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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Probably. I've helped build several long distance wireless backhaul networks, with proper dish antennas, the longest one is about 12 miles line of sight. I just like building crap like this. ;)
  2. I swap their spam around and send it back.
  3. Most blackberry hardware is all closed source, so no third party roms.
  4. Depending on where you're at changes how long the jail time will be.... ;)
  5. Naa, mainly just want the big parabolic for the pineapple.
  6. Once I get the house mostly straightened out, I'm thinking about building one of these reflectors and sticking a pineapple on it... http://fabfi.fablab.af/distribution/
  7. Having been a school network tech, I can tell you once the school in question finds out what you are doing, you are going to lose all your computer privileges, if you're lucky, just for the rest of the school year. We have banned kids for life.
  8. Heh, I just bolted one of those to a police department a couple weeks ago!
  9. Pretty sure you'll have to use a serial cable.
  10. Try letting the pineapple give the adapter a dhcp address first. Just to make sure it's actually working.
  11. One of these, http://www.tromix.com/saiga.htm With one of these, http://www.redjacketfirearms.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=12&category_id=1&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=71
  12. This should get you started. http://www.dxzone.com/catalog/Antennas/WiFi/ Any of the wireless books here won't hurt either.
  13. Wow dude chill out. He's just pulling your chain. ICS on Mac Os is flakey. Why they implement it that way I have no idea, but that's how it is.
  14. https://github.com/andreafabrizi/Dropbox-Uploader Maybe. I'm playing with it now. Missing dependencies. We don't have the stat application is seems.
  15. No, should never really need to adjust the power settings, since that only changes the transmit power anyway.
  16. Seems to be working for me. Did you use the UI to change the fstab, or did you manually edit it? Use the UI, if you manually edited it. I just threw a Thermaltake sata to usb drive dock on as /extra and it shows up just fine after a reboot. Okay, now I'm just being silly.
  17. Where's it wrong? So we can change it.
  18. Depends on the network. Grandma and Grandpa might fill it in a week. A starbucks will fill it in an hour-ish.
  19. Weird. I always power my pineapple from a usb port. Either from my laptop, or the pineapple juice external battery pack.
  20. It's been answered a couple times before, but no, it can't do that. You'd have to know the password for it to work.
  21. I always power by usb and haven't had any problems. What size drive are you using?
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