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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. Like Foxtrot said, this will not work. It would work if you get yourself an adapter though. There are plenty of threads in this forum discussing what works and what doesn't. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  2. Hey Beanfarmer, Welcome to the forums! To debug your issue we really do need to see the output if iwlist. To get it, please run the following commands: ifconfig wlan1 up iwlist wlan1 scan In case you don't see any output, please re-run the command a couple of times. If you know, it would help if you could tell us the encryption used on your router (wpa1/2 aes+tkip it seems, but just to confirm). Your device does not seem to be broken, at least not if you see any access points through the network infusion. You may have uncovered a bug though and I would be happy if we can resolve it for you and anyone else facing this issue. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  3. No this will not work. You would need to build for the AR71XX architecture.
  4. Yes - It's a bug in the linux kernel's wireless module. We have fixed the bug for now in the upcoming firmware upgrade. That way you can bring up the interface and avoid the -1 bug entirely. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  5. You asked if there was an option for it. There isn't and hasn't ever been. If you wish to try and configure https, you can follow the configurations outlined here.
  6. There isn't for the MKIV or the MKV.
  7. Revert your changes. A factory reset would be the easiest..
  8. This is why we are adding a new feature to the upcoming 1.1.0 firmware upgrade: As you can see, you will be able to minimize individual infusions. The hidden infusions (see bottom of the above picture) will stay hidden persistently until they have been restored. Clicking an infusion in the bottom will restore it to the webinterface. Stay tuned, Sebkinne
  9. Hey Bay7787, Glad you got it sorted. You could have done it over the Pineapple or through the webinterface (resources->usb). Best Regards, Sebkinne
  10. This fix is NOT needed anymore! Following my instructions directly can seriously mess up your device if you are on 1.0.4. Revert all changes. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  11. Hey Bay7787, You'll need to re-format your SD card, it seems to have corrupted. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  12. We don't offer this possibility. While technically possible to go this route it is the EXACT same thing going through the recovery interface. It performs the full flash (like serial) for you. Best regards, Sebkinne
  13. This information is always publicized in the hakshop blog: http://hakshop.myshopify.com/blogs/news/11345813-hakshop-ces I don't really know where your three weeks comes from. Either way, you need to contact the hakshop first before sending back anything. We'll be back soon! Best regards, Sebkinne
  14. The creator of GET does own a MKV actually - not sure if he is still working on it though.
  15. This is why our batteries are all 9-12V now. 5 volt just doesn't cut it for the WiFi Pineapple MKV under heavy load / with other accessories added.. Best regards, Sebkinne
  16. For the webinterface, soon. I'm not giving an ETA because we are in the progress of some bigger changes and I don't want to disappoint. After that we can push the webinterface code to a public repository. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  17. The issue has been resolved. So that this doesn't happen in the future, a new version of Bartender will be available soon. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  18. Currently mobile, but uh, we have a ticketing system: https://wifipineapple.com/?bugs_pub Sitesurvey is not made by us but by a community member. You'll have to report that bug there, not on our bug tracker. Best regards, Sebkinne
  19. Hey Unit One, Welcome to the forums! Could you SSH into the WiFi Pineapple MKV and post us the contents of the /etc/config/wireless file? Preferably wrapped in
  20. Yes. The 64mb version is NOT compatible.
  21. Hey pabo2uk, This is normal. br-lan takes the MAC of eth0. eth0 and wlan0 are both on the same MAC - a design choice we went with - this shouldn't cause you any issues ever. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  22. I'm not sure what you are saying, but I assume you are trying to get clientmode to work on wlan1 and connect to the WiFi Pineapple MKV over wlan0? We need more information to help you there. It's definitely possible though. The IRC details can be found in my signature. How to connect? http://bit.ly/1bSMRPd Best Regards, Sebkinne
  23. Make sure that you are on the latest firmware - 1.0.4 - which has had a lot of fixes.
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