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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Hey, speaking of dip switches, I just rebuilt my pineapple, is there anyway to back up our dip switch settings?
  2. I'm trying for defcon and derbycon. I have a love-hate relationship with defcon. I love the con, hate the lines.... Maybe this year I'll go to more than the 4 or 5 talks I went to this last derbycon.
  3. You probably won't get it to work with a pi. You should be able to do it with a laptop though, as long as it has enough usb ports.
  4. Pretty sure it supports fat32, ntfs, ext3 and 4. You should be able to just pull one out of the packaging and plug it in.
  5. You'll get better answers on the open wrt forums.
  6. Karma doesn't do encrypted networks.
  7. I'd rather see it happen at defcon, cause you know, I can actually get a ticket to that! ;)
  8. Are you on the latest firmware?? That should have been fixed a while ago!
  9. Apple has decided to fix the ics to the range. My original fix was to just change out the pineapple's network settings to match, but I found it could cause "issues", and had to be recovered with a serial adapter. As much as I used to like Apple, they've become just another Microsoft and do things their way, whether their users want that or not. The easiest way to fix the problem is to just load up kali in a virtual machine and use that.
  10. barry99705

    Air Gap flaw

    Yea, that was a shit ton of beer.
  11. View, sort by ssid, then click on the ssid you want to watch.
  12. Correct, if it's not the same key, it's not the same network.
  13. You heard wrong. The default antennas are pretty damn awesome.
  14. Yea, you may get them in a week, or maybe a couple months. Shipping from China is alway a surprise.
  15. I'd like to stop this nonsense now. You can get any wifi connector that is edge solderable. The whole point of using rp-anything for consumer equipment was to keep Uncle Bob from hooking up a commercial 5 watt amp to his wrt54g. The one nice thing about the sma connector is the pin is built into the antenna, and not the jack. So if you screw up the pin, you can just replace the antenna, and not the radio. Though how many of us have done that? In the almost 15 years I've been working with wireless, I've never bent a pin in an antenna.
  16. Technically mine isn't a pineapple..... ;) Right now it's a 10 pound paper weight. Though it could do most of what the pineapple can do now, except for the karma part. I mainly used it to brute force wep keys.
  17. Would be good for long range wifi recon though.
  18. Loopback is! Though most people are lazy and just use
  19. It may flake out if too many clients connect, but I've run mine from a usb to barrel from my laptop for days in my office. For just general goofing off, it works good enough.
  20. Reminds me of the good old days when we were building these. Yes, that's 8 RP-TNC connectors. Same one's you'd find on the back of your linksys WRT54gs. They're connected to 4 200mW atheros based mini-pci wireless cards. I only have 2 of them now. I gave the other 2 to Renderman a few years back at shmoocon for some project he was working on. Ran slackware originally, then debian, and finally before I stopped using it BackTrack version 1. Started out with that 1Ghz mini-itx board, last version was a core2 duo I believe.
  21. Anything running from a usb port will be 5v. You'll have issues running extra hardware like that.
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