give it a few seconds and it should re-boot. Then try again. Also, what is the last thing you did with the Pineapple? Did you change any settings? What did you install?
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