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Everything posted by wetelectric

  1. seriously dude learn a bit of php with mysql or post. It'll save you a lot of time. one week max to learn enough to do a really good job.
  2. er........ am i the only one that was cringing when reading this? meh
  3. hahahahaha this is good. pantsu pantsu!!! come on google video hasnt hurt anyone click everyone........ u do like puppies and kids right?...... well if ur not a child and puppy killer u should click my links :)
  4. Its really no pants day? I really dont think thats a good idea. Anyway here's my thread dedicated to pants. This vids will fully disturb you. ...oh turn the sound up loud. :twisted:
  5. mmm google code jam Imight eneter this.....as long as its not crazy shit like: if n=...2nX pi 523Mpx+w=2(mc2=xi) work out pig type shit
  6. bwhahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh....my splean..... i'll never laugh again....... someone put this on slashdot
  7. Just come back from infosec conference.... was very shit. I found one program that might be usful. But it wasnt a security conference as in.....new ideas and shit. Maybe because it was on the last day. I went to an openssl &vpn seminar........was not technical in the least. I wouldnt have minded if it wasnt listed as being technical. So many fit girls there......... tall...nice bodies......so so good. but i was working so.....i couldnt dp much...... flirted with one tho on the way out :(
  8. Please be using firefox + noscript and adblock. Click from home aswell. GUIDE TO WOW Thought i'd put together a nice little WoW funniest clips compilation. Damn these are some sad bastards. You might be thinking searching for these then putting tem toger is sad too....well....my logical and well reasoned argument to that is..... fuk u! anyways: Guy caught jacking off to an elf. This mad me laugh so much i prolapsd my 'annus' A fuckin wedding online. I shit u not. This one mad me cry and lose faith in all of humanity Pure pwnage.classic! boom headshot! With this its more the song! Made me re-evaluate my PP hatred. gna download this shit from ep 1 now. i do my little turn on the catwalk..on the... no no no no no no non niet. Takes geek-ness to a new level See this is what the does to youok a classic ' leeroy ' clip. a leeroy im guessing is a WoW n00b that generally gets everyone killed due to their n00bish ways. kinda like our forum pet monkeys and finally the classic "The second "reality" check was when this group of Warcraft players otherwise known as a guild interrupted a memorial service. Apparently, some dude dies in real life who is a popular WoW player. The people in the game think it would be nice to have a memorial for the player so they log into his account, take the character to a lake, and set it up for everyone to come pay their respects. A bunch of dudes decide this would be a great time to ambush everyone so they run over a hill, kill the dead guy's character, and then wipe out everyone who was there to show their respects. They filmed the whole thing and put it on the net for everyone to see. funeral sabotage! again.laughing.bleeding.pancreaus explosion[/u]
  9. dude.bin the the flash thing. or just shrink it a bit for the menu buttons. It takes up half the screen on my comp.but then again i am using 1024x768. nice tho. 8)
  10. not sure i'd say that dude. There's a few threads in the 'hacks' section... woo!
  11. my god, fake elf bouncers for a fake funeral for fake gatecrashers for a fake WoW persona....... im glad it didnt happen this way.my funny bone and annus wouldnt have been able to take it
  12. mmm did need to be done even our resident forum pet monkey spectormax evolved in the end.... put we do need a new forum pet monkey...
  13. Pardon? My origional point was (or should have been read as): "hey, how did you get his IP address for the nmap scan? that sounds cool, like something i ought to know how to do". Anyhoo, i like the social enginering method, although i'll be more careful of links i click from PM's now. er i was reading the posts, but i didnt see this question answered. Apart from pm'ing a link,how did u get the IP? or were u lying?
  14. my mum had 1400+ pieces of crap on her machine. 2mb no firewall + windows XP
  15. Please tell me you're joking. can I borrow your blade VaKo-san? I need to cull a few forum members
  16. me...laughing....so hard....my....annus....is.........bleed welcome Salvi! Trust me people like you. Ask nicely and everyone will help
  17. erm let me be my usual honest self........ i laughed so hard my 'annus' bled. there thats better. Porn site? Its just some random site with various vids. Dont you use adblock on firefox? shame on you.
  18. "recently a WoW player died (in real life), the young lady was apparently well known and so her buddies decided to log in into her account and place her character near a lovely little lake where all the other WoW players could come and pay respect for an hour. All went well, until a well organised guild ambushed the funeral and trashed the whole place." here they lay waste to everyone: vid I know i shouldnt laugh...but......... old news i know but....im not a WoW fan. meh
  19. mmm what do u mean. I know you can have multiple displays in X..... :?: :?:
  20. I feel like slapping the fuk outta you for comparing chuck to the greatness that is The Lee. :?:
  21. If Liono was to fight optimus prime, who would win?
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