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    Chicago, Illinois

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  1. What's an extra $30 a month ;)
  2. To tim.vangehugten: It is spelled "choice," not "choise." Also, it is "read," not "red." Also, reading Maddox is sheerly good for entertainment. The user experience between the e70 an an iPhone is completely different. An iPhone is meant for people who want a consistent interface that is attractive and easy to use. Of course this doesn't matter to you, but I'm just putting it out there.
  3. Note: They changed how their bills are sent so they do use less paper now.
  4. Adobe is apparently developing a very light flash client for the iPhone, so i'd expect to see that in the not too distant future. Also, as far as flash goes, there are few good uses for it in my opinion. Outside of streaming videos, flash provides for very few useful internet applications. Also, my two favorite video sites (CollegeHumor and YouTube) both support the iPhone without flash support. Safari is also prettier.
  5. I hate Opera as a foundation. They focus too much on technical standards instead of practical standards. Also, mobile Safari works beautifully in my opinion. And as usual, my opinion is all that matters. :D
  6. I've just thought up so many uses for an iPhone where you can't bust out an eeepc to do the same thing... Plus, i'm a fan of things that fit in my pocket. The eeepc is great, but having something you can bring everywhere with you is even better. If i was wondering what the score of the cubs game was at a restaurant, i'm not about to whip out a laptop. Plus, normal phone browsers can barely pass off as browsers. In my opinion, the iPhone revolutionizes mobile devices.
  7. To anyone who things the iPhone is overpriced... $200 is, in my opinion, cheap for the caliber of the device... i'd almost pay that much just for a GPS unit... let alone a phone, internet browser, and sexy tech gadget.
  8. No. That's definitely not a valid excuse. Everyone wants the sexy 3G-ed-ness.
  9. I, for one, am definitely buying one on july 11th. I'm very excited, and I'm surprised this topic hasn't been brought up yet. Hopefully I'm not missing some "don't post about the iPhone" notice.
  10. I love the look of the new forums. However, two little things... http://albums.kimag.es/albums/dhp1080/72215507.png[/img] Also, the rounded edges need to go. The square look will fit the overall theme of the website a lot better. Other than that, I love the look of it Darren.
  11. True winner of this contest is http://dhp1080.com/ ;)
  12. Fix: don't use Opera to IRC. IRC was up the entire time and functioning fine.
  13. dhp1080

    Your site

    Last time I checked I know my own work. Good effort though.
  14. VHCS hasn't been updated for years. Plus, I ran a server using VHCS and an exploit got my server rooted. I don't trust it at all, and I doubt it's current state is very good.
  15. UNIVERSAL ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION: Don't start a web host if you don't know what you're doing. You're bound to get asked higly technical questions, so buying a managed server or something would be much more fitting than making your own. However, if you feel the need to do this... FreeBSD is really powerful, and really difficult to use in my personal practice. For the simplest server you can imagine, try SuSE and install ISPConfig using the package manager. It'll install all the pretty dependencies. Of course I'll get yelled at for saying that, and I don't care at all. I'm right, you're wrong. :)
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