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Everything posted by wetelectric

  1. Lamb - Cotton Wool <snippage :D The Lady in Red? hahaha
  2. hahaha excellent post. I wonder if it picks the ads depending on your music tastes... What song goes with: Tampons, Toilet Roll, Pork, Insurance? it since i use firefox+adblock plus and noscript i sometimes miss these little gems
  3. umm not to bad. But to bright on the eyes for me, i'll stick to the red.... now how do I put it back :?:
  4. U need to obfuscate your email address. haroldsearchnetworks[AT]gmailDOTcom_NOSPAM or something. As to design, i am a code m0key so dare not speak. :)
  5. Hans Reiser is that you?!? bwhahahahaha! wrong... just wrong!
  6. so your normal basically.. well apart from the porn thing..
  7. hah! kittenAuth! Brilliant! Never heard of this... had me in stitches! ninjaAuth pirateAuth monkeyAuth the possibilities are endless hahaha
  8. Dude it was a random film quote, get a sense of humour. If you want to discuss it further use PM.
  9. why do you have to curse?! Because i'm 'cool'.... and was the drunk phrase of my drunkan night at my new years party :)
  10. mmm pthread does seem to be the one most people use.... but im worried about mixing C stuff with c++ code. Because one has to use malloc/free for the c and new/delete for c++. It can get to be a headache. To be honest i am leaning towards using the Boost libs. A lot of them are going to be included in the c++ update (yes in the next 100yrs c++ will have standard regExp support! ) anyways.... although ive heard some threading gurus are not liking the boost thread implementation. mmm i'll be writing the code in such a way that it is easy to implement both and see which ones best anyways... i'll give the svn thing a test in a month or so then u can see thanks guys
  11. Jesus titty fucking christ. Happy new year!!!
  12. Im designing a program in c++ and im wondering the best way to implement its threading aspecs. Ive narrowed it down to three choices: 1. using pThread (this is a c library so not sure how that would work. Shouldnt be to difficult to do). It's also POSIX... ummm? 2. Boost libs. - not sure whether this will port. Also gotta think about distribution. But it does look 'nice'. void hello_world() { cout &lt;&lt; "Hello world, I'm a thread!" &lt;&lt; endl; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // start a new thread that calls the "hello_world" function boost::thread my_thread(&amp;hello_world); // wait for the thread to finish my_thread.join(); 3. design my own thread class: This was taken from an old site. It's a bit basic but meh, opensource and that class Thread { public: Thread(); int Start(void * arg); protected: int Run(void * arg); static void * EntryPoint(void*); virtual void Setup(); virtual void Execute(void*); void * Arg() const {return Arg_;} void Arg(void*){Arg_ = a;} private: THREADID ThreadId_; void * Arg_; }; Thread::Thread() {} int Thread::Start(void * arg) { Arg(arg); // store user data int code = thread_create(Thread::EntryPoint, this, &amp;ThreadId_); return code; } int Thread::Run(void * arg) { Setup(); Execute( arg ); } /*static */ void * Thread::EntryPoint(void * pthis) { Thread * pt = (Thread*)pthis; pthis-&gt;Run( Arg() ); } virtual void Thread::Setup() { // Do any setup here } virtual void Thread::Execute(void* arg) { // Your code goes here } Basically i'd like to know your experiences of implementing threads in c++, what worked for you? cheers
  13. instead of cash, can I trade something? :-) ah little boys offering to 'trade something' on the web. If he asks you to 'dance' on a web cam dont do it /me goes straight to hell
  14. Don't know anything about the rss alarm clock thing. But i know a module doesn't exist error when I see one. The perl module DateTime is not installed on your system. To install it use cpan. CPAN is nice program that among other things makes the vast repositories of perl modules available, searchable. From the command line the string is: cpan install Bundle::DateTime. Now this installs the lot. Shouldn't be a problem for most people. If you google cpan u can find out how to upgrade your perl dist aswell. Sexy time!
  15. Dont be mean. ah come on!... i could think of a variety of reasons not to help the guy (search: google, Digg, or this forum,etc..) but where he lives? Jeebus, stupid (payed for) laws should not be respected. I for one will not respect them if they start enforcing them in this country. Just say no! :D
  16. What he said except vi is for girls. Use emacs. </starts flame war> In all seriousness though, what he said is quite correct for what your talking about. If you use windows try cygwin. Its xemacs and vim editors are pretty decent. :)
  17. Ah holding out for hope where there is none. That is what it means to hu--man. ----- some star trek alien. ---1st post for ages. hello :)
  18. Fair use statutes in the UK allow for copying dvd's, cd,tapes etc...
  19. Not bad huh? Although im not touching blueRay with a ten foot poll :) edit: damn it this guy doesnt show anything interesting tho.... which leads me to believe it may be a fake..mmm?
  20. 2 and half MB... downloading a suse iso... i was also downloading hak5 ep4 season 1, geek drome and some other films at around 200-400 kbytes/s each. I was trying to max out my connection...didnt work :) /me puts his e-shlong away
  21. I bet most of u guys would like this: Microsoft firefox Fun fun fun
  22. a reason for the short bus methinks... meh
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