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Everything posted by Shaun

  1. If only someone had somehow combined fixed wings and jet engines.
  2. Shaun


    Filename completion (you know, when you type a partial file name, hit tab and it completes it).
  3. It could be done for just your own LAN, but no one else could see it so it would be a bit pointless.
  4. actually Peanuts aren't nuts, they're legumes, like onions and chives. nuts are dried fruit seeds. No, they aren't, nuts (in the botanical sense) are a hard fruit with a seed in them. In the context of food some nuts are seeds, but not all of them.
  5. So does no one else put their sensitive files on a USB flash stick, put it in a condom and then store that in their sigmoid colon?
  6. Shaun


    Oxford isn't the best university for technology in the UK, Imperial College London is. MIT is usually rated top in the world, with UC Berkley, IIT (Indian Institutes of Technology) and Imperial usually coming somewhere after.
  7. The implementation itself (i.e. the code) can be copyrighted. Richard Stallman has ualked about a lot of the problems with software patents (or software idea patents as he likes to call them) and you can read on of his speeches on the subject here.
  8. Shaun

    OS X

    Well, that's a sensible rule, but I think sometimes people get a bit self-righteous on this forums (which is something I never do, uhuh ) over warez.
  9. Shaun

    OS X

    I do. Well, not really, but the parroting of "winners don't do warez" on this forum all the time kind of grates. I'm think most of the people who say it do actually do warez, I know I do sometimes. Also that pithy phrase doesn't really take into account the different socio-economic situations around the world, where paying full price for a copy of software is perhaps a lot more than in rich developed countries. Even within the EU there is a big disparity between some of the older western members and the newer eastern members. That's irrelevant in my case, since I'm from the UK but it's something to consider. I'm just not really for it or against it, since a lot of it depends on who makes the software, what it costs, and who the person downloading the software is. There's definitely no way in hell I'm ever going to pay over £500 for Photoshop since I don't use it very much - it's just nice to have when I occasionally want to do some photo manipulation or something, but I pay for software from smaller companies providing I think they aren't overcharging for their software.
  10. I wasn't really responding to you VaKo, I was responding to W4RP3D's "all poor people are dole scum" implication. I can only guess at the reason some poor people might spend their money on stuff like TVs and expensive clothing, perhaps it's a show of wealth of sorts - sort of like striving to either be or look like how they perceive richer people are/look so as to prove they can have the same things... or something. I'm not sure that sentence made sense.
  11. Hah, that's funny, they remain commited. Why did they support software patents when the directive to allow them was in front of the European Parliament then? It probably would have gone through if it wasn't for Poland.
  12. That isn't film, it's magnetic tape. I'm kind of suprised that works actually, since it's not really designed to have any particularly useful optical properties, whereas photographic film is designed to react to light (but presumeably not IR, which is what makes it useful).
  13. I know that post is like 2 months old, but I just started reading these forums again. Does that confuse anyone else? I tend to think of the US as one of the least metrificated countries. Certainly less so that the UK, where food legally has to be sold in metric measurements (except beer and milk) and all measurements taught in schools are metric (although road measurements are still in miles and yards; in theory we will change to km some time in future to conform with the rest of the EU, I know Ireland did in 2005).
  14. Deadoll07 smash! Got a hammer?
  15. That site is a joke. Sparda showed me that site a year or 2 ago and it was obviously a joke to me, but some people don't realise it is. http://adequacy.org/special/faq.html
  16. No, it says the black part of a film negative. You know, the things you get back along with your photos when you take them on normal 35mm film which you have to take to be developed.
  17. As far as I can tell on that page, the only dark shot was the keyboard, and you'd probably want to be able to see farther than 10cm away. Edit: Assuming that is the aim, just an IR camera for situations when there is light is still pretty cool.
  18. Well I have tried that before, I had 12 IR LEDs, but I still didn't get much out of them, I think maybe if one were to use a lens and/or parabolic reflector you might get a more focussed and more effective beam of light.
  19. A normal webcam isn't likely to be very well designed to pick up the IR light you'll naturally have radiated from hot things either. You can take the IR filter off some webcams to make them pick it up a bit better, but I still doubt you'll see anything in a dark room. (As moonlit said in the post above he posted as I was writing this, you'll need a source of IR illumination, I think moonlit may have been joking when he suggested using a remote IR LED for night vision (if that's what he was suggesting), it's not very powerful).
  20. Shaun

    Call 4 Help

    You could almost certainly have just run sshd on that machine as well, but if you use the startup script it makes things a bit nicer as it writes the pid to a known file which allows the system to shut down or restart processes properly among other things.
  21. Mitnick never had a trial, he signed a plea bargain. Also I think singling out Palestinians as the bad guys in the Israel-Palestine conflict is pretty one sided. And what's wrong with sodomy (as you call it, although it has certain connotations)?
  22. because they have to get rid of there money in there bank account so the goverment gives them more Yeah, those poor people are all scum. Why can't they earn lots of money like everyone else? :roll:
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