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Everything posted by wetelectric

  1. yea i know what u mean dude. but currently im using a p2 with an 18 gig drive. So unless its coming out in 2 days i cant wait. i fully twitching at the mo.
  2. Tried asking this on irc, but while they mean well there were no old school hak-mites (techies) online. So im asking here. I am an intel user. but i am swtiching to amd. With intel u have an order to the releases. u know pentium, pentium 2,pentium3,pentium 4 and xeon. Its pretty easy to see which is the fastest and which is the slowest. I dont get how it works with AMD. Im buying a amd 64 3200+. Where is this on the amd scale?? High? low? good? shit?? no fukin idea. If someone could write a quick amd list for me, i would be most pleased. Ive tried google, but all i get is partisan sites trying to hawk their shit. This should be simple info to anyone who kept up to date with hardware. HEEEEEEEEEEEEELP im buying this motherboard.
  3. UNIX Airways Everyone brings one piece of the plane along when they come to the airport. They all go out on the runway and put the plane together piece by piece, arguing non-stop about what kind of plane they are supposed to be building. Air DOS Everybody pushes the airplane until it glides, then they jump on and let the plane coast until it hits the ground again. Then they push again, jump on again, and so on ... Mac Airlines All the stewards, captains, baggage handlers, and ticket agents look and act exactly the same. Every time you ask questions about details, you are gently but firmly told that you don't need to know, don't want to know, and everything will be done for you without your ever having to know, so just shut up. Windows XP Air The terminal is pretty and colorful, with friendly stewards, easy baggage check and boarding, and a smooth take-off. After about 10 minutes in the air, the plane explodes with no warning whatsoever. Windows Server 2003 Air Just like Windows Air, but costs more, uses much bigger planes, and takes out all the other aircraft within a 40-mile radius when it explodes. Linux Air Disgruntled employees of all the other OS airlines decide to start their own airline. They build the planes, ticket counters, and pave the runways themselves. They charge a small fee to cover the cost of printing the ticket, but you can also download and print the ticket yourself. When you board the plane, you are given a seat, four bolts, a wrench and a copy of the seat-HOWTO.html. Once settled, the fully adjustable seat is very comfortable, the plane leaves and arrives on time without a single problem, the in-flight meal is wonderful. You try to tell customers of the other airlines about the great trip, but all they can say is, "You had to do what with the seat?"
  4. Was just about to make a suggestion... and i got a moderators only screen... huh....explain please... :?
  5. Terrified. Scared. the world is not right. kill these creatures before they breed and kill us all!
  6. It was a dark dark day for football. Diving, pinching, cursing and general 'sledging' won the world cup. This has been the diving world cup. Ive got no love for the french, but the football they play is how football should be played. French vs Italians. French = the side of the light. Italians = the dark side. The darkside won. Shocking. This is bad. This is like luke skywalker failing to blow up the deathstar.... this is hans solo being shattered in pieces when the carbonite he was frozen in happened to be dropped by some carless removal men. Let us bow our heads in shame. :cry:
  7. wow 2003 server! that means 50 cals! not including the printers and new server....crazy. But yea what they said. Im thinking of doing the same thing where i work .... we have windows 2000 server got to move away from that rubbish :)
  8. The xbox 360 has been hacked.Yay! They lastest nine months... longer than i thought they would. I know this is probably old but...meh
  9. bwhahahahahahahaha.... reminds me of a starsky and hutch quote: "stop touching him!"
  10. The BBC has just announced that by order of Her Majesty the Queen, any American caught celebrating July 4th on British soil is to be arrested, placed in an orange jumpsuit, and without a trial, held indefinitely at Morecambe Bay. This she states, is because there is to be no celebrating the death of British Redcoats at the hands of insurgents and armed Militiamen. And also breaks the newly introduced incitement to murder laws here in the UK. She offers her condolences to the descendants of the killed-in-action Redcoats who for their failure in America are today relegated to being the entertainment turn at Butlins, Pwllheli.
  11. yea must be a bit of bitch.... when i release my open source project... im going to provide a 'code map' good luck mate. If my computer at home was working i'd give u a hand...but alas
  12. I still say: users under 10 days old cant post links. Simple.
  13. impossible to come up with a fair one that judges comments. U get people downvoting comments they happen to disagree with. Not totally against voting. But i believe it should be restricted to spam only. ie 'is this spam'. It'll be abused ie, someone posts something stupid and its marked as spam; but for the most part that abuse would be obvious. Then that users spam button privillages could be taken away. ......but this forum isnt that big. Isnt it a lot of work for such a small group of people? -pantsu
  14. The url thing is a good idea. Just make sure its spelt out on joining. But really the spam on here looks like its done by human users. There are companies set up that get these people to post crap. They get money by the amount of links i think. Basically u need either more mini-mods (only alloud to delete post of users that have registered for under 20days). You could use this time limiting thing for you url block idea.
  15. man this is some funny shit. Dude scams the scammers.
  16. You Are 66% Evil You are very evil. And you're too evil to care. Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot. How Evil Are You?
  17. girls, guys....no such thing. I think WoW geeks are a whole new sex [Warrior]: omg wtf dude are you gay or something? [Rogue]: yeah dude, that's sick [Teleios]: I'm a girl. I can think guys are hot. [Nice Guy with Good Grammar]: Woah, you're a girl. That surprises me, you are actually a good priest. No one has died. [Teleios]: Well yeah, girls can play games and be good you know. [shaman]: wow there's a girl playing horde. Most girls are so insecure they have to play alliance to make themselves pretty. [Teleios]: Well obviously that's not a problem for me. I like my priest as she is. [Rogue]: can I see ur pic plz? [Teleios]: no. [Warrior]: come on why not? [Teleios]: I don't show my pic to random people. [Rogue]: ur not a girl. [Teleios]: That's right, girls don't exist on the internet, or play games. [Warrior]: at least not hot ones, they are all fat and stupid [Teleios]: That's not very nice. [shaman]: If you are a girl, you're probably not hot either. [Rogue]: can we go, teleios isn't a girl they won't show pic [Nice Guy with Good Grammar]: Yeah, I don't believe it either. Probably someone just fishing for free stuff.
  18. tunnel it throu ssh only. eg: vncviewer -via administrator@ u need an ssh server running on both machines...obviously
  19. atari 65xe It is where I learnt basic (well as much as a ten year old could) and general concepts such as loops, general programming logic. Most of this was done by typing in program code listed in magazines. Them were the days, huh?
  20. I was searching on my usual japanese pr0n sites. On one lovely picture, a girl who had an octapus expertly placed, there was a tv in the background. Said tv had the words hak.5 on it. So here I am. When i think japanese octopus pr0n i think hak point five :) .... touching (the story...not myself)
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