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Everything posted by Foxtrot

  1. The Wiki, where the guide was at one point, did have a huge great red warning about this. And i'm certain that it has been said in previous posts on the forum.
  2. Can you try and connect to an AP, then post your Syslog, Dmesg and output of iwconfig and ifconfig in the spoiler tags please :P
  3. No, It wouldn't work, and as has been said many a time, the Mark V is SMA. NOT rp-SMA.
  4. the physical is radio0, radio1, where as the logical is wlan0,wlan1,mon0,ath0 etcetcetc. you can create as many logical interfaces as you like, but to add physical interfaces you need to plug radios in, if that makes sense.
  5. dnsmasq is on the pineapple, its a main component I think. But you really should just use dnsspoof, which is really easy to set up and requires no crap to get it up and running :)
  6. Please use the spoiler tags... And mang, thats cheating, so your not 'really' on the leaderboard ;)
  7. Mine doesn't do that. Try a reboot, most likely the uhttpd getting choked
  8. ifconfig wlan1 down ifconfig wlan1 up
  9. Li Ion Batteries always make me nervous when people mod with them lol. Nice job though, Love the case too :P
  10. Sorry, what is that to do with Evil portal?
  11. WEP cracking was a part of Automator before I stopped it, reason it wasn't pushed was because WEP is pretty rare I thought, if you want it, you can has man. Might take some time though because of commander, but i still got files. oh and, nice one on the infusion Whistle Master :)
  12. I also think that the issue with the powersupply and not the pineapple, The pineapple will get warm because its an electronic device. If you can, power it by the USB port and check that, or a powersupply with the same voltage and amps with a Type M DC barrel.
  13. You didn't mention anything. You just copied/pasted stuff into the box lol :D But yeah, that could be pretty fun to mess with, I checked my router wasn't vulnerable, win!
  14. Someone in the IRC managed to get a bin file. Can't remember his name though, 'kevwhite' i think. You could ask him if you like.
  15. What has this to do with the Mark V ? :x
  16. Nick Auth is Services Authentication for the nickname you supplied, I presume you meant something else as NickServ isn't really flawed. This has actually been changed to label "Services Authentication" now anyway :)
  17. Can you ping
  18. SSLStrip and DNSSpoof intefere. Thats the nature of the beast if your running them both on the same interfaces. If DNSSpoof isnt working, then you are configuring it wrong little doubt.
  19. First of all, The phish-pineapple archieve is god old. Second of all, I think you should read the PSA in the Mark IV forums.
  20. Have you set your computers IP?
  21. http://www.privatewifi.com/wifi-pineapple-redux-hacking-toy-offers-no-legitimate-use-tricks-hotspot-users/ http://www.nbc12.com/story/23526890/on-your-side-alert-warning-about-wi-fi-pineapple Am I right? ( I mean obviously, one of thems NBC... ) These blind opinions of what the device does can be applied to anything. I can use my machines to sniff traffic and inject code into pages. Its the same threat, they just get hyped because it is marketed as a WiFi Device.
  22. These threads are not a good idea, because they dont get maintained alot.
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