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Everything posted by wetelectric

  1. haha I think recognise that guy on the front. Is that the guy the Scientology guys have been targeting him for their 'fair game' activities for a number of years. March 15th will either be really shit or huge. I'll have to try and get down there.
  2. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha You bastard. You broke my funny bone. I shall make you pay for a new one. Edit: [me=wetelectric]puts on polo neck jumper, shades and smokes his pipe[/me] Dear Mr. Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But we think you're crazy to make an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us... In the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain... ...and an athlete... ...and a basket case... ...a princess... ...and a criminal... Does that answer your question?... Sincerely yours, the Breakfast Club. [me=wetelectric]sings [/me] Don't You Forget About Me Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't You Forget About Me
  3. meh, good luck to them, anything that helps hinder that cult is a good thing. I'll should be in tot court road this sat.. i'll see if I can get some shittty mobile phone pics... if it actually happens that is. edit: ah they didn't pick the main one in Tottenham Court Rd. Idiots. Screw that. Can't buy my hard disks near Victoria street!
  4. yeah at least 23 hours thats a long time... sigh
  5. The O.S thing could be because a lot of people skive at work... not me though. [me=wetelectric]looks left, looks right[/me]
  6. webmin Allows you to control and report on most aspects of a Linux or *bsd system via an ssl enabled web interface.
  7. http://davidrupp.blogspot.com/2007/10/last...e-trolling.html
  8. damn it, i though hak5 had escape from this shit I hate the whole "lolcat" thing! gah!!! blarrrrrrg! sorry. :'(
  9. Be careful of these things. A lot of them have DRM built in. It makes it difficult to get at your files using multiple users. So if you have a store for your mates to use, you may not be able to use the built in software. Easy to get around, but it's the principle of the thing.
  10. I rest my case. I think we need a war on social networking. These sites are harbouring weapons of mass pointlessness. They need to be stopped before they kill us all.
  11. I liked the "news" section. It was a good resource.
  12. Is it me or is this 'social networking' buzz going way way to far? What a useless site. Am I too harsh?
  13. meh.. but i would ;) Good music? oh and Cooper WTF HAPPENED TO YOUR EYES?! :shock:
  14. nah, it's just the regulars were here when this was discussed ad nauseum, and the new people don't really post on the forum much..
  15. Pictures of a fire, well of the smoke, I took in East London today: Edit: umm these pics are too big...so linkage
  16. Since Halloween was on a weekday.... it doesn't count till Saturday. In keeping with the theme...read this crap: Woodwork creaks out come the freaks
  17. "yuck, you use a pee-cee" "yes" "what about all the viruses?" "It's a problem,I use linux but i'm quite careful anyway. Since most of them are designed for windows, any risk is further reduced" "huh? garrr! wtfOMGBBQ!!!!"
  18. I think suse is a reasonable O.S. It's just I wouldn't reccommend them as strongly as I did before that Microsoft deal. I just don't trust them. Will openSuSe upgrades suddenly require registration, payment? I don't know. Will they not include a program in their repositories because microsoft say they don't like it? I'm not sure. So i'm really taking a wait-and-see approach to them. ps. Things like changing the word 'root' to 'Administrator' doesn't fill me with warm stuff. Not sure if that is SuSe or KDE (see, due to a lack of trust...it starts already..).
  19. You generally have to umount these things. Perhaps it doesn't commit until then? I've experienced the same thing on my windows box and gnu/linux box
  20. ah another firefox 'blocker' extension ( opps, i mean add-on :roll:) I would need to add.
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