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Everything posted by wetelectric

  1. Your fully nuts. Military???? of to iraq with you
  2. Including the typo? :roll: :D lol thats what happens when u cut and paste. "y0, you ever had your arsehole licked by a fat guy in a raincoat?"
  3. This one always works for me: <standing in dominant posture>Hello whats *your* name? heh heh im serious, thats about as good as it gets
  4. *yawn* someone lock this thread now. thats enough kids. time to go home..etc...
  5. all i can say is thank fuk for the world cup. The guys who put this shit on tv should fully commit sepuku. I'll be their 'second'.
  6. gays? ewwwwww..... <dances on tip-toes while waving arms in the air>
  7. Watching the Twilight Samurai then leaving the house in a kimono and a wooden sword to go to work.
  8. TECHNOLUST (t?k'nó l?st) - its almost sexual
  9. hak5Darren just broke my splean.
  10. glitch in the matrix. topic deja vu
  11. dwarf sex black sex(wierdness is in the top country) rape fat people man rape gang bang hak.5 this has been wetelectric reporting on weird shit. honestly its nt what it looks like......honest aint ever going to south africa.ever.
  12. vsftp... very good yeesss
  13. man ur a ledgend! i used to read digitiser on ch4... and the teen angst thing aswell. "Dear Nick, My breast arnt equal size. am i a freak?" ah good times good times ;)
  14. oh no. if he was 11 it wouldnt be so bad. But 21? Jeeebus. frickin Jeebus
  15. "Fat Girls and Feeders " i saw that shit too. Funniest shit. One of these feeder guys was giving this girl milkshakes spiked with weight gainer! Another girl was weight in shit you use to way that shark you caught. hahaha But on a serious note: midget giant sex can be dangerous. i get the link between 'depression' and fatness. But most people who are fat are not depressed but lazy. To lazy to eat right to lazy to exxercise. Now dont get me wrong. If your into that its cool..but when people leave it so long that they start to waddle.....thats fucked up. I mean you get make over shows for these people. "Clothes to wear so u dont look fat" Crazy. Its like telling a heroin user to "wear long sleeves to conver up those unsightly love holes"
  16. Well sometimes the only way to discover a bug is to access that private data. I can understand demonstrating the bug to the company concerned. Demonstrations often lead to quicker action.
  17. still i wonder how the fuk can people let themselves go that much. I mean drinking oneself to an early death is looked down upon and generally derided. But eating yourself to death is treated like a fasion faux pax. Crazy. meh, yoda says: pies, all of you should eat...yeeeeeess
  18. Yep, he's going to pay for embaressing the us. militry. Its a shame because his crime was minor. The maximum he should get is a fine or maybe some community service. Note. if he did this, Imagine what other people have done/ are doing...... blank passwords, no firewalls....jeebus! In his interview....he did actually find some stuff on uf0's.... it was interesting. I dont know... it seems to me the only damage done was to the U.S militry's ego. Patching the vunrabilities..(ie. switching on a firewall and setting some admin passwords) is 'maintenace' that they should have invested in anyway. The amount of damage these guys are claiming ($70K+) is obviously a full on lie.
  19. er......yea...what he said...<looks left,looks right>
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