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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. Well fuck me, this might be the solution. I have no idea WHY a factory reset will switch the two radios, but it seems to be doing that. I think I have an easy fix for this, brb.. *TO THE LAB*
  2. This is interesting. Please post your /etc/config/wireless I have seen quite a few people that seem to have wlan0 and wlan1 switch places. Let's see if it is to do with the radio enumeration.
  3. Our antenna connectors are absolutely standard SMA connectors. You are thinking of RP-SMA. We decided to use SMA as it is the more professional, high grade connector.
  4. SyHak is almost correct. You can use fat, fat32,ext4. Does not need to be ext4 at all. Also, you need the firmware and a file called md5 with the md5 sum of that firmware. All this information is available on our website under the flashing section. Best regards, Sebkinne
  5. See https://wifipineapple.com/?flashing for instructions.
  6. Let me try answering your points: The new pineapple is much more advanced than the old one. Double ram, double rom, two radios, SD card, DIP switches. I don't think we disappointed in that area.. Infusions are user created, user supported. The developers are working on porting everything over and getting everything running smoothly again. Are you saying it was hard to set up the WiFi Pineapple MK5? Or rather comparing it to a pi? I'd like to ask what takes so long to configure. Maybe we can improve that. Client mode works. There IS a bug, a fix will be available soon. It only affects some access points. An easy fix is available on the forums. If sslstrip was your compelling reason - well, it is working just fine. The infusion hasn't been updated, but the program runs just fine. We do not advertise sslstrip in any huge way as far as I know. We say it works and it does. It is a new product and of course there are some things that need to be improved.
  7. Well, that dropdown is what the first point creates!
  8. "There is a fix for that" - See the thread on this forum. An update will be pushed in a little bit.
  9. It is being re-modeled soon, what's planned? - Add commands / actions to a list. - Choose from a dropdown of pre-defined / custom added actions per DIP configuration.
  10. You may have had some old image for whatever reason..
  11. Sounds very weird, it should be using wlan1. I suggest a re-flash. A tutorial will be up in the next 3h.
  12. I really need to write up the unbricking guide. I promise I'll do this today.
  13. Wlan1 cannot be used to create an AP. Red LED will only light up if connected to another network.
  14. Go to the configuration tile and click on bootmodes
  15. That's probably because whatever you are browsing with is using different DNS servers and not the pineapple. Can't spoof if it doesn't get hit up!
  16. No. There is no timeout so that you can insert an SD with the right files (should something be corrupt). The amber light blinking simply means it is searching for /sd/upgrade.bin It doesn't go online what-so-ever.
  17. Your SD card is blank it seems. You'll find instructions here on the forums to re-create it.
  18. It makes a swap partition when you re-format using the webui. Otherwise just ext4 and mounted.
  19. It's the HTML placeholder attribute :)
  20. We will get Bully on the pineapple soon!
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