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  1. http://lh6.ggpht.com/silivrenion/SBfAXmS80GI/AAAAAAAAAeM/eUH2_m3-UU4/s800/0429082038.jpg[/img]
  2. Wow. This is quite amazing. I can't wait to see how the military is going to take this to the field in the future.
  3. I can no longer sustain the rainbow table program due to college, and a definite lack of sustained housing for myself isn't helping. In short, I need a job and college. Mike Pinkowish has offered to take up the program. He has been dedicated in helping all along with hardware, storage space, and FTP management. I'm sorry I can't do it anymore, but its been great working with all of you. I made a lot of memories, and will never forget the friendships I made with people around the world. Hopefully I can stop into the IRC sometimes. I have a definite lack of internet access where I am, but I'll try. Questions? Email me at silivrenion@gmail.com. Thanks to all of you, Steve Morley
  4. Those of us with important machines, take this as a warning, stop being lazy, go down and inspect your machines if you haven't done so in a while. It's good to lubricate fans, undust, and make sure all fans and components are operating correctly every month.
  5. Sure, maybe your form of entertainment's random podcasts of webcams around the internet, but some of us actually watch it for the content, and the occasional set-related injury.
  6. We are not worthy in his almighty presence. :D Tall signatures are annoying, anyway.
  7. You're going to have to use an image capture device of some kind. You're not going to get to use those cool aerial photography photos the government uses -- those are intelligence agencies only. You basically have to go with a camera you buy if you want any kind of feeds online. A good choice is either the Linksys monstrocity or or those Panasonic webcameras that can give you multiple feeds on one webpage. Good luck with finding the right solution for you! :)
  8. ...except the work in other areas that have had to be done, like the RainbowTables HQ moving, preparing a house for an already dismal market, etc. Just try to have some patience.. there's a lot of downtime when you're working on a house as much as this. I do try and check if things are running smoothly every so often, and have setup redundant machines on my network for the torrent. Unfortunately, I have a very limited connection. I've asked a friend to help in the mean time, which will do a lot.
  9. What benefit would there be to designing something that wouldn't make sense? The fact is we're moving, and uptime is hectic with all of the stuff going on. Nevermind the fact that most of the contributing distribution seeds that were GOING to seed for us never actually did, my bandwidth's taking a full blow of this whole thing. Just try to be patient with the torrent. Its big and huge, and probably one of the first of its kind. Torrenting this one has also taught a lot of lessons that we will ensure won't happen again in the future.
  10. Thanks for your concern. I assure you I can understand your frustrations with the torrent if this happened. I've taken steps to make sure this doesn't get interrupted, but they're kind of buried in the itinerary of events. The torrent host moves to another machine this weekend, but the torrent will stay seeded well into April via CrackBot. I also purchased a new laptop, which will help alleviate some of my troubles. I don't expect any problems with service interruptions with the torrent, and I will make sure it is available to be completed by people.
  11. Things have been strange lately, so I wanted to make an update. All services are available until April 12ish, except RainbowTables by Mail, which isn't available until June sometime. The torrent is currently being seeded via one 95kb/sec connection with redundant servers. It is working. I check daily on status logs. Just be patient, 120GB is really large to torrent. On a more positive note, those who do have a full set of the torrent are encouraged to help seed. You'll make everyone's day, and you'll get mad props from the community for helping out. Questions? Wanna help seed and already have a copy of the tables? Contact hak5rainbowtables@gmail.com
  12. I'm on vacation, and the machine crashed. Luckily my neighbor was nice enough to turn the machine back on for me :)
  13. The Community Rainbow Tables program was founded in the interest of the Switchblade, allowing people to be able to use switchblade and rainbowtables together. Since then, we have formed a tremendous community and been able to come together to produce something great. Unfortunately, I have had a lot of personal problems that have come up that have complicated my good intentions with the project, which I would like to share here. I live with my parents, and I'm still in school. My schoolwork is one problem that affects my activity on Hak5. Many rigorous courses and drama to go through, and I still have plenty to do. Another challenge is that my father took another job in another state. Technical reasons made our family loose money fast at his old one, and we are financially in trouble. We are now trying to sell our old house, and just made an offer and are on trip right now buying a new, cheaper one to live in. Another challenge is that of college. I have really no savings to speak of for this. Although I am taking a year to accumulate whatever I can in scholarships, it will be hard to get. Also there's the car. I need one of those, and insurance rates are insane. In total, life's chaotic, and I can't afford to invest money into the Rainbow Tables program. We've been living without income since early January, and we really hope things are going to look better. My responsibilities coming up are to finish school with good scores, help sell our old house without my father to help make things nice, move everything to the new house, get scholarships, go to college, and fulfill my requirements with private research of the influenza epidemic (leads me into a career). Why am I telling all of this? I can't afford to sustain this program as it is. Bandwidth costs are high, and disk space requirements are increasing. I just can't spend the money on 500GB hard disks when we can hardly find money to live. Also, when we relocate, all of my servers will go offline for an unknown amount of time until everything gets moved. There will be no services at all for a while. My search for a house has caused more problems, with going on vacation and both servers dying. No, I'm not an FBI person who creates a torrent to harvest IP's. I'm a normal person who has always been interested in community projects. I don't mean to sound pathetic, or draw in donations, or anything. This is the honest truth about my chaotic life, to which i just couldn't sleep without figuring out a way to manage these problems correctly. If anyone has any ideas on how, as a community, we can sustain this program, please let me know. I forsee that I will not have the time in the future to give to verifying tables by hand and buying new hard disks, and seeding torrents to people who are ungrateful of a free community service and script kiddies who want to one-up their school. Feel free to reply here, or email me at either hak5rainbowtables@gmail.com or silivrenion@gmail.com . I sincerely look forward to any responses or solutions people can help with. Thanks, Silivrenion
  14. Community Rainbow Tables server finally moved to LEHNet. You can access it via irc.rainbowtables.org #rainbowtables
  15. The idea is that if we need to, and if people are using the irc.rainbowtables.org address, we can easily redirect everyone to the correct server at any given time. The address makes sense only if #rainbowtables moves to another server, which I'm guessing it will soon. It does make it a little more complicated in the short term sense, but it allows greater flexibility later when we need to expand. I do like the convenience of being on the hak5 servers, but if those server's aren't stable enough for the growth and functionality that we require, we have to sustain on a different server, at least until the hak5 servers can provide the services we need.
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