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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. Necrose99 (hehe, name fits), Please don't resurrect threads that are over a year old!
  2. This will do the same.. for($i=1; $i <= 254; $i++){ echo "172.16.42.".$i; } But I am not sure what you need this list for.
  3. True, but I want to say it doesn't matter. At least it didn't when I tested. While my config says channel 11, it is connected right now to a channel 1 wireless.. the wifi script is smart enough to fix all this for you.
  4. That all looks correct. Your AP is still in mixed mode+ccmp. At least that is what it reports itself.. Just looking at the two pastes you supplied, it looks like the /etc/config/wireless is set up correctly for that AP. And you are saying it doesn't connect? Edit: Looking at the two pastebins of your iwlist scan, I see no differences at all. Are you sure you pasted the correct one?
  5. Thanks! Would be awesome if you could go back to the configuration you had issues with so we can see what's happening. If you reset your router to whatever you had before, please also show us the output of the iwlist command above, along with the newly generated /etc/config/wireless after using the up-to-date network tile for clientmode. That'll help a lot! Best Regards, Sebkinne
  6. Looks like mixed mode to me: Note the WPA2 (line 20) and WPA (line 29). Looking at the encryption, I can only see ccmp (aes). So the correct /etc/config/wireless encryption type SHOULD be set to mixed-psk+ccmp.. Earlier you stated it's aes+tkip? Either way, if you use the network tile, what does your /etc/config/wireless file look like? would you back your up, execute a "wifi detect > /etc/config/wireless &&reboot" and use the network tile to connect? Make sure you are using the most up-to-date network tile, updatable through the pineapple bar. Thanks for the help debugging this.
  7. Could you do me a favor? Post your result of iwlist wlan1 scanning (via pastebin)? You only need to provide your access point. You can of course change the ESSID and MAC. But keep the rest intact. Then please also state what the actual security type should be. I'll fix the channel issue.
  8. Only if karma is on should that make a difference. Could you post us your /etc/config/wireless configuration file?
  9. I'll have to take a closer look at this then. We parse iwlist's output to get encryption types. I'll take a look in the morning.
  10. EightBall, Have you tried using the updated network tile? That will work for your setup. But you seem to be missing the key for the network, unless you removed it? Either way, the best way to configure clientmode is using the built in clientmode (as long as you have updated through the bar.) Best Regards, Sebkinne
  11. <Obligatory statement> While a cable like this should work, if it fries your device because of a short or something along those lines, it's on you. </Obligatory statement> Now, while I haven't used a self made cable for the MKV, I have a lot for the MKIV. I used electric a bit of solder to keep the wires together, added electric tape to insulate them and hold them in place firmly (you'll get tearing under stress otherwise) and finally I heatshrunk some tube on the whole thing to clean it up nicely. Made a nice long cable and it works well. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  12. Fix pushed to the WiFi Pineapple bar, sorry for missing that. We are actually re-working what the intelligence report does soon, so you will see some bigger changes there! Best Regards, Sebkinne
  13. Try again! See if that changed anything.
  14. No. While there is one stored there, the detect function generates it depending on your hardware. If you were to add wifi cards, it would also include those there but not necessarily in the /rom folder. Also, changes to the /rom/ folder won't take iirc.
  15. How about letting users add ZIP files of their custom roll pages?
  16. It generates a new configuration file depending on hardware and some settings we put in place. It basically pulls all wifi elements together: hostapd, mac80211, wpa_supplicant etc.
  17. Just to make sure - you have updated your network tile through the pineapple bar right? It fixes an issue with encrypted access points. Also, after a reset on version 1.0.0 - make sure to execute "wifi detect > /etc/config/wireless && reboot" over SSH to prevent other issues with your radios.
  18. How did you SCP in? To the stager image or the normal firmware? You shouldn't be able to scp anything onto the stager easily..
  19. What firmware folder is it creating? The ZIP should contain two files and no folders. I just verified, the ZIP sd_files-1.0.0.zip does not contain any folders. Especially none named firmware. I'd be happy if you could clear this up as if there is an issue we can fix it! Make sure your pineapple bar is up-to-date!
  20. We won't ship binaries not compiled by us - but don't worry, I have a build already. All coming soon!
  21. Darren is actually working on a video series!
  22. Dnsspoof works fine, but there are ways to improve it that are coming soon. Take a look at how successful the randomroll infusion is!
  23. I hadn't changed MACs this way actually, we did it at a different place. I like the simplicity of this though, we will include mac changing like this in the upcoming network tile update!
  24. You don't copy the _MACOSX folder. Just the other files.
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