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Everything posted by wetelectric

  1. I realy don't want to type "wanking icons" in google... damn u...damn...firefox's text select google search
  2. We need an Emoticon for "im fully jacking off to that"...... darren, mubix when you've got time, yea? ;)
  3. yea cmdline is king...but for me it has to be...kde. It just works.
  4. "towel head"? To ears that arnt exposed to major *overt* arab (not arab not muslim) bashing in the media. what l0gic said stood out like a beacon. meh.... media differences.
  5. 'insanity'? Im really not sure what he's talking about. Welcome anyway. :twisted:
  6. Not entirely accurate. If it was the back door and half the windows would be open.
  7. I second you on this one Metatron. thir-red-ed ;)
  8. cant .....get...in.....so.....pissed....of.....looks...so so cool..... :(
  9. did someone say 'hippiess'?!............ <cracks out the truncheon>
  10. Yea that is messed up...i'll tell you what even crazier..... Cooper, Vako and sparda..... melodic you have nothing on these guys when it comes to super posting... jeebus... they can never call you forum spammer again...... i can though .... fourm spammer :D
  11. just stick to legacy tech: a condom and lots of butter... yum
  12. During a nuclear war, when you feel the warmth of the 'glow' caress your body... Then u may speak
  13. They are also apprantly blocking craigslist, an ads competitor.
  14. dude come on:...torrent + dvdcopy
  15. See web designers /Graphic designers are the loony bins of the geek 'community'. They keep using made up terms like 'web 2.0' to describe random shit. They also worship something called a 'wee-three-see'...meh they're one can short of a six pack if you ask me :D
  16. Yes, what the hell is going on? I've never heard of such heinous actions before. Why were emo/goth/any kids for that matter, being beat-up yesterday? And why for just the way they dress/act? What has happened to our youth? What has caused them to become so ignorant of other's lives and emotions that they blatantly disregard them? I’m only a year out of high school and is seems as though all hell has broken lose. Something is seriously wrong. bwhahahahahahahahahahaha.... my splean!! damn u
  17. yep i bagged me seven of em.... i just picked on the guys wearing black nail varnish and eye liner... i dont discriminate
  18. what language is this? What country? "edumacate" ....hahahaha my bad. Forum troll...but funny
  19. uh huh..... :roll: backs away slowly...... trying not to make eye contact...
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