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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Kali is supposed to be used for pentesting. No use having it boot up and let everybody and their brother know you are there.
  2. Follow the steps at the top of the thread. Don't worry about the make install part, it does nothing. From inside the dump1090 folder run the ./dump1090 --enable-agc --aggressive --net --net-http-port 8080 command. There's no need for the rtl_adsb commands. It will start scrolling what it's recieving, then you go to in your browser.
  3. No idea, it's not in the repos. Would be neat to get working though.
  4. Are you running the command from the dump1090 folder? I found that moving the binary to /usr/lib/ actually breaks it. If you run the command from the folder it works.
  5. That was the missing part. The version installed in Kali is missing parts "No module named air_modes_swig". It's also on old version, version 1 is out, which is what I tried to compile, which doesn't work either. It would be nice if the developer finished his web page, half the links go nowhere.
  6. Yea, judging by your post times, you ordered around 11pm Friday night, so you should be good. Freaking paypal, they goof stuff up all the time.
  7. Start it up, then hit in a browser.
  8. Looks like it's missing stuff. When I try to compile from source it fails as well.
  9. Are you on the latest firmware? What's your dns spoof settings look like?
  10. If it says it's write protected, it's dead. Have had that happen to a few cards in different devices. No clue what causes it, other than shitty cards. So far they've all been sandisk.
  11. I've made it to Shmoocon twice. Oddly enough, same with defcon and derbycon! Already have my room reserved for defcon. Sarah said I have to come to defcon.
  12. Do a search for my name on the forums. I posted how to do this somewhere. Either in this section, or the infusion section, can't remember which...
  13. Have you looked at the proposed changes on the github page? I had them working briefly, then something changed on the latest update that killed them.
  14. Guys, don't forget, there's only 4 or 5 people that work in the main office. Give them a bit, they'll get back to you.
  15. I used the above software, had to install a couple usb libs, it will tell you what you need when it errors out on the first make.
  16. 1 it's illegal. 2 it's illegal. 3 it's illegal. 4 that's what you get for using facebook.
  17. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=marto.androsdr2&hl=en Tested it out on my Note2. Works!
  18. Depends on what you want to listen to. That will work for fm radio, but if you want to do adsb, that antenna length is about an inch and a half for a quarter wavelenght antenna if I remember correctly.
  19. Hit up www.getfirefox.com click the download, it will give you a bz2 file. Then follow https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/install-firefox-linux.
  20. It's been root/toor since backtrack. Kali is debian, that was the whole point when they did the name change.
  21. Probably nothing. They stopped support for it before sdr really got popular. Though I suppose you can just build from source. I've always had issues with unetbootin and kali. Just burn it to a dvd.
  22. I used to get failed ssh attempts on my server all the time. I'm currently blocking Korea, China, India, Russia, Turkey, Vietnam, Ukraine, Brazil, Venezuela, and Pakistan inbound on my firewall. Failed attempts have pretty much stopped. I get a random couple every month or so, but nothing like I used to get.
  23. You can't have two dhcp servers running at the same time. Connect it with the other wifi card and give that a static ip address on your dhcp server.
  24. I've been playing with adsb on mine lately. Need to build a better antenna though.
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