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Everything posted by Shaun

  1. So your defence of this part of the Bible is "it was the done thing at the time"? I'm not exactly sure how that is a defence. Are you saying because it was acceptable then that it's OK to have you your holy book? Would you saying this part of the Bible still applies to modern day life? If not how do you decide which parts of the Old Testament do still apply? Saul spared him, but then Samuel chopped him up. The adults may not have listened to God, but what about the babies? They didn't even have a chance to listen to God and they were still slaughtered. Even if it was understandable that they killed all the adults why couldn't they have taken the babies back with them and risen them as Israelites? I realise they don't say anything about sexual preference, I'm just trying to point out that they don't seem to provide a very good moral code to follow. Edit: You editted your post after I had hit quote (I went and did some other things while writing my post). Is this supposed to be addressed to me? Because I never said that the Old Testament doesn't apply.
  2. It may not say a man can beat his wife but it does say: So if a man has sex with his wife and hates her he can claim she wasn't a virgin when she married him, then if her father can't prove she was a virgin (with the bloody sheets from when she first had sex with her husband) then she is stoned the death. Also how does this fit into the Bible's morality? So God wants Saul to get revenge on the Amalekites by commiting genocide against them, including killing all infants and babies.
  3. Shaun

    I'm new...

    What? You can use it for server-side processing, desktop applications, tons of stuff. Bittorrent (the client you get from bittorrent.com) is written in Python. Obviously when you first start learning you can't do that much, but if you just go through the tutorials at the official Python site or read a book or something you should have a good grasp of how it works. After that you can learn more specialised things like Twisted if you want to do network stuff, or PythonWin or PyGTK to start making GUIs.
  4. What do you need the 1x1 image for? You could just send them to a blank page and it would show up in your logs. In fact even a non-existent page would get you their IP. Also another method is get them to send you an email, which will usually contain their IP in the headers. I believe Gmail doesn't include the IP in the headers (and obviously Hushmail doesn't) so if they use either of those that method won't work.
  5. Well if it's a standard magnetic stripe card there are devices to capture the information on them on-site for later cloning (which is a method of credit card fraud that things like the UK's Chip and PIN system or France's Carte Bleue system is designed to prevent - although Chip and PIN currently doesn't because they still have the mag stripes on in addition to the smartcard thing). I think these kind of devices are kind of costly though, and possibly illegal in some places.
  6. That is true, but of course couldn't you then argue that it doesn't make sense for a sexually infertile person to have a relationship with a person of the opposite gender? By themselves they can't have a baby, so is there no point? To me it seems that if they are two people who will bring up a child in a loving and stable environment it doesn't matter it they have the ability to sexually reproduce together. You say it's not natural, but we are natural animals, and we do it, therefore it is natural. Not only do we do it, but so do plenty of other animals, for instance penguins. Homosexuality has also been seen in monkeys, bears, various birds, dogs and lots of other animals. I remember a female rabbit my sister had years ago used to try to have sex with another female rabbit all the time. So, what do you mean by it isn't natural?
  7. Uhm, it really isn't that set in stone. That test doesn't prove there is no psychological difference between the sexes, it just shows they repsond the same to porn. There have bee numerous studies showing differences between men and women in things like memory and spatial awareness, and studies showing conflicting results to those. There certainly isn't the universal consensus among psycologists about the degree of difference to psychology that gender makes which you seem to imply. It is quite a hard thing to study because of course there are things like social and evironmental things that migth affect a certain gender more than the other. Edit: Another thing just occured to me. There are people who are born with ambiguous gender. That is they are partially male and partially female (it's called intersexuality if you want to look it up). Now until relatively recently doctors would try to "correct" this by assigning them to an abitrary gender (usually female since it's easier to make a vagina than a penis). HOWEVER although they were frequently brought up as that gender and never told they were sexually ambiguous at birth, a number of intersexuals didn't feel it was there correct gender. I remember reading about one case where an intersexual felt they were the wrong gender and threatened to commit suicide unless their parent would let them have a sex change (I think they were about 15), despite never having been told they had been surgically assigned a gender at birth. If males and females are psychologically identical that is a bit hard to explain, isn't it?
  8. 2 days!? How much did they take?
  9. I don't care as long as they don't shove it down my throat. Actually I love it when they shove it down my throat. (This is a joke in case anybody hasn't worked that out by now)
  10. Shaun

    Bad Ideas!

    Giving in to that urge to push people on your platform in front of passing trains.
  11. I hate the way you lump wrong and illegal together. There are plenty of things that are illegal which I wouldn't consider wrong (e.g. possession of most recreational).
  12. You can buy special faraday cage wallets now to store RFID stuff in. I don't really understand the point in putting RFID tags in everything, since they don't really provide any benefit in most cases and are quite easy to shield so they don't provide the governement with much tracking ability (not that they give much anyway unless they were to put RFID readers everywhere).
  13. Which pronunciation guide is that? It looks kind of like COD, but technolust in COD would be t?k'n?l?st rather that t?k'nó l?st, wouldn't it? Actually I'm not sure if that apostrophe is required, to me "no" doesn't sound like it has any more stress than "tech". To me it seems more like t?kn?'l?st I prefer IPA anyway in which I would say it is t?kno'l?st. Least interesting post ever? You decide...
  14. Shaun

    Bad Ideas!

    Murdering your family.
  15. Well I have always considered "dropping" something to mean taking it orally, mainly because people say dropping when referring to ecstasy pills. Usually LSD taken on a square of blotter paper doesn't have the LSD dropped on it, but it is usually prepared as a whole sheet soaked or sprayed with LSD then separated.
  16. No PC hardware, but I did make an amplifier produce a cracking noise and that burning electronics smell a month or two ago by accidentally wiring it up wrong.
  17. Duelus did you drop acid recently by any chance? Drop acid? You eat acid. You drop LSD. (LSD = Acid, but acid is already in or on something solid.) You know to drop something is just to take it by eating it or swallowing it, it's perfectly correct to say drop acid. Also LSD is exactly the same as acid, it doesn't have to be on a blotter or in a gel tab or anything to be acid, acid is just a slang name for LSD because LSD's full name is lysergic acid diethylamide. It's possible there's a regional use of acid just to refer to LSD that's in or on a something where you live, but I haven't encountered that before.
  18. You know if you are taking your pic in the mirror you should really light it with something other than a flash.
  19. NZ is also number 1 for frog sex.
  20. I would like to see a Google Trends Trends, that is the trends of what people are searching for on Google Trends.
  21. You're wrong, and you're a grotesquely ugly freak! Thanks. (umm, j/k and such) Also read the thread. No one every suggested sending any mailbombs or said that they were a good idea.
  22. You know no one said mailbombs are good, the one person who mentioned a PHP mailbomber said change it to send only 1 email so as to be more anonymous. I'm not sure why he said mailbomber though as there are plenty of scripts not designed as mailbombers that can also send email. You know it is quite easy to send pretty anonymous emails using something like Tor. There are a few attacks that can be used to try and figure out where Tor traffic came from, but I don't think they can be used retroactively. Although many Tor nodes block exiting on port 25 to stop spammers, that doesn't stop you using webmail.
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