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Everything posted by wetelectric

  1. mmm i did wget it of the irc. ill see if i can host a torrent....but im not sure i should ...they use the term 'podcast'. And considering my mac-ism view,im not sure i should be spreading this...
  2. Linux is classed as PC. Not being a Linux user myself I wouldn't know... <snip-age> P.S. Sorry this pic just had to be posted... I haven't found anywhere else to use it yet. rofl
  3. oh man im getting two new flat mates aswell.im gna have the same problem... :( unless i find two really good people..... unlikely in 2 weeks :(
  4. im sure if u fly them all over,pay for they board and food. And do a good massage service....they might
  5. downloaded a few eps. Its quite funny actually. Although what the fuk are they dooing interviewing thr ROCK?
  6. i would hit that one 2nd from right with her mouth open like that...mm mmm :twisted:
  7. all the pics here (including mine!) involve guns and/or booze nice to know us hak-ules have our priorities straight. heh heh
  8. i found this helps: Once youve got the basics down. Just write a program. anything...say a lotto program. The first time you do it, the program will be a pile of shit. But once you've done it research ways of improving it. if u didnt use pointers use them, if your program has a big memory foot print reduce it...etc... I learnt a lot that way. I didnt really read half of the books these guys are talking about because my memory is shit, and i get bored easy. I got most of my shit from the web and other c coders. There's always a solution for problems on the web that you havnt thought about. Comparing and contrasting multiple solutions is excellent practise. meh, im a lazy c**t tho
  9. One of these guys is me <snippage>thats enough of me</snippage>
  10. Just watched this documentry on dvd. I thought: 'mmm theres no way this could be true'...then i downloadd some bill riley...... "crazy 'mericans!' heheh "shut up!" "flip flop" "some people say"
  11. yea, Formula one. it was fucking nuts.aint seen this since Nigel Mansal days. The guy got pole position aswell. so so funny.poor bastard
  12. hahahaha pissed. 20 yards from the finish-line his car blows up! hahahaha
  13. Street Fighter 2 turbo edition,plus Jackie chan=goodness. This brought back some fond memories. Its from a film called City Hunter (1993). This scene is still better than the travesty that was the Hollywood SF2 filmhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYweptE-dl0...20Video%20Games Directed by: Jing Wong Starring: Jackie Chan, Richard Norton http://timchuma.com/hkmovies/cityhunter.htm
  14. I be goin' t' root your box and use it as me own personal dwarf porn server.arrr! Me fellow perverts will thank ye! arrr!
  15. a live cd? nah. go for n00buntu (heh heh) A fully featured Desktop OS would be fun. But the questions arises: what would be new about it? er... i suppose media support could be supplied as default. Ive noticed on most O.S's one has to install the extra codecs,mplayer,vlc and xine media software after the install. SuSe provides a crippled version of the xine codec. Its shit tho no libdvdcss so no dvd support. Make switching between window managers more transparent. I believe suse had a drop down box where it would detect what window managers u had. They got rid of it tho b about version 9.3 intergrate the updates. most open source progs have a cvs or svn system. should be easy to allow an automatic install and upgrade. Like the bsd ports system. nick (babblefish: steal) the firewall from openBSD anything else?
  16. mine l33tZ00rz j004ll!!! heh heh im twelve Sparda's jonny 5 (well one of his evil robot doubles) avator.. nice.
  17. "and u wonder why people think the french are stuck up. " --- i did? "how on earth is any of that a lession on subtext." - subtext: content which is not announced explicitly by the characters (or author) but is implicit or becomes something understood by the reader / viewer as the production unfolds. ---wiki...meh work it out from that "i don't have the time to try and make you understand my poltical views, " --- i'm not sure you understand them dude. "[my political views] are weird and some whould say silly, " --- wow i'd love to hear (although it would be off topic) your wierd, wacky and I assume subversive political views! Im drooling at the prospect of having my limited view on existance and how to make a good egg nog blown away by your insight!!! Check it out, i'm siting at my computer in the traditional zen buddist meditation position waiting for the gift that is your knowledge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But please taking it slow and dont use too many big words!!!!! okay....... bending over now!!!!!!! be gentle!!! ok, im done now.
  18. meh, i'll give the show another go. ps. real good hip hop scene in France.
  19. Ive noticed a lot of drama on hak.5 at the moment. foxx & illya goin nuts, the price of pineapples going up, liono from thundercats gay scandel ......a lotta crazyness and i thought...."drama,what a good idea!" Title: "cellblock .5" or "THE YOUNG AND THE PACKETLESS" "the bold and the BIND" "DNSty" Cast: <hak5Darren> <evilserver> <hak5wess> <foxx> <ilya> <DarkSenay> <LuckyPhil> <Khipset> <wetelectric> <tomb> opening scene: its a cold dark windowless server room. The hum of the computer fans and AC form an electic symphoney..... <wetelectric> walks in and over hears a conversation between...... [carry on the story. 3lines per post :)]
  20. back on point: no the bottom line is, I judged one episode of his show, only one. I made that clear. I thought as you put it... it was a dumbed down show. Note, my use of the word 'show', it doesnt imply that Mr Stewart is stupid,or that he is not a "very smart very funny man" (im sure he would be touched by your man love) . I mean to give you a lesson in subtext, I stated that i was expecting an "intelligent show". Would that not indicate that i thought the gentleman would be intelligent? Would it be logical for me to expect an "intelligent show" from a man i thought to be an ass? mmm? I also did not say the show was there to"that the Daily Show only exists to make fun of the French". Ive read my previous posts and I am still unsure what particular point you were taking umbridge with. I mean, wtf...did you even read the posts?? Jesus.
  21. I’m not sure it’s “jingoistic anti french rubbish†when Paris was rioting for how long? and all because so little fuck ass decided to run from the cops and hide in an electrical sub-station. I’m sorry but that kid is a retard and no one it to blame for his death but him-self. Where I come from I was taught to say away from things that said danger high voltage. Also I think you’re missing the point of the show because he makes fun of everything not just the French; I mean how full of your-self are you to think that the Daily Show only exists to make fun of the French oh my, oh my. I am assuming you didn't see the program i was talking about. That explains this comment: "I’m not sure it’s “jingoistic anti french rubbish†when Paris was rioting for how long?" And if you believe the riots were "because so little fuck ass decided to run from the cops and hide in an electrical sub-station" i believe you should try and expand your news sources. While services such as fox,cnn etc have there place (that place can be debated heh heh), you try a news source that has a bit more of a world perspective. Such as the bbc worldservice (different from normal bbc services). Try the online streaming radio. It's good stuff. If you had you might realise the riots were bit more complex than the death of a "little fuck ass". Issues such as racism, the french economy, society (what is it to be french?, can you be muslim AND french?) , etc... But i digress. The program i saw was just "muss-lim this muss-lim that". No politcal comment. Nothing. Not intelligent. Perhaps you need to see what intelligent satire is: Try a torrent or wiki search for: Bremner Bird & Fortune Brass eye Yes Minster! The boondocks (there was an ep on the iraq war. Very good) Im afraid I don't know any decent U.S ones (due to the fact I dont watch much U.S tv). Although some of the stand-ups are really good. Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle for example. "I think you’re missing the point of the show because he makes fun of everything not just the French" Well as I said, i did only watch the one program. The description of it as "news satire thing" may have been incorrect. If the program does not satire the new the please tell me, what is it? "I mean how full of your-self are you to think that the Daily Show only exists to make fun of the French"--- This im afraid i have no idea where the fuck you got this from. ps. For all the old forum / irc members that know me: see I can be nice. pps. I did see Jon Steward on a cnn 'news' (note quotes) program. It was called cross talk i think. He done well there.
  22. <cfsuse_gloat> ha ha</cfsuse_gloat>
  23. yea, as a workstation suse is there. The xgl stuff is niceness. The cube shit made me wet myself. But i hope they realise they have to port this shit to open suse. or they will fuck up
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