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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. You can't. Don't install infusions to the pineapple.
  2. Going to have to ask for forgiveness, grabbed a new pineapple as soon as the store opened up!
  3. Or they're just watching this post and trolling you. :P
  4. You do know this was a 6 year old thread, and backtrack is no longer in development right?
  5. I actually used my Atrix and lapdock at Defcon a couple years ago. Well I planned to anyway. With that many people in one building, 4G took a dive. Ended up using the wifi and vpn'ing home. It's really too bad none of the other manufacturers didn't take this idea and run with it. We've got quad core phones with 3gigs of ram now.
  6. Pretty sure they've been doing this for a while now. That's how you get the "looks like you need to log in" message or whatever the hell it is when you connect to a wifi with a captive portal.
  7. You're going here right? I use my Note 2 all the time to get to the admin page.
  8. It happens with the sandisk drives, their quality control is a little lacking.
  9. Https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-l_o6meqSQ4Q/UkZAG8hm0RI/AAAAAAAAI-U/uKE1vXKwRtk/s800/20130927_223318.jpg
  10. Ahh, the calm before the storm! Fairly quiet in the lobby!
  11. Sure, it will work. As long as your laptop supports booting from usb, just set it up like normal, put your unencrypted /boot partition on the thumb drive, and everything else on the laptop's encrypted hard drive. I've read somewhere on the internets of a guy doing that with his home NAS. It boots off a thumb drive, which decrypts the data, but the drive is on the end of a usb extension cable, which is then stuck somewhere behind the cabinet the NAS sits on. He figures if someone was to break into his house, they'd just pull all the cables and run with the box, the data would be useless to them. It's actually a pretty good idea.
  12. I'll be heading out in a few hours, what will be the best way to get ahold of you guys?
  13. Need to get my shit together! Driving down tomorrow afternoon. Got the oil changed in my wife's car, since my element is having transmission issues, think the clutch is going out. Need to swap all my work shit out of my backpack, definitely don't want that laptop with me.
  14. There's always that one asshat that leaves that 50Mb word document open overnight....
  15. Just use normal AD accounts, but leave the user's profile alone! Having the user's shit get copied to the server sounds like an awesome idea, until they plug their iPhone into their computer, then you're backing up their whole damn iTunes account. It will also automagically copy whatever ransomware they got off of myfacebookfarmwithfriends. Usually you find this out after 6 hours of running malware removal software and don't understand why it keeps getting reinfected when they log in. You can also setup login scripts to map network shares based on group memberships.
  16. That's all fine and dandy, until you're working with a rack full of servers that don't have a window manager. KVM's are still around, and won't go away for a very long time. I don't think you're using the KVM term correctly. As for the OP, most likely the part you have is only one part of a system. Most likely they're using a vga connector as a serial connection to the actual KVM box. Can't guarintee this will work, but have a look at this page. I've got a kvm at a couple client sites with connectors like the one's in this link. http://www.rackmountmart.com/rmLCD/lcd1U15-04.htm#82
  17. Range is the big problem with quads. They eat batteries. They'd be awesome for dropping a pineapple on a rooftop though.
  18. Computer Management, System Tools, Shared Folders, Sessions To disconnect one user, in the details pane, right-click the user name, and then click Close Session. To disconnect multiple users, press the CTRL key while clicking the user names, right-click any user name, and then click Close Session. To disconnect all users, on the Action menu, click Disconnect All Sessions.
  19. Yea, I should have done that, but that was the middle of the house purchasing time, so penneys were being pinched!
  20. It was full, and so were all the hotels within a couple miles! Purehate told me there's parking close by, so no big deal, I don't drink alcohol, so not worried about that!
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