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Everything posted by wetelectric

  1. azurues has safepeer as a plugin. You can search for it and install via the azurues plugin. uses the bluetack list and is lighter :) ... although i do run SuSe Take a few extra secs for azurues to start up tho...meh small price to pay.
  2. fembot eh? is it the pleasure model?
  3. use azurues and encrypt your data. Make sure u click the option that only allows you to connect to other clients that have their trafic encrypted. Azurues is popular enough that ur speeds wont take that big a hit.
  4. wow this is fucked up. What country is this in? I call shanagins! They can detect that your using bit-torrent but to detect that its copyrighted shit they would have to be monitoring you directly. i.e on the same torrent as you. Doing it via traffic is illegal. It kinda negates an isp's 'carrier' status. i.e if they monitor for this they would be forced to monitor for everything else. Dont admit to anything. Cuss them. Then change isp. Are you sure you didnt go over your quota?
  5. yay!!!! who's looking forward to it apart from me?!! and who are you supporting?? Come on England!!
  6. hahahahahaha yay for freedom!
  7. how bout this: mf2lro8sw03ufvnsq034jfowr18f3cszc20vmw
  8. bing bong! correct. all of these things are fake.... funny tho :twisted:
  9. if this is a hoax..... <claps>...best one ever... but i dont think it is...police are crazy
  10. i wont click the link.....only because ive seen it before. Google japanese sharking. oh and there's also doggy cam (cam on a dog to get the ol' upskirt shot.).... japan eh...pantsu!
  11. dude im assuming windows: user seperate windows user accounts dude. Dont let your family user your (prob with admin prevs) account. They will find your..erm stuff. Get them used to logging in with there own user accounts. Also set the accounts to restricted. Say your creating a 'special' place for them ..... because you love them dearly....or something
  12. yoda says: very funny this is..yesssss
  13. bwhahahahahaha...... i prefer the gay cowboy version of this. hehehe
  14. oh man that was funny.....i...broke.....spleen...can.... will.......never....laugh......again......
  15. I'd be fully prepared to kill someone for my country if the country was in danger or peace keep.....but as we all know (*cough iraq cough*) that wont be the only reason. To quote some dude badly: i'll do whatever my country asks of me, just make sure the reasons aint fukd up!
  16. the suse one (suse 10 ) requires no learning...point click ...duh.....its done.u can do an install in like 8 clicks. Or if your more tech there's an expert option. The installer also runs in console mode (curses i think) There is no excuse for not having a decent easy gui install option. I should not have to know what an fstab is. When partitioning i should see a shiny bar...and a button that says "do this automatically" or something. If more linux dist had this 'easy' option. We'd have 5.5% share ;) heh heh Unix people depress me sometimes...... "oh people can learn command-line"..... "compiling isnt hard" fucking nuts. Someone skipped user interface design module at university. That said if your a bit more technically minded im sure slackware install is nice
  17. wow slackware install is shit. If a new linux user saw this..... they'd stick to whatever they'd been using. Its the oldest dist... and still hasnt got a decent install program. SUSE has had a good one since 8.0 days. for shame, for shame i tell you!
  18. Well this guy did. Fucking nuts. You guys in the states with ya guns...meh
  19. ah we have a sociapath in the making but...i do agree. If that doesnt bother you in the slightest join up.
  20. er... im not ten or a girl....
  21. hahaha im sure they'll beat that outta you!
  22. mmm but then come the moral objections... i mean if ur from the U.K or AUS your gna be fighting in some more illegal wars for the U.S... i mean with the whole iraq thing... bad kung fu.
  23. ha ha 99% of hak5 forum posters are kids ..... i keed i keed
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