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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. No - just that it's on. And yeah, you have a faulty PSU. If you want it fixed ASAP, look around your house for a 12V 1A PSU. They are very common / standard. You could also buy one for a couple of bucks. If you want to get it replaced by the hakshop, simply write an email to shop@hak5.org with your order number. Tell them it's a faulty PSU. They will explain the exchange procedure. The only reason I mentioned buying one was because some people are far away and it's not worth it for them. Hope you get up and running soon! Best Regards, Sebkinne
  2. Yeah, without the SD plugged in, it will not get past a specific point in the boot. It requires an SD card. The bootloop is very odd though. Could you check if the powersource is stable? If you have a faulty PSU, that could explain this. Different parts starting to use more power, power issue, reboot. Anyway, is this the full boot log? As in, the last line before it repeats? I am guessing you get no bootloop with the SD card taken out? Also, next time please use the
  3. Hey DarkGreyTide, First of all, welcome to the forums! Sorry you are having issues with the WiFi Pineapple MKV. Could you please post one full log of the boot loop? From power on till the first reboot? That'll help me debug the issue. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  4. That's something we can easily build I to the firmware. Could you make this suggestion in our bug tracker and Mark it as a suggestion? Best regards, Sebkinne
  5. So there is nothing connected over usb? Either way, try a factory reset using the Webinterface / dip switches. If that doesn't work, attempt a reflash. Best regards, Sebkinne
  6. I can only repeat that if you have flashed the firmware successfully AND you get to the change password screen and you change your password AND are able to look good in to the WiFi Pineapple MKV interface, it's not an issue with the firmware or the pineapple. Firmwares in their fresh state are basically images. If it flashes without errors (in boots, Webinterface, ssh), it's running like it does on all pineapples with the default firmware. Now, what I suggest you try is SSH into the pineapple (root@ with the password you specified. If this works, follow the manual flashing instructions here: https://wifipineapple.com/?flashing But as I said, while I don't know what it is, it has to be something on the clients end.. Or at least I cannot think of why it would fail. You might also want to check if the file /pineapple/includes/js/functions.js exists. You'll have to do this over ssh. Best regards, Sebkinne
  7. Do you use something like macchanger? Seems like something is changing the macs on boot. If not, do you have any other devices plugged in? Best regards, Sebkinne
  8. What firmware version are you on? Best Regards, Sebkinne
  9. I'll be adding more functionality to the led function soon: Notify and clear_notify arguments. They will cause a notification blinking and the clear_notify will restore the previous LED functionality. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  10. You'd need the 8mb flash version. It's not possible to just change a setting or similar. We'd need to recompile the firmware with the correct flash layout, but this is not going to happen any time soon - sorry. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  11. You'll need to look into routers that have native mesh capabilities. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  12. We have a script called "led" on the pineapple. We put it there to allow just that. The issue is, after running custom leds, you loose the normal led behavior till a reboot. Best regards, Sebkinne
  13. As I said, follow my directions. If you can hit the page, pineapple works - browser just won't execute the JS. No idea why without seeing it properly.
  14. Your pineapple seems to be working fine. If you get that far, it's not the pineapple's fault but the client's. Don't try IE, we don't and won't ever support it. I suggest disabling ALL chrome extensions, quitting your browser, opening an incognito tab and connecting to As far as I can see, something is interfering with the javascript. Try loading the the following file directly though. If it loads it's really not the Pineapple. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  15. Firmware isn't corrupt if you get this. Looks like you have no javascript enabled. Try using firebug / chrome developer console to check the output. And make sure JS is on.
  16. Topic isn't about the WiFi Pineapple MKV - therefore posted to the wrong forum. While an interesting idea, it's not really close in functionality yet. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  17. The /rom/ directory is always going to be at 100%. That's normal. If you get re-boots from load, it's usually a power issue. Make sure you are using a 12V power source.
  18. That shouldn't be used on the weirdly firmware.. What firmware version are you on?
  19. There are different jamming options on the MKV. Check out the jammer infusion. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  20. To have +x permissions, the flash drive needs to be formatted ext and not FAT. I'm assuming you have it formatted to FAT. Best regards, Sebkinne
  21. Our changes to hostapd have no influence on this - it's the version of hostapd used. The next firmware upgrade will go into beta soon and be packed with updates (including hostapd+karma). We certainly do NOT block a specific setting from hostapd. That would be ridiculous. Hostapd has had issues in the past in regards to stability. We are working on it. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  22. You have the 64mb version of the board. The firmwares I made don't support that flash size, sorry. Best regards, Sebkinne
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