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Everything posted by Foxtrot

  1. You cannot get the schematics for the Mark V. You can lower the radios txpower software wise... search the forums. ifconfig wlan0 down iw reg set COUNTRYCODE wifi iwconfig wlan0 txpower XX
  2. All you really had to do was just read the description, like you always should :)
  3. It is not listed in its contents. So I would think not.
  4. lo is Loopback br-lan is bridge lan. If i'm not mistaken, the bridge lan is wlan0 <--> eth0, for when you do ICS buisness.
  5. Not true. I run my Mark IV with a Anker 10000mah 9v output, and it works fine. I use a D-Link 4 Port Powered Hub with a 3G Modem, and two USBs, one is a sandisk, again, works fine and dandy. 3.0 wasnt a stable release ;)
  6. Why isn't it called a pineapple? :) I think its just because it looks good in plastic pineapples, Why is the ducky called a ducky? :)
  7. Why couldnt this of been posted in your existing Pineapple Showoff thread? :P
  8. I don't see why it wouldnt, try it with tmobiles APN information.
  9. I dont see the point, Kali isnt overkill really, Kali is exactly what your describing, unless Im missing something
  10. Well no, Bob shouldnt be using the pineapple on anyone else, End of :P You should only use the pineapple on your own equipment, people who have given you explicit permission, and when you have a contract.
  11. I think that Easy-Creds will be available as a package soon, ill have a go at making it when it gets released if you want it :)
  12. Why would you want to compile on the pineapple? That would take forever. The way to do it is to make a .ipkg for what your trying to Achieve.
  13. Thats just simply not true lol. While the kernel has caused issues for packages in the past, it has been a rare occurence, atleast as far as I am aware :P. Also, OpenWRT is the best choice because it runs smooth on routers. Which is what the Pineapple is, its easier to compile and easier to support.
  14. Not neccesorily. For the XSS SSID attack, you could have an encrypted network with javascript as the SSID, so the pineapples log would of seen it, but not of sucked you in. Ofcourse though, these have been fixed.
  15. There is a description of the hardware.
  16. [ spoiler ] [ /spoiler] i think, but without the spaces
  17. Karma should only run on wlan0... Post the output of ifconfig and iwconfig in the spoilers please :)
  18. Thats because you havnt posted in it :P https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/30929-randomroll/page-3
  19. Theres not really any need for that, If you dont want feedback, dont post your stuff on the forums. Also, why would you just put it in the sun?
  20. Why not ask in the Mark V Infusions thread?
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