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Everything posted by wetelectric

  1. "TKAF" im crying this is so funny. Darren's a genius.
  2. release week dude. It'll calm down.
  3. No! Mr 2000+posts this is not for u! ehehe
  4. Hey season two episode three is here. If you have been a long time watcher but have not really participated in the hak.5 community, post here and say hello... :) People with 10 posts or less...post! This is your time! Evey realease day we need a thread like this. So come on! .
  5. Google code search. I remember talking to some guys who were running a site like this a year or so ago. ah well they're effed now. Nice interface. I feel the reg expr func.
  6. better a day late than a botch job.... assuming this isn't some elaborate ruse.... Moriarty!!...ahem sry I'm back... :)
  7. Just take a break when u start seeing dead people.
  8. erm... i think there's a glitch in the matrix. :roll:
  9. How about sticking up some linux & windows howto's with links that work.... try hosting the software you guys use for this on one of these remote storage thingys such as: fasthost (well they're shit really im sure someone could find a better one). and yea... so when all this is done.... anyone thought of any apps for this uber table thing? .... im this one some thought ive come up with a few but i need to stew a bit on them.... until then good job boys
  10. rofl rarely does a post make me laugh as much as this one did
  11. mmm this is a good idea.../me thinks about it
  12. no, more a multi-interactive, qualititve, technoblogistic electronic word board experience.
  13. its nice simple and not flash. i like it. If it must change dnt make it all 'web 2.0'
  14. You are all 12years old /me giggles like a girl
  15. if you have formatted your c: drive, the situation u describe is impossible. impossible is nothing... to begin with if anyone does not believe me, just take the time and make your own conclusions and don't treat me as if I was dumb-stupid, I know what I say. At this point I believe the only way they ARE doing this is by grabbing (somehow with actionscript or maybe a hidden script on another web scripting languaje) some hardware unique id's, like the cpu one or the hard disk one, or maube a combination of both. by the way, I always zero all data when formatting. Dude, ive been on this forum a while (near the begining) and ive seen the n00biest n00b posts, posted by a n00b who studied n00b at the university of n00b, yet the regulars on here are 99% of the time polite and point said n00b in the correct direction. Now im not saying you're a n00b but the tone of your posts is testing said politeness. Most forums would have told u to where to go after the "is it so hard to understand?? " comment. But people still replied in a polite, if not slightly blunt, (in response to your tone no doubt) fashion. So chill winston... and maybe we can get to the bottom of this.
  16. Cannibals A few choice quotes: Really interesting article... im half way through it. :shock:
  17. if you have formatted your c: drive, the situation u describe is impossible.
  18. :shock: .... must..... not.... google....open-wrt option.....must....fight....urge.....ugh!
  19. you've tried nmap -sS(or sP) 192.168.*.* right? maybe im being to obvious here... meh
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