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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. Doesn't look like it. Just looks like it has been delayed by customs. Should be with you soon, but I'm sure Sara will follow up with you on this.
  2. We aren't able to reply to every email within 24h. We aim to respond within 48h though. If you haven't received a response yet, Sara will get to you soon. Best regards, Sebkinne
  3. This is correct. Even when running with NTP, it is possible that you get the time after this command executes. I'd add a delay to the command - maybe 20 seconds, just to be safe. Now your log should be named correctly.
  4. Make sure to add a sleep before the commands. To be safe start with 20s and decrease the delay if needed. Best regards, Sebkinne
  5. To be honest, I cannot see if the switch is in the ON or OFF position. Kind of looks like it's in the "O" position. I am not trying to insult you by suggesting you are using the wrong charger - lots of others have mixed up the chargers or thought because they are all around 12V they are the same.
  6. To charge the battery, make sure the power switch is in the ON position. Also, please make sure to use the correct charger. You'll need to use the one for the battery, NOT the one for the WiFi Pineapple MKV. Beat regards, Sebkinne
  7. Yeah, wlan1 doesn't support AP mode! Best regards, Sebkinne
  8. Saying that, I'm spending today catching up on forum posts. You'll see a lot of threads..
  9. No, not if you are lucky. We'll get to it with time. Remember, it's a tiny team.
  10. If you are seeing issues such as corruption or lost SD cards, you may be performing too many operations for the SD card to handle. It's not a class 10 card. A simple re-format should make the card be available again. If you want to have extreme stability, grab yourself any size class 10 micro SD and you'll be sailing smoothly! Best Regards, Sebkinne
  11. You'll need a powered USB Hub to attach to the pineapple. Then you can plug in a USB drive and your phone. Make sure you are giving the pineapple enough power (I suggest at least 5V, 2amp) and the hub is also powered. Best regards, Sebkinne
  12. Right, let's keep things on topic here. First of all, please read our support website for more details. Secondly, if you have been emailing shop@hak5.org this month / just before christmas, there is a good chance it is in a long backlog of emails. The shop has been busy processing as many orders as possible and replying to as many emails as possible. But going to CES and Shmoocon, back to back, really does make it difficult to keep up to date on replying to emails. I can guarantee you that Sara is going to get through every email / forward to to the right people. Thirdly, people upset about Darren, myself or someone else official to answer on these forums, don't worry. We will reply to most / to what we can. But please remember that we too have been at CES and Shmoocon. Darren has a busy schedule already and I have been working on the new Betas / working on improvements for the next firmware from the feedback we got. On top of all that, we have a large backlog of emails, private messages, bug reports / comments, beta feedback, and forum posts to attend to. I hope this clears a few things up. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  13. It depends on the SD card speed. The SD cards which come with a WiFi Pineapple MKV aren't the fastest, but will usually get the job done. If you want to prevent this issue, I recommend a class 10 micro SD card. Beat regards, Sebkinne
  14. If the amber light is steadily flashing, it is searching for files on the SD card to flash. Your pineapple is on the stager firmware.
  15. It would be helpful if you posted your findings on our portal where we can take them into account and fix things. That's how betas work! :)
  16. I'll edit this post as soon as I get back from the shmoocon party, as long as I'm sober enough. I'll fill you in on what you need to compile binaries.
  17. What voltage was your vcc? 5V I'm guessing. If you did not have the barrel connector plugged in but only plugged in vcc for the power, and it fried, it was 5V. The pineapple needs 3.3V
  18. It's not a bug. It is supposed to go into the appropriate section on the beta testing portal.
  19. That has nothing to do with the beta guys.
  20. Hey everyone, We have been working hard behind the scenes and are ready to give you a small peak into what's coming for the MKV. To do this, we have re-launched our old BETA testing portal found at https://wifipineapple.com/?portal&beta. Changes: Updated the Javascript backend of the webinterface to increase loading speeds. Minimize / restore infusions in the UI. Greatly speeds up loading times. Installing new infusions will not refresh the entire interface. Removing infusions will not refresh the entire interface. Fixed the -1 monitor mode bug. <-- seems like this could use some more work. Enabled changing of country code / TX power on the atheros wireless card (wlan0). Protect some mtd partitions from being overwritten by accident (you can ignore this one. Internal testing.) Add python openssl libraries Use netcat instead of busybox's version of netcat Updated all system infusions to the latest version Other fixes As you can see, we have added lots of new things and fixed or refactored a lot of others. If you wish to be part of the beta, visit the WiFi Pineapple portal page here. Please note that you will need an account on the WiFi Pineapple website first. Please do not leave feedback in this thread but in the feedback section on https://wifipineapple.com/?portal&beta. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  21. There has been a new beta released - I am just writing the BETA release post for the forums. Best Regards, Sebkinne
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