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Everything posted by Foxtrot

  1. Then its just something you should recommend to the devs :P
  2. AFAIK infusion devs don't do anything out of the ordinary for dependencys... what exactly are you thinking of?
  3. Noted, I'll look into it tommorow :)
  4. IIRC the pins arn't GPIO, and you're probably wasting your time, is better to just wait it out
  5. yeah id go ahead and uhm, unplug that before it possibly engages spontaneous combustion. Possibly contact shop@hak5.org or support@hak5.org for help with that, sounds faulty to me
  6. Am I right in thinking of this as kind of a Tango Mode 2?
  7. The advantages are usually the same. Better range.
  8. I don't understand why you guys are having issues if RandomRoll is reported to work fine :P
  9. That'd be seb, but hes away currently Also, you may be able to find the correct package in the OpenWRT package list. Google around for the AR71xx packages. (I think thats the right number)
  10. This idea. I like this idea.
  11. It is but the quality is rather bad, so they did the hangout one. It's practically the same iirc.
  12. I guess i could make it for the MK5 :P
  13. Try setting your DNS? to Also, iirc you need a kmod-acm package if its an ACM devname
  14. You used your own binary in this? I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to do that
  15. That uses ACPI. The Pineapple doesnt have that
  16. WIth the release of the Mark V I am unable to push out infusions to Mark IVs. I'd have to speak with Seb when he gets back.
  17. Your output from the sysupgrade was completely normal, and you shouldn't of CTRL+C'd it. The only way I think you'll get back in is with a UART.
  18. iirc yes. they arnt all flashing incredibly fast are they?
  19. Solid Blue light means the unit is ready, it flashes for Wlan0 when traffic goes through it, green light is just to show power and the Red light is for Wlan1
  20. Isn't it possible to minimize tiles and then put them back up the way you want?
  21. According to the profile thing you are now in the group, see if it works now
  22. I believe you have to make a minimum of like 15 posts (maybe 10) until you move out of the "Members" group and into the "Active Members" group, ive a feeling this is your issue.
  23. Hey guys! The WiFi Pineapple Mark 5 API Docs are now here.
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