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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. Edit: 1.0.3 Has just been released to include SSLStrip 0.9 in the build. Hey everyone, Since the launch of the WiFi Pineapple MKV I have had people asking me to fix various things. All of the bug reports we got were important, but obviously we had to prioritize. 1.0.1 already fixed a number of serious issues and 1.0.2 builds on top of that. Plus, I got fed up with getting this sent to me. So I felt that I had to fix things quickly. So, here it is: 1.0.2! Not only does the WiFi Pineapple MKV firmware version 1.0.2 come with all the latest system infusions already installed, but it also contains the following fixes: Actually fix wireless radio switching after a reset. Fixed SD card mounting and reliability. A lot. Fixed a couple of small UI bugs, namely notifications and rel_dir variables. Removed some python libraries causing issues Added python openssl libraries. Download: Over the air through the web-interface. (alternatively at https://wifipineapple.com?downloads) MD5: e832bd6dcd99749d7d416efc24b7c206 Note: To flash this over the web-interface, please make sure your info tile is at version >= 1.4 As usual, please leave any feedback in this thread. Bugs, suggestions can also (and should be) be left here. We hope you enjoy this release! -The WiFi Pineapple Team
  2. Thanks. Not a firmware issue, but a system infusion issue. Fix is coming to your local WiFi Pineapple bar soon!
  3. Make sure you set up swap, that'll help already.
  4. Not from me, sorry. It'll take about the same amount of time, so I'll be doing the bar first. Porting his script over isn't very difficult, you'll need to get the mk5 list instead. But this will be available soon, don't worry.
  5. You know, I should have google'd the model number. But I was on the train and didn't on my phone :/ Sorry! Midnitesnake is of course correct - it seems like it's an MKII. MKI is unlikely.
  6. The realtek (wlan1) can NOT be an AP.
  7. Not sure what your issue is to be honest. I would suggest you try this again. Otherwise, wait for 1.0.2 which should finally have gotten rid of the radio0/1 bug.
  8. We could easily implement a command line tool like phials on the MKV, but we would rather add it to the webinterface. Adding it to the webinterface can be done quite easily too, but to do it well requires some framework modifications. While it is on our list (and quite far up when it comes to usability), we have to fix a couple more things beforehand. Thanks for your understanding, Sebkinne
  9. Well, for one, WE don't ship the WiFi Pineapple MKV with a /pentest/ directory. That sounds like backtrack / kali. You will need to specify a wordlist using the -w option, like you do, but the path needs to be valid. We do not ship any wordlists ourselves, so you will need to find your own / copy it from bt/kali. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  10. No, never. I never seem to get away from the Pineapple ;)
  11. The issue with the reset seems to only been fixed partially. There seem to have been two bugs, one of which was fixed. I have found the second bug and will push a 1.0.2 upgrade later tonight probably. Otherwise tomorrow. Either way, the fix we implemented (and any other changes) cannot affect your wireless stability. At all. All we are doing is resetting the configuration on a reset. Running wifi detect does what it did before.. No idea what issue you are having, sounds odd. Our fix definitely doesn't cause this though.. Anyway, fix will be pushed asap.
  12. All you need to do is SSH in, edit your /etc/config/wireless file. FInd wlan2 and set it's mode to "sta" instead of "ap".
  13. It should redirect you to the welcome page automatically.. If you flash over Ethernet / reconnect to the pineapple Wifi...
  14. Yes, the rtl does get very hot. But it's rated fine for even higher temperatures, so nothing to worry about.
  15. With colons, and no, not currently able to retrieve the list, as it is stored in memory. We are working on a new karma which will make this very easy later on. Best regards, Sebkinne
  16. Flash is a bad idea though, not compatible with many devices. A gif+sound is the best and smallest option imo.
  17. Reboot and try again. We have an issue with the USB driver for the SD that sometimes causes issues on remount and therefore formatting. You can however ssh into the pineapple and use fdisk to format the device and then run mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdaX to format ext4 etc.
  18. Any log you want.. Say you want to monitor a log in temp: /tmp/something.log But you could put anything there, any directory or file. Best regards, Sebkinne
  19. Update to 1.0.1 firmware, update all infusions in the bar and it will work.
  20. The dropdown doesn't show your current zone - the line that tells your your current zone is the one you want to look at (just above the dropdown).
  21. Yeah, the issue for me is, I'm never on a firmware for long enough to care about the TZ. That's why I never added it, as it didn't occur to me. Silly but the truth.
  22. Easy. "wifi detect" doesn't output and only wants one file. You HAVE to redirect to /etc/config/wireless. Run "wifi detect > /etc/config/wireless" and you'll be good. Best Regards, Sebkinne
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