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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. Fixed in the configuration tile 1.4. Now available from your WiFi Pineapple Bar. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  2. Sorry guys, I had to remove the links. Please see this post for more details. Please also don't re-post the link here on the forums. I see what value it has, especially in things like phishing demos at work, but we made this decision a while back and will stick with it, for now. I will not be locking this thread so a discussion can happen. I hope you understand. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  3. I highly doubt portscanning did anything to the WiFi Pineapple MKV. It would have been a coincidence. Portscanning definitely doesn't kill or affect the WiFi driver. If you tried flashing over the recovery interface, and then booted with ALL switches in the UP position and it still doesn't work, please contact shop@hak5.org. Best regards, Sebkinne
  4. We don't sell battery packs separate at the current time. My personal recommendation is 9V or 12th battery packs as the WiFi Pineapple MKV will be able to handle a higher load without issues. Another plus on the higher voltage is, battery packs last longer. Best regards, Sebkinne
  5. The way it is written right now requires node.js. While there is a port for it on openwrt it isn't very stable and has some issues. I'll take a look later and make sure to add it to our repository. Best regards, Sebkinne
  6. The issue you are having is to do with routing of internet. First, make sure that you are plugged into the WAN port. Once done, execute the following over SSH: iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o wlan0 -s -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE Please note that if you want this to happen on boot, you'll have to add it to your rc.local (or edit it through the webinterface). Best Regards, Sebkinne
  7. The binary is linked separatly for the manual flash. See the "Upgrading Manually" section at https://wifipineapple.com/?flashing. This is how we have always done it and won't change. We merely made it easier by supplying a ZIP with the correct files to extract onto the SD card! Best Regards, Sebkinne
  8. 50696E656170706C65 is just the SSID in HEX. Take your SSID and turn it into HEX and replace that key.
  9. This has nothing to do with urlsnarf not working but rather with the infusion. This thread has been moved to the infusions sub forum.
  10. Hey Intelink, Feedback is always appreciated, but I want to make sure any missunderstandings are cleared up: 1. I'm glad it worked like a treat! However, looking at the "WARNING" card supplied with every WiFi Pineapple MKV, I think step 4 (Browse to should be enough. It even states to go there to finish the setup. The actual setup also tells you that the device is rebooting and that you should wait! 2. With what firmware were you running when you encountered the wlan0/1 switching bug? 1.0.4 should not have had this issue. Unless you configured something manually. Would be great to hear back on that one! 3. I'm also glad that you like our flashing site. In regards to having to download the ZIP file, the instructions say to do just that. Maybe that should be made more clear. I'll re-write that section! Thank you for your feedback, we really do value people pointing things out we can better! Best Regards, Sebkinne
  11. In the future, please use the zip file to download. Extract that on to the root of the SD card and it'll have all nessecary files in place. Best regards, Sebkinne
  12. That's exactly what it means. No way to get rid of that. It's how open WiFis are shown. That's normal though, not Pineapple related.
  13. Adapter yes, amplifier no. Best regards, Sebkinne
  14. That was the outdated 2.8.1 Webinterface repository for the WiFi Pineapple MKIV. Sources for the MKV will be up at a later point. Reasoning? Too many changes in the very close horizon. Also, posting in another thread, PMing myself and creating a new thread is a bit.. Overkill don't you think :) Best Regards, Sebkinne
  15. We don't support USB drives for infusions anymore. As the pineapple requires an SD card inserted, we didn't see why not to offer take this step. Adding a third option (USB) would just make things messy.. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  16. The antenna will most likely not be the right one. We now use SMA not RP-SMA. With an adapter you'll be able to connect it to the WiFi Pineapple MKV though. In regards to the wlan0 antenna (Karma runs on it), check out the manual! It is described in detail there. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  17. Couldn't have said it better myself!
  18. We did try to hold a contest for the best banners at one point. We do want to change ours, but keeping it the the WiFi Pineapple theme. Also, we want to keep an alcoholic recipe. If you know a good Pineapple related one, let us know! Maybe those should be two different contests. But hey, let's see what you guys can come up with! Best Regards, Sebkinne
  19. Karma log is held in /tmp/karma-phy0.log. As the directory states, it's temp storage.
  20. MKV infusions differ from mkiv. Different repository!
  21. Hey everyone, As I am sure many of you have noticed, lots of system infusion updates have been available through the WiFi Pineapple Bar in the past couple of weeks. Every firmware upgrade we shipped out to you contained all the updated infusions while fixing things that the WiFi Pineapple Bar could not. Through these firmware upgrades and system infusion upgrades we were able to iron out any bugs that had been reported to us, at least in most regards (especially the webinterface)! Now, having completed this first milestone it is time to release the first real stable release on the 1.0 branch of the WiFi Pineapple MKV. Today, we present you the 1.0.4 firmware. While 1.0.4 does not come packed with features or fixes, it comes bundled as one upgrade. Flash it and you will be on a stable release which you can trust for a while. The 1.0.4 upgrade has the following changes: Fix SSLStrip not being able to handle non https traffic. Include all system infusion updates and fixes to stabilize the UI on a firmware release. This will most likely be the last 1.0 release. Going further we have a lot of exciting new features coming for you. We will be announcing more on this later, but there will be public beta tests again in the near future, thoroughly testing all new feature releases. Download: Over the air through the web-interface. (alternatively at https://wifipineapple.com?downloads) MD5: 7885e5c715a1d2f5f3c4930f6d605c82 Note: To flash this over the web-interface, please make sure your info tile is at version >= 1.4 As usual, please leave any feedback in this thread. Bugs, suggestions can also (and should be) be left here. We hope you enjoy this release! -The WiFi Pineapple Team
  22. If the amber light is just blinking in a steady manner for more than 2 minutes, take out the SD card and re-insert it. If after another minute it STILL just blinks amber, check the SD card using an SD card reader. If it doesn't have any files on it, download this. Extract those files (upgrade.bin, md5) onto the root of the SD card. Then power down your WiFi Pineapple MKV. Insert the SD card and power it back on. Wait for it to start flashing. In case there ARE files on the SD card, wipe them and do the step above. Just in case. Best Regards, Sebkinne
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