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Everything posted by wetelectric

  1. God damn it. :roll: You people are really really reall nice :)
  2. This should probably be in questions but.... yea coldfusion and php have similer properties. Both have their advantages. I like the way coldfusion handles database interaction. It just looks 'nicer' than php way of handling DB interaction. Coldfusion could be described as a 'glue'. It allows one to blend quite a few technologies together. Java, C dlls, etc... That said.... it is pretty slow. Choice between the two?...it depends on what you want to do.. :) shit answer I know.
  3. :roll: been smoking that waccy baccy huh? been tripping the light fantasic mmm? bit of the ol' puff the magic dragon eh? <cfset ref1= "insert drug ref here"> <cfset ref2= "insert another drug ref here"> <cfloop index="itr" from=1 to=10> <cfset ref=#ref##itr#> <cfoutput>#eval(ref)#</cfoutput> </cfloop>
  4. Yup, its disgusting. Try demon, pipex (if they're not one in the same?). Im lucky I can get is adsl2...but if you cant.... move. ;)
  5. Isn't that the complaint from all the oldschools on EVERY forum you run across? Take a look at the netstumbler or brighthand forums. A ton of threads are replied to by a mod with a link to the search page and then locked. Stinger--- have to agree. If i see one more topic on 'what bit torrent program do you use, or what linux dist should i use, I will kill (unlike goDaddy. Who have never killed. Ever. Not sure about hak.5 tho, they might have. Once.) But saying that there are some topics that are ok to be repeated. Like the post you desktop, or the odd programming language discussion thread. I think this forum has a good balance.... well we need a few more adults...but its alright really :)
  6. ah a classic bender quote... More mods needed probs, but the spam isnt that bad here...yet
  7. http://www.regdeveloper.co.uk/2006/08/08/cplusplus_loops/ quite amusing. For c++ coders only really....but i think its funny enough to post. Disagree with most of it though.
  8. This needs to be moved to the 'news'. Section. Bad 'tabath'. Bad.
  9. ep1 is entitled: "installing ubuntu"... ZzzzzZzzzz
  10. meh, just crack one off mate.
  11. yup if you do asm +C you can pretty much piss on anyone... Although ive obviously dabbled in a bit of c and asm, C++ is about as crazy as i get..... so when u guys are pissing on me.dnt get the hair lol
  12. I think he means for the syndication of podcasts, not just regular (text/news) rss feeds. Although he really isn't clear. oh i see. Thunderbird does that though. I used get the odd netcast using it,sploitcast et al
  13. Just remove all instances of mysql. Install kde via package source. Then download and install mysql manually. Its a lot easier. Package source is nice...but when it b0rks it fukin b0rks. Im sure its just a case of simple make file edit..but who the fuk can be bothered to search and find it. Yup I say when in doubt do it manually.
  14. wetelectric


    yea, but i think its good to learn a good typed language first. You know get into good habits.... not sure i'd recommend ASM either!
  15. mmm i thought everyone just used thunderbird...meh
  16. wetelectric


    i dont smoke, cant stand it. I hate it in resturants, at the bus stop, when your walking down the street and it blows in your face etc.... But I love kissing girls who do smoke...meh 'go figure' ps. Chris Rock said it best: "smoking so dangerous, it hurts people who dont smoke!" or something like that
  17. See... when you use evil things...evil things happen.
  18. mmm PSU could be the problem. Try replacing it with one of your other working PSU's before you buy a new one. Because this could also be a RAM problem. Check if the RAM sticks are the same. ie. same make or the same speed. --- THIS POST BROUGHT TO YOU BY GODADDY.COM
  19. wetelectric


    Depends what type of programming you want to do. Application proramming learn c++. Learn this language learn them all. If its script based stuff.... yup learn perl. Do a search on the forums...im sure there's a really long thread on how to start learning programming... or it could have been lost in the 'great forum b0rk' of about 5 months ago.
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