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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Pretty sure the whole crew is in Vegas at the moment.
  2. No, those are the only two currently available, but if you see the module list here on the forums, the list is quite a bit larger. Think Seb or Darren have to click the accept button or something like that for them to be available to non-devs.
  3. U.fl plugs are fine, as long as you plug it in once and leave it the hell alone. Every one of us has multiple devices with them right now and no one's really complaining about it.
  4. I follow all the the Hak5 crew on Twitter, never miss a show!
  5. This comes up every few months. What the biggest problem you're going to run into is the local environment. What are the walls made of? What is on the walls that could affect the signal? What equipment/furniture is in the area that could affect the signal? How do you account for this? You also have to factor in signal bounce. Large mirrors are a problem. Had to install another access point at one client location because of mirrors. They have large mirrors in the restrooms and it was killing the signal. Owner was bummed out he couldn't read Facebook while "taking a break" in the restroom.
  6. Heh, wonder if the Hak5 crew needs to look around the warehouse for "extra" smoke detectors after the last couple pentest with Hak5 classes...
  7. I'm going to post inline with the wall of text of what I know, so here goes. Okay, if you can do an ifconfig and post it up here we can get you straightened out, but basically you want to statically set whatever ethernet adapter the pineapple shows up in kali to
  8. The location is in the main html file. When I get home I'll look it up and post, unless one of the other guys chime in. As for the logo, I copied it into the images folder.
  9. Doubt it. It will download all your data every time. For some of us, that's a shit ton of data!
  10. It's cool, just giving haze a hard time. Check out question-defense.com. One of the guys that runs the place is one of the Kali developers and does this for a living.
  11. Good thing you have a statement of work for your legal pentest then, right. RIGHT!!!
  12. There are a couple kismet threads in the MKV section, should be pretty much exactly the same. GPS is hooked up to the usb port of the pineapple, kismet natively supports usb gps receivers. Or you could install gpsd, which is kinda flakey, but there are scripts that would allow you to set the internal clock from the gps signal clock.
  13. I didn't make it, just printed it. Also don't have a yardstick to make one with.
  14. That's actually a really good idea. Does it also block on the secure wifi network?
  15. That's what google timeline does for you. It will even show you the pics or videos you shot that day. Really handy for work!
  16. Here's the file. There's another one on thingiverse, but it doesn't print very well. Raised letters with no way to support them. http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:602180 Definitely don't feel like I'm going to snap the thing in half now!
  17. Pretty sure the ap won't accept any requests from anything after the limit is reached.
  18. Also a good battery saver for those of us with oled phones. Black is off!
  19. Printed out a case, much better than the heat shrink tubing I had around it before! Pineapple Juice just to light up the leds. I know it won't work that way...
  20. A monitor mode device is just that. It's not transmitting anything, just listening, no probes, nothing.
  21. The SD might not, but the usb adapter will, which is what any sd card adapter will show up as in windows.
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