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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. That command right there needs to be tattooed to people's foreheads. I don't know how many times I've gone to a site where some dumb ass forgot that command, 8 months ago....
  2. Having worked IT on a fairly large school district, I hope they ban your ass from school equipment.
  3. I don't think the driver can do hopping. You could try modifying the script from here. It's for the wrt54g, so it will probably need adjusted, but worth a shot. http://www.frontiernet.net/~beakmyn/OpenWRT%20Kimset%20Server.htm Waaay down towards the bottom is a script to manually hop the radio.
  4. I'm using a 10 year old microsoft usb gps. http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/281210695023?lpid=82
  5. Virtualbox is free, and the network security tools are much better in linux.
  6. I think something tried to reset itself on the pineapple, but didn't finish, which broke networking. If I remember right, it could happen during a firmware upgrade.
  7. You do know there's at least 3 different connecting to Mac OS threads for the mk5 right? One of them even gives a way to make it work. Apple has decided to implement internet connection sharing "their way" which is different from everybody else.
  8. Careful with that one. That was my fix for the mk4, things could go very wrong and people were having to reflash over serial to get it back. Though now we have the cool dip switches, so that might be alright now.
  9. There's also this one for the bulkhead connections. https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/30793-pelican-case-upgrades/
  10. I'm not using gpsd at all. It's a pos in my opinion. Kismet newcore can talk directly to gps devices. Edit your /etc/kismet/kismet.conf I also had to move the kismet binaries to their local positions instead of having them installed on the sd card. Kismet complains about too many links if you try to just link to the sd card. gps=true # Do we use a locally serial attached GPS, or use a gpsd server? # (Pick only one) # gpstype=gpsd gpstype=serial # What serial device do we look for the GPS on? gpsdevice=/dev/ttyUSB0 # Host:port that GPSD is running on. This can be localhost OR remote! # gpshost=localhost:2947 # Do we lock the mode? This overrides coordinates of lock "0", which will # generate some bad information until you get a GPS lock, but it will # fix problems with GPS units with broken NMEA that report lock 0 gpsmodelock=false # Do we try to reconnect if we lose our link to the GPS, or do we just # let it die and be disabled? gpsreconnect=true
  11. Maybe I'm being slow, but wouldn't you have to know you were being pineappled to use this?
  12. ssh into the pineapple to run them. You could run them from commands, but you won't get any output from it.
  13. Autostart dnsspoof. I think this is right, it starts dnsspoof anyway.. dnsspoof -i br-lan -f /etc/pineapple/spoofhost > /dev/null 2>/tmp/dnsspoof.log It's the command the small configuration window throws when you click the start dnsspoof button, so I think it's not going to blow up anything....
  14. Depends on what you want to do with it. It's a long range wireless access point. I've used a few of them to get wired network access to places people didn't want, or could not trench in conduit to run fiber connections. I guess you could use two to bridge an existing network to your pineapple, but that is a weird use case. You can't use it as an antenna for another device.
  15. http://www.newark.com/emerson-connectivity-johnson/415-0031-006/coaxial-cable-assembly/dp/22H5679 http://www.newark.com/molex/84700-0001/adapter-rj45-rj45/dp/49H6469?Ntt=49h6469 http://www.newark.com/molex/84700-0002/rj45-ethernet-connector-plug-8way/dp/95H9877?in_merch=true&MER=ACC_N_L5_Connectors_None http://www.newark.com/molex/84700-0003/dust-cover-polyester/dp/95H9878?in_merch=true&MER=ACC_N_L5_Industrial_None http://www.newark.com/jsp/search/productdetail.jsp?ICID=ILC-1C130&sku=20T7281 Should get you started.
  16. I couldn't get my usb gps to work with the pineapple. It's a standard pl-2302 to serial to usb gps. Seems gpsd on the pineapple doesn't have support for the adapter.
  17. The nanostation isn't just an antenna, it's also a radio, they work great by the way. The hak5 antenna will need an adapter.
  18. I don't know about close quarters. I can "see" my pineapple over 500 feet away with the stock antennas. It is on the second floor of an almost 200 year old house.
  19. Here's my updated to work with the MK5 Nedry roll. https://db.tt/KFSsKJGl
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