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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. There are two types of resets. Make sure to choose the bootloader one. If you are still having issues, we will see what we can do.
  2. As BOOB00 said, if you read the instructions, you'll notice it says it is ready to be set up once the firmware is done flashing. Follow the instructions in the provided booklet / first boot card. See page 8. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  3. You at some point reset your WiFi Pineapple MKV, causing the interfaces to switch. A quick for for now is to run the following command over SSH: "wifi detect > /etc/config/wireless && reboot" This will restore your configuration and reboot. after that, everything should work again. A firmware update for this is coming asap.
  4. That's because of the iptables that get run. You'll have to remove them / the module developer needs to add an option to the GUI to remove them. I suggest you suggest this in the appropriate SSLStrip thread!
  5. Careful with that. If you use it for anything malicious, using our Trademark is a big no-no. Saying that, it looks sexy.
  6. Resetting causes this issue. We have an update coming in the next day or two.
  7. Follow the unbricking a bricked pineapple from that link - it'll work. You just set yourself a static IP.
  8. It'll work. If it doesn't no extra hardware is required!
  9. I use it right now and it works. However, don't blame me if something goes wrong.
  10. It is a linux command. Every linux box has it. Or almost any anyway.
  11. For Germany DHL. And when I was in the UK I used them a lot too, especially for international stuff.
  12. That's a really difficult number to estimate. I have payed 10-30 euro customs on some items (non hak5, just btw) that I re-ordered from the states. The same item, the same price, but totally different customs / fees afterwards. I believe it depends on what the customs agents value the device at. One might value it more, one less. This should only happen if they don't believe what it says on the bill though..Otherwise depends on your carrier. Here in Germany it's 21% + handling fee for items over a certain value.
  13. Wrong :) You'd think so, but 12V will last the longest!
  14. The quickest fix is uuid for the normal users
  15. Maybe it's just an omage to the interceptor? We updated the other logos..
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