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Everything posted by wetelectric

  1. haha, you know when somethings gone to far when you starrt to think about booting your flatmates of the lan to up the results by a kb.... im ashamed it even popped into my head....of to do something more wholesome..... sorting out my zombie-money-ninja pr0n mm mmm
  2. Had bit torrent on /me puts e.penis on everyones forhead :twisted: edit. wrong units.... /me still swings e-nutsac about
  3. ahem :twisted: /me swings e.penis about
  4. congrates dude....so....important question for your first small arms purchase....semi-automatic or full-automatic?
  5. that is funny. Pissed u didnt have the idea? ;) /me goes to make a 500,000 bid ...i keed...i keed edit: i thought the $1500 price was due to bids...but no, that the *asking* price.... bwhahaha
  6. hadnt noticed?! well fuk u! haha oh yes, there are plenty of pics..bordering on the porno graphic... will post em via irc :) cant have everyone seeing me in action :)
  7. 1. Mplayer edit 2. cpan (mmm does this count?) 3. awk 4. bash 5. Firefox 6. vlc 7. gcc 8 .Azurues 9. tar 10. nmap
  8. Hello! Just got back from some total debauchery in Greece. I didn't look at a computer once... it was so good. So .....erm.... whats up with the irc? :oops:
  9. Dont give the Evilserver ideas
  10. we have like three interpretations of the same problem yet poster has still not confirmed any of them ...meh i found it amusing
  11. Im still a bit lost here. What you need to do is sit down and lay your problem out properly. Is the file your downloading data that is accessd via a program provided by Oceanic worldwide? If it is then all u have to do it is open it and check out the file structure. Flat files can also be accessed via odbc (wierd huh?) Sage (accounting software) does this. So if that is so, run a query against it...er... mm
  12. my god. someone put this on the questions or hack/mod section quick! ;)
  13. "fot the win". where the fudge did that come from? Its from the u.s.a i presume..... ftw? it makes no sense. :?
  14. Remember last episodes poll? The fourth option should have been monkeys. Here's why monkey monkey monkey! saru! saru! saru!
  15. I think it was a bitrude. It showed a bit of unnecessary niggle. He doesn't need to know that other people keep bothering you. I mean he did say he was *told* ito contact you. What you should have done its: This short of reply should be sent to Mr ____ . Thanks. Do not show any emotion in your email, don't try to be human...just repeat. It'll work after a couple of weeks.
  16. Crikey! .... although i cannot click the digg article due to religous reasons. I thought he would have been munched by a croc...but still what an amazing way to go out man... a stingray
  17. yup, portable shit is always good...but snooze you lose. If you fall behind I dont feel sorry for you. They were renowned for clean code. You could pretty much compile their shit on a toaster. But i cant see why one would use it now over something like openBSD. Re: openbsd money woes.... its alright now. The mozilla foundation gave them $10,000 toward openssh and i think godaddy (they have never killed) gave openbsd $10k which is pretty good.
  18. "Your fired, get your shit and get out." Guess that kinda blows a hole in that theory eh leetabix? :) I was able to find out that we have a pearl script that is doing almost everything that he wants done. The only difference is this script looks for two very specific files and we need it to look for any file. So, since I am unable to just say something and convey my meaning here is what I have that needs changed: my $WorkDir = '/home/samba/'; my $ArchiveDir = $WorkDir . 'archive/'; my $SourceDir = '/home/bostax/'; my @Files = ( 'tax_proptrust.csv', 'tax_propparcel.csv' ); I am trying to find a way to have the my @Files portion look for a wildcard of some kind that will apply this script to any file in the specified directory. Again, thanks for all the help with this one![/code] mmm difficult... you try puting a system command (i am assuming unix) in there instead. Somethinglike my @Files = ( `ls $SourceDir` ); This *should* (heh heh) put the contents of that dir in an array. But this is bad code-fu..because if u have like 1000+ files that means a lotta memory. It is best to skip the @Files. Then use a loop instead. Hope this helps dude.
  19. I'd use perl for ftp its: Net::FTP; my $ftp = Net::FTP->new($host, Debug => 0) or die "Cannot connect to $host: $@"; $ftp->login("$user","$pass") or die "Cannot login ", $ftp->message; $ftp->ascii; $ftp->cwd("$directory") or die "Cannot change working directory ", $ftp->message; foreach my $file ($ftp->ls($pattern)) { my $doThis=`cd $store_here`; $ftp->get($file) or warn $ftp->message; #crappy module cannot store into a sep dir or do mget my $doThis=`mv -u $file $store_here`; } $ftp->quit; ok above is shit. Please for the love of god rewrite it :) and the gpg stuff: use GnuPG qw( :algo ); my $gpg = new GnuPG(); $gpg->encrypt( plaintext => "file.txt", output => "file.gpg", armor => 1, sign => 1, passphrase => $secret ); $gpg->decrypt( ciphertext => "file.gpg", output => "file.txt" ); $gpg->clearsign( plaintext => "file.txt", output => "file.txt.asc", passphrase => $secret, armor => 1, ); $gpg->verify( signature => "file.txt.asc", file => "file.txt" ); $gpg->gen_key( name => "Joe Blow", comment => "My GnuPG key", passphrase => $secret, ); to create a log just do a redirect of the output to a text file, linkage: GnuPG net::ftp I havnt used gnuPG but i think thunderbird uses it...or maybe im thinking of opengpg ...meh
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