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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. Hey Bedpan, Please see this for more information and the correct kernel module. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  2. Alright, here it is. I attached the kmod you need to install. Simply SCP it to your /tmp/ folder on the WiFi Pineapple MKV and execute the following over SSH: opkg install /tmp/kmod-usb-serial-pl2303_3.3.8-1_ar71xx.ipk Have fun! Sebkinne kmod-usb-serial-pl2303_3.3.8-1_ar71xx.zip
  3. It behaves like any other wireless interface. You'll pineapple / deauth yourself (also, I hope you don't send you 25 DEATHS to people.. :)). You are usually able to blacklist clients that you do not want to deauth though. You can definitely add your wlan1 to karma's blacklist. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  4. There is no hardware bridge. It's software defined and depends on how you are using it. All configurable through the webinterface.
  5. No, but tell you what. Head over to http://wifipineapple.com/?bugs_pub and add this as a suggestion. I'll make sure it makes the next release. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  6. Welcome to the forums, Ekliptz! Say you install package XZY using opkg: #First we update the opkg repository opkg update #Then we download and install the package opkg install XYZ #Finally, we can run the program XYZ Programs are run over the command line, just like you are used to from any other linux based system. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  7. Hey wmibr, I have moved your thread as it was not in the WiFi Pineapple MKV section. To answer your question, simply broadcast the personal hotspot using your iPhone. Then, making sure your WiFi Pineapple MKV is up to date firmware and system infusion wise, go ahead and navigate to the network tile in your webinterface. Once you do that, there is a tab called clientmode. From there, everything is self explanatory. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  8. I'll see what we can do to fix that, maybe at the core. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  9. Entirely my fault. I had it written down and then must have deleted it. Sorry about that! I updated the post. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  10. Hey Mubix, Do you mean this phone? I have the euro version of it and have used it a few times for tethering. Not on the stock ROM though.. Does sound odd, I'll investigate.
  11. All MKV infusions work with all firmwares :)
  12. Tlows, Is this when you run sslstrip or does it happen after a while of running? I'll put the 0.7 binary out here and see if that works better.
  13. Right, WiFi Pineapple Bar 1.3 is now out. It handles the search asynchronously without locking up the uhttpd or php threads. The reason it did this on some pineapples is because the SD card could not be read fast enough. No matter, issue is fixed and is happening in the background now. A popup will appear when and if infusions have been found. Yes, you should have hardly any system infusions to upgrade - we make sure to package every upgrade with the latest system infusions, just like jjd said. This is mentioned in the first few sentences in my 1.0.3 release post! :) Best Regards, Sebkinne
  14. It is. It's just not called kismet: There are: kismet-client kismet-drone kismet-server Also, opkg has a search option ;) Best Regards, Sebkinne
  15. Alright, let's try to cover all questions in one post: Q: My UI loads slowly after installing 1.0.3 and the WiFi Pineapple Bar update to 1.2 A: Upgrade your WiFi Pineapple Bar to 1.3! Q: After installing 1.0.3 and the WiFi Pineapple Bar update, I am now seeing infusions that I thought I removed before. A: They must have not removed cleanly. That could have happened for a couple of reasons. Just remove them through the WiFi Pineapple Bar after it automatically re-adds them to the webinterface. Q: SSLStrip doesn't run! A: It does for most people, it does for me. do an rm -rf /sd/* and try again. If that fails, re-flash to 1.0.3 (with a wiped SD card). SSLStrip should run without an issue. If it STILL doesn't run and we have real evidence that it is actually a reproducible bug by everyone, we will downgrade back to 0.7 and see how that works. Either way, it'll get fixed guys. Q: URLSnarf doesn't work. A: This is odd. I can't reproduce right now, but NOTHING has changed in regards to the dsniff packages since 1.0.0 -- hence why I cannot explain it. I have also cleaned up this thread to only have firmware related issues. This means I have removed the posts speaking about the WiFi Pineapple Bar update slowing down the UI. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  16. Upgrade to 1.0.3 wlan0 is in AP mode, broadcasts an SSID and can be used for karma. wlan1 can not be placed into AP mode and can not broadcast an SSID. Unless you use another wifi card (wlan2) over USB. Hope that explain / fixes things. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  17. Thank you everyone for your kind words! I'm glad everyone is smooth sailing on 1.0.3! A WiFi Pineapple Bar update has been pushed to the WiFi Pineapple Bar (inception?). Update and your infusions stored on the SD card will be restored automatically. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  18. The easiest way to do this, if you need to check back in with the program is to install screen: opkg update opkg install screen Then run screen and run reaver inside of it. I am not going to explain how to use screen, it's a very very common tool and you'll find many guides on it with a quick Google search. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  19. On the SD Card, yes. We don't support persistent upgrades at this time, but will through a bar update soon.
  20. Hey everyone, Even though I just launched 1.0.2, SSLStrip isn't that easily installable in 1.0.2. To fix that, we decided to finally just build SSLStrip right into our firmwares. Not only that, we also wanted to bump the SSLStrip version from 0.7 to 0.9. Below are the 1.0.3 changes. Add some python library fixes. Include SSLStrip in firmware. As usual, all system infusions have been updated. I would like to apologize for releasing two upgrades so quickly after another. We just felt that installing SSLStrip has always been an issue, back from the old MKIV days. Fixing it at the core was the best option we had. We hope everyone agrees. Please note that if you had SSLStrip installed on your SD card (through the infusion or otherwise), please make sure to remove every trace of it and any python dependencies on it. Otherwise SSLStrip doesn't run. Download: Over the air through the web-interface. (alternatively at https://wifipineapple.com?downloads) MD5: 7885e5c715a1d2f5f3c4930f6d605c82 Note: To flash this over the web-interface, please make sure your info tile is at version >= 1.4 As usual, please leave any feedback in this thread. Bugs, suggestions can also (and should be) be left here. We hope you enjoy this release! -The WiFi Pineapple Team
  21. May I ask.. why? There is really not need to add this and I don't see this being a good or safe idea. I do not recommend anyone doing this (as of course, this imidiately voids your warranty). Best Regards, Sebkinne
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