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Everything posted by manuel

  1. Bingo!!!! Xidus wins the bozo button that says: "I helped a special n00b today" and proskater123 wins the bozo button that says: "I'm a special n00b"
  2. not this kid or any, but its a typical brat who accuses the tech guy or friends or teachers becasuse they get bored and stir up trouble. I know I personalized the example, but seriously... I just see the kids act like its everyone else's fault for their screw ups.
  3. you know.. .just look at my post history and it'll tell you my typical opinion but screw it. You kids think you know it all, then fine go out and do it all. In the end it doesn't matter, since you obviously aren't getting a quality education. No, Its not the teachers fault (most of the time), no its not your parent's fault, hell its not even your friends fault. Its your fault for not getting a good education and insisting on "hacking" school computers. But what do I know.... I'm just the peon that loves to get blamed by your parents for "ruining" your education, when it was you the student who already ruined it. All that said because little kids like you think its the world to conquer the school's computer system, when it really doesn't matter. Honestly. as I said I don't really care... because I KNOW you aren't one of the kids here, or related to me. -Manuel
  4. oh dear.... what a way to start a flame war! I'll say this one time and one time only. Don't ask for help if you aren't going to take the advice and/or if you are going to lie about what steps you did to get there.
  5. lol Moonlit, Gee.... I Wonder what on Earth are you thinking.......... Hmmm Ima gonna have to think about that.... O wait in the process of writing this, I figured it out and HA HA HA HA!!!!! :D
  6. Excellent Idea Famicoman... I think you covered a great question already... "What made you decide to start an IPTV show?" and "When did this idea occur to you?" "what was your life's dream BEFORE you decided to do IPTV, and how has that helped you go into this direction, rather than the path you thought you wanted for your life?" Other than that, I am not sure what else to suggest.
  7. manuel


    ok, I sent a report to mods.... just thinking it might be spam... but it apparently isn't. oh well. stupid little kids and their quest for world approval.
  8. wsftple if you can find it, will allow you to change permissions.... simply right-click on the files once uploaded then you should get as part of the pop-up menu an option to chmod. most other ftp clients should allow this as well. Otherwise putty into the shell account and do a chmod there.
  9. I do too, because if someone votes a Minus, it could cause more flamage than necessary.
  10. I agree... it sounds cool, but is it necessary? I personally don't think so.
  11. to add to the suggestions... you need a server... I've found that running e-smith server from contribs.org works great for most things... and you can host many what they call ibays or information bays. hsn, if I understand correctly, you want to be able to host a hosting service, right? you could just purchase a ton of server sapce out there and resell it, but then that usually gets in the way of AUPs. (companies don''t typically allow you to resell). If we are missing your point then can you try to clarify what it is you need? -Manuel
  12. yeah... for the most part, I didn't notice any major adjustments on the front end, which is a great thing... as someoneelse said: -Manuel
  13. What's so great about 69? All I will say is if you don't already know what 69 is, then you aren't old enough to know.
  14. wow!!!!! Deags agrees??? and yet he's the one person who changes his name more frequently than most others.... although as of late he has stuck with "HotBlooded" the longest.
  15. request a trial of Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset (formerly Winternals)... the ERD kit had a password tool called locksmith, which would allow you to reset the admin passwords. or there may be other software for the ultimate boot cd http://www.ubcd4win.com/. first step I would work on is getting a windows 2003 AD server with appropriate licensing. Setup your domain first, then add users, then transition one user/computer at a time. Its a bit slower that way, but everything can be centralized and setup properly.
  16. manuel

    cisco test

    or my favorite, as Darren said so diligently "STFU". if you want to cheat on the cisco stuff... you really should not a) be paying for the class, b) be around computers, and c) be alive, since you obviously don't know how to function in life.
  17. manuel

    cisco test

    Basically the short answer is yes... BUT the real answer as previously stated, is study and do it right. If you get a cert or just pass the classes but cheat you really learn nothing at all. And if that's the case WHY are you even taking the class wasting your money or someone else's?
  18. I've never used VB but can it not loop? LOL i don't know, but if it can that would rox... eh you dumb fuck... WTF are you trying to fuck your school over.... GAHHH I can't get away from all of these fucking kids who think its c000l to hax0r a fucking sk00lz n3tw0rkz!!!!! FUCK!!!!! anyhow... /me ignores all of these little kids.
  19. yeah, yeah... same excuse they all give when they finally realize we simply won't help! Can somebody give me their fucking fingers to chop off only to be sewn back on after they are 21 years old? Gah Im beginning to hate 13-15 year olds!!!!
  20. first, last and final post on the subject: If you claim to know the admin password, then there is no need to "hack" the computers since you already have the admin password. That said, I would strongly advise you NOT to try anything stupid with school networks, because as a sys admin of a school district, I have the sole discretion to suspend a student's computer access for as long as I believe necessary, which could be as long as 4 years, or more.... In today's world you have to have access to a computer in order to pass classes, so you therefore are screwed. Further more, if that alone isn't enough, students could get suspended or expelled from school. So heed my advise and just leave things alone. of course if you get caught, don't come back crying. That is all I have to say on the subject. kthnxbye.
  21. I believe the address is ... Analog5@live.com It should be in IRC topic (can't get to IRC ATM or i'd check -- im on a customer's computer so no irc client... adn I refuse to use the webchat)
  22. take it take: would you mind removing or shrinking your signature? --> http://www.disaffect.com/arch/fukkdigg.png that is just way too much wasted space and bandwidth.... and yes I know I can disable viewing them, but this would benefit all users.
  23. gee.... I guess my sarcasm stick is way out of alignment! EMERGENCY!!!!!one one one one eleventeen 1111! I know some admins are stupid and probably should not be admins, BUT there are also smart ones. Then again there are also extremely busy or extremely bored admins who love to play games with people. I tend to be all of the above, because I am extremely busy and can't secure everything, although I do try.... I also know about some loop holes and let some students use them to bury themselves deeper, so that when I present a case against them, I can pinpoint exactly who was responsible. I am an evil admin when I want to be, but if you get on my good side you will be my friend for ever (or until I decide to get evil again >:) ) oh and btw... use a dictionary.... SLANDER is "harmful statement in a transitory form, especially speech" and the real term for word in writing is: libel (harmful statement in a fixed medium, especially writing but also a picture, sign, or electronic broadcast) See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slander_and_libel so that said... none of this writing is SLANDER. SLANDER and LIBEL are both forms of defamation. see... even this admin loves to educate users on things that may not even be tech related.
  24. Just be glad this kid aint in my school or he'd be banned from the computers completely just for saying that SLANDER.
  25. You can set teh windows shell to be any program you want, FF, or IE, or word or whatever. http://www.pctools.com/guides/registry/detail/850/ Content filter and allow only that particular website. try squidguard http://www.squidguard.org/ or dansguardian http://dansguardian.org/ hope that helps, Manuel
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