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Everything posted by wetelectric

  1. This: "Vulnerability allows an attacker with physical access to an Xbox 360 to run arbitrary code such as alternative operating systems with full privileges and full hardware access." would have been nice... :twisted:
  2. Ha linux geeks with too much time on their hands. Excellent piece.
  3. Yea i spotted a few of your books I may have on pdf somewhere (don't you love unprotected online booking ftp servers in russia). As for reading tech books for enjoyment... i remember reading some books on Eiffel* and pro-logic. A language (not exclusively) for AI. I would never use the language, probably wouldn't even bother learning it beyond what was necessary for the book. There was an interesting example on how to program a state machine to tell whether a platform on the tube (London underground train system) was full, half full or empty! ...well it was interesting to me.... An interesting aside might be, what books like this have other people read? *Eiffel has the most insane equality char (if my memory is correct): '::=' imagine typing that a few thousand times!
  4. im not ur biggest o'reilly fan but i'd have to include these: dns/bind perl unix in a nutshell (for beginners) But to be honest I dont really buy books (tech obviously) anymore. I generally print of the web. For example, i needed to brush up on my perl-fu recently so I found a nice pdf. But since I only needed 2-3 chapters, I just printed them off. Read on the bus. Done and in the bin. Plus you get the latest shit. Nothing against the books mentioned though, might give this: Absolute OpenBSD - Unix For The Practical Paranoid a go. Although isn't RFID Security an oxymoron?
  5. I'd be really surprised if it due to a bot... more than likely a problem with your host. php sends a write db request... odbc b0rks for some reason... php tries to request data that does not exist, therefore generates a page that does not exist... 404.....
  6. For embedded systems asm is a must...but im guessing your talking about pc apps and the like.... ive heard of certain parts of say a database program being in asm where io speed is important. ie one could optimize a program for a specific environment.
  7. mmm yea had the same thing a while ago... probs just a net gremlin
  8. The little Mohawk thing isn't that unusual where I live. </sighs>
  9. umm.... I dont understand... so your going to attach a wireless antenna to a balloon? :?
  10. Title : Addicted To Vi Original : Addicted To Love Group : Robert Palmer Author : Chuck Musciano &lt;chuckA_*_Ttrantor.harris-atdD_*_OTcom&amp;gr; Intro : After thinking about that poor wretch who has become addicted to vi, I was inspired to compose the following ditty, sung to the tune of "Addicted To Love" by Robert Palmer. As you sing this, it may help the effect to imagine a dozen women, all of whom resemble Bill Joy, dressed in black and dancing sinuously. Song : Addicted To Vi (with apologies to Robert Palmer) You press the keys with no effect, Your mode is not correct. The screen blurs, your fingers shake; You forgot to press escape. Can't insert, can't delete, Cursor keys won't repeat. You try to quit, but can't leave, An extra "bang" is all you need. You think it's neat to type an "a" or an "i"-- Oh yeah? You won't look at emacs, no you'd just rather die You know you're gonna have to face it; You're addicted to vi! You edit files one at a time; That doesn't seem too out of line? You don't think of keys to bind-- A meta key would blow your mind. H, J, K, L? You're not annoyed? Expressions must be a Joy! Just press "f", or is it "t"? Maybe "n", or just "g"? Oh--You think it's neat to type an "a" or an "i"-- Oh yeah? You won't look at emacs, no you'd just rather die You know you're gonna have to face it; You're addicted to vi! Might as well face it, You're addicted to vi! You press the keys without effect, Your life is now a wreck. What a waste! Such a shame! And all you have is vi to blame. Oh--You think it's neat to type an "a" or an "i"-- Oh yeah? You won't look at emacs, no you'd just rather die You know you're gonna have to face it; You're addicted to vi! Might as well face it, You're addicted to vi!
  11. Have to say, I hate T.V. I hate watching a program then having it interrupted by adverts. I hate the way the sound for the adverts increase. "buy me, buy me, lie,buy me!!" I hate tabloid news, seeing Britany Spears on the news makes me what to make love to a cheese grater. I hate seeing the same talentless, whores (read celebrate) debasing themselves on whatever 'reality' variety program. I mean there was one where one of these whore gave a pig a reach around! aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <ahem> sorry about that.. So yes, a wire+dual-screen+bit torrent= entertainment. I'll give this Joost thing a go though.
  12. Validating your input although not really necessary for this simple exercise, would be a good habit to get into :)
  13. Just saw the episode.... jeebus. Not the obvious mental behaviour, but New Orleans... damn. Its been like a year. That's a disgrace.
  14. ah good post, i was looking for this ep. - classic
  15. umm prior art: http://www.last.fm/group/Hak.5
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