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Everything posted by Foxtrot

  1. Well, theoretically speaking (As I havn't tried) if its possible to clone the Real AP by having the same MAC, SSID, BSSID and whatever not. Possibly.
  2. Currently, Karma only works on open APs. Having a WEP enabled Evil AP would defeat the whole purpose of Karma at the moment.
  3. If you did have the password beforehand, then I think it would be capable of adding _all_ of the keys information to a file, and supplying that to karma.
  4. I'm not quite grasping what you mean, sorry. Can you elaborate please :)
  5. Karma will not work on encrypted APs because it has no way of acquiring the handshake for the real AP... This has been answered atleast twice now :P
  6. What UP said is correct, or at least I remember that from an old mark iv post
  7. If you like, I'll make a nice wiki page for use over ssh later
  8. try uci (I dont think its possible though) otherwise, just do it the /etc/config/wireless way....
  9. Well, I never said that all RP-SMA connectors have to have a pigtail, did I? What I said was that the Mark IV had them. And they broke. Alot. You said it yourself why SMA Adaptors are on the Pineapple, as i thought i had wrote in my post.
  10. 1.2 Has been released! See the main post for a changelog. Hopefully this eliminates most bugs found to date and and enhances the infusion. Thanks!
  11. Thats not (Atleast, in its current design and to my knowledge) possible, because of the 4-Way Handshake. I believe Digininja answered a similar question about this in the Mark IV forums.
  12. The SMA Antenna Connector was chosen because of the benefits to gain and signal, its better to have the connector soldered onto the board than to have a flimsy pigtail, much like what was the case with the Mark IV :P
  13. I hear that things are on the drawing board.
  14. I'd have no problem testing for you when you get round to adding it if you like. You know where I mostly am anyway :)
  15. Nice script Mr-Protocol!, Would be cool to have say fruit-fi.sh --radio wlanX :D
  16. "Yeeeeeeeee.... I'm gonna need more than that." For a start, what are the LEDs doing.
  17. A better place for this i think would be the bugs section. Where everyone can comment to that.
  18. It sure can!, You can send them via both radios, using mdk3 or aireplay-ng
  19. You cannot get the schematics for the Mark V. You can lower the radios txpower software wise... search the forums. ifconfig wlan0 down iw reg set COUNTRYCODE wifi iwconfig wlan0 txpower XX
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