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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Most likely windows 8 is seeing grub and trying to remove it. That's why you get the repair wizard.
  2. Speaking of access points that make you go WTF!! EnGenius EAP9550 has ssh enabled with the following default user:pass, Administrator:admin, admin:admin, login:admin, and manager:admin. SSH isn't a configurable option, and these are burned in accounts.
  3. Which will encrypt anything between yourself and your house, once it leaves your house, then the isp can see it. I know you know that, just trying to highlight that for the OP. The only true way to use the internet anonymously is not to use it.
  4. Heh. Most of my clients won't even pony up for a second wan connection, and some of them are townships/cities!
  5. Since the pi doesn't have a real time clock, I found this script that will set the time from the gps, works most of the time... http://blog.devicenull.org/2012/01/03/pogoplug-wardriving-%28part-2%29.html Never got the pogoplug to work the way this guy did though. Been meaning to set up my pi for it, and just haven't gotten around to it.
  6. Because it's an Apple product. You can't install anything other than iOS on one.
  7. Kismet most likely. I've never used airodump-ng for wardriving, kismet is pretty much made for this.
  8. Pfsense and Smoothwall both have snort add ons that will block these kinds of attacks.
  9. N connectors are a bitch to mod into a laptop... This was attached to an internal Orinoco Gold pcmcia card, if any of you were around when this was the gold standard wifi card to get.
  10. Just adding my 2 cents. Using a Sandisk microsd adapter with a no name 16Gb class 4 micro sd card. I think it came with one of my phones, not sure.
  11. They used it because it runs a version of debian out of the box. I really wanted to get one of those phones when they came out. We had metasploit running on the old N800 and N810 pda's from them. Now we can just run metasploit in a chroot environment on our android phones, probably about as fast.
  12. It will be almost as slow as your phone!
  13. Are you guys setting a static ip address for your wired connection first? Also throw up an ifconfig, maybe something is named funky.
  14. Darren was working on something, not sure if he ever finished it though. http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/26743-mk4-meterpreter-module-wip/
  15. Sorry. That was vague as hell. I meant changing the Mac's dhcp settings over changing the network settings hardcoded into the pineapple.
  16. Whoever changed the page forgot to copy the dhcp config. Changing the ICS network on the Mac looks like the better idea anyway.
  17. Pretty sure they track the mac address from their end and when you activate, it does a "software update" that adds the correct repository so the correct files get installed. Just a guess, but that's what I'm seeing from the activation scripts.
  18. Just bashed this together. I need to see if I can post images to the wiki, if I can, I'll post it up there, but this will do for now. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1toFBvaC9ZeGlySUhyz3rRhjQyBH0xfoPuzhhcwU1jS8/edit?usp=sharing
  19. You have to do the internet sharing step. Just because your laptop has a connection doesn't mean the pineapple can use it. https://github.com/WiFiPineapple/web-interface/wiki/mk34quickstartguide
  20. The activation is based of the wireless card you get when you buy silica. Unless you activate it with that wireless card, it's not going to work. From the poking around I did, it's missing a few directories, which probably get installed when you activate.
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