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Everything posted by wetelectric

  1. er... p1 p2? k7? ....but meh u got ur answer
  2. Maybe... err... maybe the BSD dude is... err.... maybe he's... Perhaps Tux is... wait, maybe he's... Ok, I can't think how that could be an innocent picture... shame on both of you. Such dirty minds. Obviously they are partaking in a relay race and tux has accidentally dropped the baton. tsck. shame on u both. :) i think its quite funny actually
  3. bookmarking sites like these allows one handed access to said site. Why would one need one handed access...well....the other hand...might be dirty. Yes.
  4. The Jewish community in the Indian city of Mumbai (Bombay) is outraged by a new restaurant named after Adolf Hitler. The restaurant, Hitler's Cross, opened last week in the city's outskirts, initially displaying a giant poster of Hitler at the entrance. Sounds amazing! For pics click here. Edit: Come to think of it, this should be on 'everything else'..meh u decide
  5. mmmm nah, I disagree. Lets analyse a portion of this video. For example lets the guy they were saying wasn't shot was found a day later with no bullet holes and walking about on film. That would be a fact. A reasonable question to that fact would be.. "who set this up? why was it shown so readily by <insert news organisation here>?, is there an anti Israeli media bias?". You see this would be reasonable comment. but what we have is: a video guy who fell down like he was shot (we cant see the bullet that hit him) we see the ricochet of bullets around him and when they zoom in. Now from this the narrator on this video asks why was he dragged so roughly?, why didn't the ambulance drive closer to the victim? Now he didn't *say* that he wasn't shot. He inferred it. I don't believe this was reasonable comment in any stretch of the imagination. So for me this is a hatchet job. It's sad that stuff like this is shown on t.v. meh, maybe I'll suffer through the rest of the vid and break it down point by point. Not that anyone should care but i find it really interesting how this stuff works. How u can get people to think what u want them to thing by using the most innocuous phrases, subtle music etc.... I would explain more but i don't want to hi-jack the tread. But if anyone's interested u should look it up. Shit that worked in 1800-1900's works now! anyways.. :)
  6. You cant fake dead bodies... and the article itself was a bunch of ifs maybes and accusation by innuendo. I don't trust it. I trust my eyes though. I saw dead civilians. I saw the video...and to be honest I couldn't watch all of it. It was a pile poop. I got up to the bit where they were questioning whether a guy was 'really' shot. It was quite funny, they zoomed in at one point to infer (my bad, ask) if there were any bullets...and u actually see the ricochet of bullet next to the guy! Then he says why did they drag the guy to the ambulance like that???? hello bullets? your not really gonna be gentle under fire like that. You couldn't tell 'where' the bullets were coming from...but there were bullets.... i dunno...seems a bit like a fox news special to me. I might even make a little repost to the article on my own journel...meh too lazy
  7. is this actually a desktop bsd skin, or just wallpaper on xp?
  8. Welcome! I shall be going on a little pilgrimage to the ol' guiness factory in a few months... i hope they give away samples :)
  9. meh nothing special... at least my screen dump works again. Although this probably doesnt count because my wallpaper rotates ...oh! oh! suit u sir!- im so 'l33torz'
  10. "Did the government do the right thing in arresting the suspected terrorists? Discuss" er... no one should ever arrest suspected terrorists(!) </sarc> honestly. :roll:
  11. 1. ah Islamic extremism is bad.... mmm on another note water is wet, the sky is blue and the earth is round. 2. Muslims turn a blind eye? This is just rubbish. Some of the recent bombers from this country lived in mixed communities. White black,Asian, non-religious, religious. I don't see you blaming anyone else? The point your missing here is that it is not an 'us and them' situation. Its just 'us'. If there was a killing in your community and someone said to you (because u happened to have the same skin colour,religion, <substitute difference here> as the perpetrator), you were not doing enough to prevent these things... how would feel? Like most people you would go wtf, why are you picking on me? What have done, im just getting on with life. Now imagine its a government, media etc.. gah... 'us and them' yea right. 3. ah Im on the team of pirates. I like pirates..... oh and muffins. 4. er... for this i'll just repeat what i said before: 5. I didn't say you were bnp (although u sound like it), i said you repeat the same crap they come out with. You also do it in the same divisive style. Your the British equivalent of those Americans who stopped eating 'French fries' (see Americans, we have these people too ;) ). You are not to be taken seriously, you are to be pitied and derided. You try to generate debate without actually having anything to say. Again to everybody that's not from this country. He is repeating verbatim stuff that was on the radio and in the papers. Its so so cringing. Imagine someone doing Bill O'Reilly and people taking it seriously. lol
  12. Britan has huge cultural diversity as well, in some areas the Asian and Indian peoples out number the British (egnoring the fact that Asian and Indian children born in England are technicly british). "technicly british"...lol does that mean your technically Australian? Some of my friends who's parents do not hail from England, support england, would like to play for england, consider themselves english and would fight anyone who said any different :)
  13. Home work: Two of the biggest selling newspapers take the following slant. Which is the most accurate? What gets your blood boiling enough to buy? 1. Israel kills women of children (insert big pic of crying relatives) 2. Hamas kidnap young Israeli soldiers (insert big pic of crying relatives) Correct Answer: neither. We get newspapers (part owned by the same companies no doubt) taking one side or the other, red, blue.... ninjas or pirates, right wing left wing. Both slant facts in a way that sells to their particular team. It's not debate, it's theatre- Just like your posts. "Answer my 'points'", you say? Please You do not 'debate', you parrot. Our domestic news is descending towards the gutter, just to pander people like yourself. 'Answer my points'? I think have answered the main issue here. The issue you probably don't see. The stuff you parrot, or your 'points' as you put it, indicate bad things. Two people can have an intelligent and *logical* debate on various issues and be in total disagreement. But the stuff your coming out with does not stem from logic, it stems from an ill informed tabloid press. If i hadnt heard the radio program your quoting from I might have taken you a bit more seriously.... Your basically the type of guy that when someone points to the moon, your looking at the finger.. eventually people like this will be ruling the country :(
  14. ah my bad. But i think he was joking too
  15. You misunderstand the tone of my reply. I also thought the post was funny. :)
  16. "i seem to be on the right"...he he he...jeebus. Your not anything your just a sheep. Left, right, blue team, red team.... meaningless. It depresses me that the level of discourse, such as it is in the U.S.A for example ("oh ur a liberal i hate u!" or "oh ur a conservative, i hate u!"), u thrive on. You have no point, u just picked an imaginary side and repeat phrases u believe to represent your 'team'. “oh i think I'll be right wing! yay for me!†ha! People outside this country (U.K) probably won't know, but all this guy (wolf) is doing is quoting *verbatim* things that have been in the papers and on the radio (talksport- John Gaunt /James Whale). It's a joke! You say things that on the face of it seem ok, but u mix them up with idodic narrative. "I hate people who hate this country"...sounds reasonable (if not a 'chav')... But one u single out muslims two u mix it in with stuff you could find on www.bnp.org.uk. Its ridiculous, 'repatriation', 'them arabs', 'they come to *our* country'........... nutter I said, it's a joke. no... actually its not. Thank god people like this in the U.K when heard are generally cussed by intelligent people from whatever perspective they may be. But I say its no a joke because when debate, discourse is brought down to this basic unnaturally partisan level. When politicians forgo logic and pander to it (as happens now, but its not as wide spread thank god). u lose freedoms. It becomes easy to pass laws that say its illegal to say this,think this, wear this when you aim the laws at 'them'. agh, why am I talking to you? Your a sheep, i shouldnt be talking to you I should like shave you or something! I think your a troll to be honest.
  17. Being anti 'west' (whatever u mean by this anyways) does not make u a terrorist. If a white guy from this country thinks Israels creation was wrong he's a wacky liberal at most,if the same thing is said by a brown skin muslim....instant terrorist. Especially on skewed analysis of opinion polls. Anti-'west' does not equal pro killing people. "I think that perhaps a get with the programme or get out of the country strategy needs to be implemented. I know it may be extreme, harsh even, but when I see radical clerics and British born suicide bombers claiming dole i want to see something done about it." Now this shit is truly retarded. I mean this is the sort of reactionary nonsense that made me stop paying attention to domestic news. This should be on fox or sky news its that good. Well you do seem to accept that a British person can be Muslim (so your not all bad) but then u go on to say they should be repatriated? huh? Then in the next paragraph: For me the bottom line is if people from the Arab states want to move to this country then they have to be prepared to learn English and swear allegiance to this country. I think the best thing moderate Muslims can do is start taking our side instead of the extremist's and perhaps stop the divide. I mean what the fuk? "swear allegiance to this country"? Jeebus are you sure you don't work for a tabloid? and whats this 'take our side' shit? Its people;e like you that parrot crap like this you've heard of the radio that are on the wrong side. I believe this attitude is most dangerous. We need a 'war' on intolerance. In such a 'war' what side would u be on? In the explosions on the London subway system what side was the British (who happened to be a Muslim) girl that got killed on mate?
  18. wow... irc stalking.... even im scared...every we say is noted! :?
  19. I havnt used windows as my main os for a while but when i did i remember associating real player with ads and spam. Im sure i remember they used to phone home, jack your associations etc... Have they turned a new leaf or something? Maybe its down to the bbc..meh who cares MPlayer xine & vlc
  20. Its nothing new. The last three so called terror plots were a joke aswell. The scary thing is though this shit could happen to anybody. You could just get picked up, like that...and not heard off again. Like most of these guys will have had nothing to with any plot. Its disgusting. Remember when they shot that unarmed guy a few months back. Brown skin, muslim..the police were asking if he was a member of the KKK. Its keystone cops. Crazy. I dont think its MI5 or 6, its the special police units that are the worst. I mean, KKK?!! jeebus!
  21. this is freaky. I was going to start a thread like this. Ive got to research a rack. Nice one oh voice of god.
  22. ive been here. I had a releative who whenever i would go back to her computer it would be blue screening. No matter what I did the pop-ups would be there. So i did this: Installed zonealarm (I used this because it pre-selects shit like 'svchost.exe'), spybot (it intergrates with I.E and blocks 'bad stuff') and all the mozilla stuff. Then i moved the router near the computer and told her to plug this in when you want to use the internet. She forgot a few times but this worked. She actaully thinks of it in the same way as switching of the light to save power. meh, what do i care..i havnt been called up since. I know it goes against the point of having an always on connection..but..... *mecca-meh*
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