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Everything posted by wetelectric

  1. I have an amd64 chip, with a via 82Cxxx sata chip set. Three ide drives and one SATA drive of 400 GB. I attempted to install OPENSUSE 10.3 x86_64. It uses the kernel First of all I tried a net install (smug mode: since I have an uber fast connection) using the 'upgrade' option. Found they have renamed the hard drives devices. hda is now sda, hdb is now sdb etc.. This turned out to be a problem...see later Got to the point where I had to check the packages to be installed. There were about one to two hundred software conflicts. These turned out to be unsolvable. Went through each conflict (most painful) didn't work. You end up in a never ending loop. RPM hell doesn't exist anymore(!). I did notice at the bottom they have a feature that tries to solve this problem automatically by trying all configurations. Good effort suse guys, didn't work though. So I thought forget this, let me try a format and an install. This is OK because (smug mode) being a sensible chap, my root and home stuff are on separate partitions :) Did the format, got to the install bit. STILL had the rpm conflicts! This I felt was a bit odd because I was using the default opensuse repositories. These conflicts were solved though. I generally just choose not to install whatever is causing the problem, then install later. So during the download/install connection to the default download server was intermittent. It would stop and I would have to hit retry three times or so. This was my fault though, I should have chosen a mirror. Although I expected a slow connection, not to be disconnected. So I went though the usual beautiful install screens (best of any Linux distribution I have seen) and booted up my new system. I then installed the proprietary NVIDIA driver (I know, I know but it's the easiest way to get my dual screen working. Still haven't managed to get the dual screen and the compiz stuff working), installed the smart package manager then ran my script to install all those lovely media gubbins 'they' don't want you to have (libdvdcss, xine etc), compiled the latest version of mplayer, tried kde4 preview and found it consisted of just a blue desktop and a few useless options, loaded kde 3.5x then had a cup of tea. Success! I thought, after my hard 'work', that I would watch one of my erm.. special videos. Opened up kaffeine to load it up. mmm...couldn't find the mount to my SATA drive. I start to sweat... I think: 'don't panic, i'm sure it's in the /dev list and I just need to mount it'.... umm not there.... now I panic.... I check the modules loaded... via..yup..ahci.... yup.... I run menuconfig and recompile....still wasn't detecting it... now I start crying.... Cue a kettle of kernel compilations and a pot of failure. I re-install opensuse 10.2 x86_32 edition (I found the 64bit edition would often eat my memory. I think this was a kde thing though.. I mean I have 2gig of ram and occasionally it would have to go to swap. The box would also just freeze up every 30-40 days and I would have to reboot). Kernel. I have access to my special video collection.. I have my dual screen .. I still don't have my shiny compiz stuff.. but meh...so all in all yay!... I think I'll wait for a while before I 'upgrade' again.
  2. what a waste of time. I like the interface though, very matrix :)
  3. Yea, I was more lamenting my lack of posts than the state of the users on the site. Way past that. Damn my lackOfPosting-attude ;)
  4. side note: on my linux box xpdf sucks donkey balls compared to acroread. Hairy ones at that. The UI is just terrible.
  5. I beleive *amarok* has a web interface. The player itself is excellent. Best out there.
  6. The title of this topic made lose it. But then again, it's not as if I post regularly anymore. [me=wetelectric]part of the problem[/me]
  7. Stopped at the hair question. Edit: Love the wiki link... much better :)
  8. Going to this this, anyone else going? Has anyone been or known anyone that has? Thoughts, comments etc..?
  9. Are you skinny sciddy? a portly packet peruser? Do you find yourself having to strech your arms further and further to get to your keyboard? Do you booze too much? Come on, come out Tubby Test: Booze Test: mmm one out of two. If you are tubby you could try the haxx0r flakes diet or try this. mmm hackZ0r exercises: Strap heavy weights to the little fingers to increase emacs-fu? meh can't think of any. wow i'm bored.
  10. All those not using plain text (the odd smiley accepted) losing many geek/nerd points
  11. I'm not into these crappy things normally, but this made me laugh. For Science/Math: 73% scored higher, 4% scored the same, and 23% scored lower. For Computers/Technology: 42% scored higher, 4% scored the same, and 54% scored lower. For Sci-Fi/Comic: 95% scored higher, 3% scored the same, and 2% scored lower. For History/Literature: 84% scored higher, 5% scored the same, and 11% scored lower. For Dumb/Dork/Awkwardness: 82% scored higher, 9% scored the same, and 9% scored lower. Cool Non-Nerd
  12. What's up with the Kevin Rose hate? He is a web 2.0, bespoke, vlog, socialog genius. The love I have for him is almost sexual
  13. Yea that pretty much what I had..apart from the "-I" . Tunneling it via ssh # Example rule allowing access from your local networks. Adapt # to list your (internal) IP networks from where browsing should # be allowed acl our_networks src http_access allow our_networks # And finally deny all other access to this proxy #acl adservers dstdomain "/usr/local/squid/etc/denied_domains.acl" acl url_ads url_regex -i "/usr/local/squid/etc/banner-ads.acl" http_access deny url_ads http_access deny all Still not working perhaps it's my regExp. The following should filter ad coming from http://ad.doubleclickEvil.com ^http://ads. ^http://ad. ^http://ads02. ^http://adaver.*. Bah, i'll figure it out.
  14. hahah great thread i'd post pics of my atari 65xe...but I have no idea how to..short of taking a pic with phone.
  15. I hate sea food. But I actually like squid...odd. Trying to set up squid to filter out adservers...having problems.... # And finally deny all other access to this proxy #acl adservers dstdomain "/usr/local/squid/etc/denied_domains.acl" acl url_ads url_regex "/usr/local/squid/etc/banner-ads.acl" http_access deny url_ads http_access deny all I have a simple regExp list which i have set up as above..... It doesn't work. How have you guys done it? Am I on the right path or is my method fishy? (i know, i know)
  16. I meant that on my box at home I am torrenting (not via squid), you know generally raping my by upload. Then while at work I forwarded the proxy connection via ssh to my box at home. So on my firefox the settings are I did this fully expecting it to be as slow as fuck. But it handled it beautifully. So thumbs up to openssh and squid! yays all round methinks! Completely pointless of course..but meh
  17. What the scooby-dooo?! Honestly these 'web 2.0' lot will pay for anything Almost as bad as the mac lot. Attendee 1 Academic 2-Day Conference Pass ( £245 ) - Full access to all presentations during the Future of Web Apps plus access to the expo hall. 3-Day Conference Pass ( £595 ) - Full access to all presentations during the Future of Web Apps, access to the expo area and a day of workshops. Earlybird Expo Pass ( £5 ) - Access to the expo area at The Future of Web Apps (this does not permit access to the presentations) Sold Out! Student Conference Pass ( £75 ) - Full access to all presentations during the Future of Web Apps plus access to the expo hall, specifically designed for students. 'Conference in a Box (FOWA)' ( £245 ) A pack containing a CD with all presentations, video and audio from both days of the conference (Mac/PC compatible).
  18. Damn i love this program, so easy to configure. Tunnelling via ssh from my work box to my house, plus torrenting like crazy. Yet it's still working very smoothly. Anyway, does anyone use it, and if so what for...anything good?
  19. ah there's a veoh player? Nice. Does it install spyware? Does it run in wine? Sometimes links on the site don't work, do you users of their player get a slightly higher priority? oh on the spyware thing...yea it's kinda shit to have your work being used to whore spyware, but still that's internet and freedom for ya. As long as it doesn't say "HAK.5 recommend gator, for that never alone while you surf safety!", then meh.
  20. [me=wetelectric]Commits Hara-kiri.[/me]
  21. im not mfc ninja but it says it cant fine the GetConsoleWindow() function. You sure you have declared it properly..spellings etc,,,?
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