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Everything posted by wetelectric

  1. Being a bit harsh there arnt we stingwray?........ You'd have to be doing something extreamly fukd up or be very vey *cough*Ilya*cough*to be banned for life... one of the admins was probably joking with you... you can probably log in now.
  2. Java programmers are the erotic furries of programming This made me laugh.... a lot. classic.... although no way lisp is that high...and ada should be higher but other than that.... can't disagree
  3. I dont know about everyone else but this conversation between these two is making me laugh my ass off
  4. wetelectric


    I got half way through that cult-like video before i felt the urge to take my own life. Imagine actually being stuck there for three or so years.... when was this made 80'? Truly scary. I wondor how many nutters have come outta that place.
  5. yes... mascot rape (bsd mascot bumming the linux mascot) is never fun... unless your the one doing the raping...or possibly watching/filming..er ...never mind...forget i said anything... out of curiosity, why'd he get banned?
  6. nah too many stickies at the moment. Just put it on the wiki faq.
  7. WO-ffles?! hahaha this thread is funny
  8. I used to fancy her like mad when i was young horne teenager of similer age to her i might add.... for the heathclif ref: u the man D! ps. heard her speak recently. She is now fat and totally stupid (like 99% of people on tv). Ah well
  9. Nope this is the best quote from the vakos onme: "Winners don't do warez. Winners kidnap small children and force them to sell CD's loaded with warez on the cold streets of London." ...im still laughing...ah those triads, comedy fodder! Am going out in a few hours...i shall be getting drunk in Camden. Get me some tourists..or girls just entering university....mmm 21 :)
  10. Ive seen the series 'V' (humans for meat) and I would be wary of the dreaded anal probe. So any alien I see is getting capped.... with a gun ive borrowed of the metatron :twisted:
  11. baah! traitorous swine! I help defend the hak.5 'tubes' from attack!
  12. change my ava.... no. never! heathen! :)
  13. no, it needs to stay lol any perticular reason as to why? :P think abou it dude! I have around 250-300 posts.... a mere mortal. u sir are forum-posting-demi-something... u have ur own stage!
  14. no, it needs to stay lol
  15. thats probably not the first or last pitcher and you forgot the guy taking the picture <snippage> ah but the person could be a girl or maybe somehting else....so..ha!....er yea
  16. man, one pitcher for four guys? Americans can't drink ;)
  17. hahaha good idea. Its been done before tho for the film/doc - "the aristocrats". putting up audio would be good....but where to host..?
  18. http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/
  19. Something new. Just dont call it 'tech 2.0'.
  20. lets hope they've include multiple line comments! I had to use a third party library so i could do this: /* blah blah bluerg */ hahaha oh and: elsif instead of elseif... bad perl makers.... bad!
  21. No ur not dude. Perl is just fucking nice. Add on CPAN and its almost porno. Not sure what perl 6 can do.... but ive heard good thing. Need a decent resource on it from a perl expert really.
  22. so... anyone gonna fill us in?
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