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Everything posted by wetelectric

  1. Is it a myspace page or a myspace forum? You probably want the 'hak.5' or hakpointfive page for it to spread.... in the AIDS like way stuff on myspace does... not that im encouraging this.... i fukin hate myspace. ;) "Just know that you've got a low UserID and were there back when Hak5 sucked and Microshaft was selling bowls of networked fruit"... just so u know...i feel that in places where the judge said i could not touch people
  2. yea what he said.... there's a really good o'reilly book called dns/BIND read that become 'l33torz'
  3. bwhahahahahaahaha! oh oh... my annus bleed. serious note: Expect more of this with the myspace linkage. I though digg was bad...but myspace is going to be special.
  4. BZZZZZZZZRT! Thought wrong. oooovaaavooo! wrong again!...ooh aint i 'l33t'? ;)
  5. seem legit to me.... i'll give it a go
  6. I though i'd seen every perversion known to man...then melodic happened... :( i dont like the interwebbernet anymore
  7. nup. dont really get the whole autograph, memorabilia thing. meh.
  8. function hazing() { Welcome hackmite ; } void main() { hazing(); cout << " " <<endl; } <<syntax error on line 11>>
  9. HAK.5 staff shouldthink twice before posting you shit on youtube. Read the article on the link before posting..... what do the hak-cules think?
  10. oh dear...i see another guy going back to windows. Remove your windows partition, install suse linux and force yourself to learn. This vmware nonsence will mess you up
  11. just use hijack this or crapcleaner. They have a registry edit option.Just delete the weird shit
  12. bwhahahahahaha!....woo...ok im good now... try zone alarm or my personal fav agnitum OUTPOST firewall. Outpost is good because it blocks advert servers. Its good to block that shit at the firewall level. Its open source aswell. Im not sure why it hasnt been picked up the OS community.... maybe its because they sell a commercial version of it, aswell as the free one. meh
  13. This may be very old i dont know, but i found it to be very very usefull. All my shit in one page I think we should have a forum link of the week....er.... every week :)
  14. Dont understand this at all. I never asked for a post containing a system setup :? read the first post dude
  15. Update.......... am now at home. My hardrive on the p2 did indeed b0rk. So now i am using knoppix (2004) with 200mb of mem@ 640x480 res. I am in the jungle people... im talking fighting cannibals and monkeys type shit. Fuck me. I mean look at my new filesystem: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/root 3.4M 1.1M 2.4M 32% / /dev/scd0 700M 700M 0 100% /cdrom /dev/cloop 1.9G 1.9G 0 100% /KNOPPIX /ramdisk 145M 39M 106M 27% /ramdisk Running straight of memory no hard drive! Fuk fuk mother mother fuck fuck. gna see if i can get a bundle deal on an am2 + an atholon 3200+ for unser 150 quid. if not i'll go with the previous bundle. Like i said any linkage detail. Bit confused on the ol' speeds tho. I currently have a p4 2.0. socket 478. I want to know that the one I am buying (see first post) is better than my old one. :?
  16. your just teasing me now arnt you? where can u get this?
  17. Download opensuse 10.1. The install is very easy. The desktop is very point and click...but command line is very accessable. So u can learn commands pretty easily.But most importantly when u just want to get things done you can revert to your point and click method then when u have time figure it out from the cmd. The problem with most linux n00bs are. That as soon as a problem hits its very easy to convert back to your windows partition. Suse 10.1 is designed such, that u wont have to. Suse has this thing called YaSt. Its a gui. From it you can set automatic updates (works similer to the windows version but better), configure all sorts of servers with the click of a mouse button. Its nice. The gui effects are nice too. Think maxOS stuff...but better (waits for the flames) :)
  18. Dell?? Celeron?????? Let us never speak of this again oh VaKo one. :cry: this am2 sounds interesting. So ur saying i could use the same processor? Nice. i dnt want the amd equivalent of the celeron tho.
  19. nice dude. a Pentium 4 3.2GHz sounds nice. Im a bit skint at the mo (3rd week of the month and that) so £100 for a processor cannot be justified at the mo. £130 squid for a motherboard and processor would be cool. If someone finds a cheaper site they have used, dont be afraid to post linkage. cheers.
  20. dude i have a p2 that squeeks everytime i do a harddrive write, i cant play video, which means no pr0n. do u understand no midget pron no japscat octopus pr0n...nothing. I can run azurues (thank u mandrake 10) but the harddrive writes will eventually cause some sort of explosion. So no my friend i cannot wait. :) man cannot live on water, food alone. One needs to see what happens when u haave a japanese girl a plunger and some eels in one room. well the bundle in question amd 64 3200+ with some generic motherboard. is that good value. how new or old is the processor? See 1st post??? really twitching now (more than usual)
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