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Everything posted by Shaun

  1. Well there is a wiki, but no one seems to put anything on that.
  2. It may also be you can boot the installer over LAN with no CD or anything using PXE, depends on your laptop.
  3. We said that it stood for WINE is not an emulator twice. Although I thought it originally stood for something else I think I was getting confused with PHP.
  4. I don't activate any Windows installations even though they have a valid key.
  5. Port scanning is often against ISPs' TOS as well, so you could get cut off.
  6. Darren's face is at the wrong angle so it just looks scary.
  7. You are never using torrents? Why?
  8. You should read the article entitled "Readers' Responses to Strip Out The Fans, Add 8 Gallons of Cooking Oil" which has a number of reaons this is a Bad Idea (also remember you have to drain the case every time you want to add/remove/replace a component).
  9. I think it would be a bit of overkill for torrenting. Why should you care if Bhutan knows what you are downloading?
  10. It seems unlikely it would conduct no electricity whatsoever. Also where does the heat go? Unless there is circulation and something like a radiator that sounds like very ineffective cooling. Edit: It also sounds difficult to competely seal a case (not to mention the fact that hard drives have small filtered holes in them to keep it's pressure balanced with the outside, that would probably mean the hard drive would get syrup in it, but maybe surface tension would stop such a viscous liquid getting in). Edit 2: Also I can't figure out what your sig is supposed to mean.
  11. Oh right, not on the same set of drives as far as I know.
  12. Aluminium isn't a metal? What is it then? A type of cork?
  13. What do you mean you can't mix and match RAID? My RocketRAID 2320 can support multiple arrays of different types simulatanously, although I've no idea how that affects the performance since I just run 1 RAID 5 array. For redundancy I would say RAID 5 is the best solution, RAID 1 has no option for expandability. RAID 5 gives you decent read performance, but write performance is reduced (usually) since it has to calculate parity data. RAID 6 could also be OK if you really can't take any chances with losing the data, but the cards are more expensive and you lose another drive's worth of space.
  14. Really? Or are you being sarcastic there?
  15. Web keys? You mean WEP? Well I would guess they would use WPA rather than WEP, which is much harder to crack (unless they use a poor PSK or something, although I doubt they would use a PSK unless it's a small school).
  16. Plus sometimes the filters are really bad, at the college I went to I remember we were supposed to be researching various network types and when trying to go to this article I got a page saying it was blocked. Of course I could get around it using the web proxy with TLS I had, but most of the people in that class weren't that tech savvy (despite it being an IT class) so it could have actually affected their ability to do their work. So sometimes there are legitimate reason to want to get around web filters.
  17. Erm, no. I don't know if you were looking for a yes there, but it isn't stealing. It may be a patent infringement, but it isn't stealing. I would agree with that. The analogy is pretty much the closest thing you are going to get as a real life comparison. Obviously you can't copy tangible things as you can with data. It's Apple who is screwed, but it still isn't stealing. Again, I guess it would be patent infringement. No it isn't. It's copyright infringement. Yes, stealing is a crime. But this isn't stealing, it's copyright infringement, which is also a crime. But they aren't the same thing. I'm not sure why people insist on calling it stealing, it certainly wouldn't by prosecutable as under any theft/larceny laws I know.
  18. You know I said almost exactly the same thing up there ^.
  19. And does it come with the endorsement of a former boxing champion?
  20. Ah, nice to see the noob spikes are elevtrically heated.
  21. Why would anyone wear those on their teeth? Oh yeah, I'd really like to look like a Bond villain.
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