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Everything posted by wetelectric

  1. send the card back dude. Save yourself a whole lotta headache
  2. yea its crazy. i remember having 4 red bulls and 4 cps of coffee back in my a-level days...the horror
  3. Just wondered where you got this from? I'm a big coffee drinker, and as a result the coffee i brew has gotten progressivly stronger to the point it makes most people ill. Does me no harm in anyway I can tell but I would put it way above redbull as a result . look at the caffeine content of a red bull can. Its about the same as an average cup of coffee (if not less). I remember a documentry on red bull. Where they were saying that they put as much caffeine as posible.
  4. you guys realise these so called 'energy drinks' are just snake oil in a can. red bull. = it is illegal in most countries to put more caffeine in any drink that a cup of coffee. the sugery ones ie. luckazade et al.....are just suger water. its crazy In this country there is a drink call 'Nourishment'. Its a milk drink. All the company does is list the natural properties of milk!!! and hey presto instant health drink! instant profit...... craaaaaaazy
  5. myspace is evil incarnt. It is the AIDS of cyberspace. It needs to be stopped. And all who have registered with it killed. I dont want to overreact...but i think we need a public burning of some kind!!!!!!!!! <pants>
  6. naked, apart from a leather belt with leopard skin print to cover my nipples and a gimp ball gag in my mouth.
  7. ah i understand.geek girls when its a choice between them and men. hahaha
  8. Only if u mess with the ones from ur own company. Im surre there will be plenty of targets. So there shouldnt be any friendly fire :twisted:
  9. man.... this shit didnt even come to mind. Tech conf =attractive girls. i'm an idiot But how the hell do u chat up a geek girl........? meh....if there are loads of marketing execs in thos nice girly suit....ill be having a nice time!!!
  10. yea.... they all look kinda tasty.
  11. there must be some interesting there tho. I swear if i get there and its a bunch of sales execs trying to whore their wares im going to be pissed. gotta figure out how to plan my events
  12. Im going to this (if i cant get a day off work) conference. Looks pretty good. although after registration i saw this: Spot the security error. heh heh. yoda says: ominous forboding i sense, yessss
  13. <CFstart_linux_bitch> gahhhh! blarg windows *@~##!! </CFstart_linux_bitch> Waits for the quake3 ah well back too nexus
  14. Im renting out a room... ideas on what i should look for? im thing around my age group 23-29? er.... :?:
  15. ...then u wake up.. Um, no serious. Watch episode 1. Ok, dont actually watch it, it's really really bad, but just see the first segment. my bad :oops:
  16. /me reports Vako to CIA for spying. Of to guantanimo with u
  17. Play Back in the Mud - Bubba Sparx Travis Barker Remix
  18. ur 12?! wow well im 16 :P im not gonna seed it...its crap!! hahahaha i should clarify...only mentally twelve. But yes i believe my misgivings were correct (see first post) ah well...... if i suffer so do u all mohahaha Plus Street Fighter Arcade makes me wet myself every time i see it. Which im sure was Wess' intention, no? heh heh But goes to show how good the hak5 guys are. No budget vs Candian T.V budget. hak ftw!... oh fuk, did i just say for the win. fuckin shoot me now.
  19. every mans seed counts. Share it with the world. heh heh im twelve.
  20. yep Wess and darren doing the arcade thing. once you've downloaded this.seed it please. my computer has been known too b0rk (due to cvs shit i download or the pr0n load)
  21. is it a legal torrent? well im going to assume so. If i get a cease and disist from the show. i will :) bit the show is called 'torrent it' (i think) :twisted:
  22. ok, i hope this works. Decentralised azurues (probably) cliets only http://s61.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=38E6DMH...122RGWCG7H4XUFV ok this is a pretty shit rip apprantly...dont blame me i am just a poor innocent theif...
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